
Heavenly Dao Child

Once upon time a wise man had said, “All men and women are born equal.” Well he lied, no one is born equal if it were so people would not be envious, would not desire harm on each other, especially HIM. Him, who is the envy of many, the goal of others, the object of hatred, the object of love and lust of countless, since he first took his breath. No matter what everyone wishes of him he stood tall and surpassed and flourished no matter what challenges and tribulations stood in his way he broke through them since he first opened his eyes to gaze at the world. The wise man is a liar, after all how can all men and women are equal when the Heaven’s itself decreed him to be It’s most favorite and beloved child.

SagelyDaoist · 玄幻
569 Chs

Returning back to Ayindril (Part-4)

Kangjon Su-Min stepped out of the flying vessel as a large plethora of musical instruments began to play to welcome her return with hundreds of people stood in attention as a few excited ones even began to clap with great enthusiasm.

She spared a small glance towards them with a small smile while inwardly she was scowling, 'Vultures, all of them, even if they hid their true face with a smile, I was not born yesterday to be duped by them.'

She swiftly made her way to the throne room where her parents sat at the highest of seats, Su-Min then kneeled in front of them as she spoke without any emotion in her voice, "Royal Father, I have returned from the expedition."

"A rather disgraceful return, hmph, from the looks of it you did not make it very far."