
Chapter 31: Skye

##Chapter 31: Skye

"Holy cannoli, he really said all that?" Lanie stops in her tracks as we maneuver our way across campus, and the girl walking behind us plows into her.

"What the hell, dude," the emo chick grumbles, giving Lanie a nasty look as she walks around her.

"Oh, calm down," my bestie huffs, glaring at the girl. Lanie isn't afraid to make waves. "And FYI-get your eyes checked. I'm not a dude!"

The girl swings back around and flips us the bird before disappearing into the crowd of early morning traffic.

"Well, that was uncalled for," Lanie grumbles. "People need to calm the fuck down and get some manners."

I grab Lanie's hand and yank her along before anyone else can crash into us. We don't need to start our Tuesday morning off with a fight.

"Dammit, I knew you were holding out on me!" Lanie shoots me a steely look before stabbing a finger in my direction. "I knew it!"


"I'm going to stop you right there," she snaps, plowing a fist into my bicep.