
Chapter 30: Skye

##Chapter 30: Skye

Why won't he go away and leave me alone?

I bob in the water, watching Hunter from twenty yards away. I knew he wouldn't wade in after me. He's hated the ocean ever since his parents died. I had assumed he would hang around for a couple of minutes before getting bored and taking off. Instead, he plunked himself down in the sand. What's worse is that he doesn't show any signs of leaving. When I dived in thirty minutes ago, the water had felt invigorating. Now my fingers are pruney, and my teeth are chattering.

I'm cold.

If Hunter hadn't shown up, my swim wouldn't have lasted more than fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, he tried ordering me around like he has the right to tell me what to do.

I don't think so.

I'll be damned if I let Hunter Price dictate anything in my life. He's been a total jackass since I've returned home.