
Harry Potter: The New Dark Lord Shelby

In an unexpected twist, Artel finds himself thrust into the world of Thomas Michael Shelby. But fate takes a sharp turn on Artel's eleventh birthday when an encounter with an owl shatters his reality by revealing the Harry Potter's world to him. No longer solely focused on restoring the Razor Party and the Shelby family's glory, Artel's ambitions darken. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for power, he sets his sights on not just becoming a godfather, but a true Dark Lord. His journey begins with the Ring of Power from the Lord of the Rings saga, a sinister artifact that ultimately leads to the resurrection of Sauron himself. Additional Tag: Necromancer, Dark Lord ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: patreon.com/KittyLovesMilk ======= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · 电影同人
153 Chs

Potion Heist

"Unfortunately, it's clear that fame is not enough."

Snape sneered and returned to the podium. Malfoy and his cronies chuckled at this, while Harry wore an expression of displeasure, though he didn't voice it.

Snape then noticed Hermione, who had her hand raised, and said, "Artel, you answer my question."

Artel stood up, and Hermione's lips twitched in disappointment but then shifted her gaze to Artel, hopeful for his response.

"Of course, Professor Snape. Crush the snake fangs, add the venom, and then stir counterclockwise until the potion turns turquoise.."

"Bezoar can be found in the stomach of goats and is a potent antidote. monkshood and wolfsbane? Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant. Monkshood is a common name, and wolfsbane is the more colloquial term used in potion-making."

Artel then sat back down, and Snape regarded him with satisfaction, a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"Artel's answer is absolutely correct! Slytherin earns ten points."

With that, Snape turned his attention back to Hermione.

"Perhaps Miss Granger also knows the answer, but... take a lesson from Artel sitting next to you. Don't be so eager to display your knowledge!"

Hermione began to respond but was gently restrained by Artel beneath the table. Consequently, she chose to remain silent.

Satisfied with her silence, Snape continued with the class.

This particular lesson covered the preparation of a simple boil-healing potion, utilizing basic ingredients like dried nettles, powdered snake fangs, slugs, and porcupine quills.

As the students followed their textbooks to brew the potion, Snape, donned in his black robe, stalked the classroom like a shadowy figure.

Periodically, Snape would halt behind Gryffindor students, silently observing them until their nerves were frayed. He then moved on without a word.

By the end of the class, Artel was awarded

another ten points for perfectly brewing the potion. Malfoy received five points for his impeccable slug preparation.

However, Gryffindor lost a whopping thirty points. Aside from Neville's clumsy mishap that incurred a ten-point deduction, the rest were due to Snape's unnerving scrutiny, leading to errors born out of sheer anxiety.

Even though Hermione managed to brew the potion successfully, Snape identified a few flaws and shortcomings, resulting in her receiving no extra points.

"No wonder Slytherin has won the House Cup in the past," Artel remarked after witnessing Snape's teaching style. He realized that Snape's formidable reputation was well-deserved, and there was no falsehood in the legends circulating about him at Hogwarts.

"I can't stand Professor Snape," Hermione confessed as they left the classroom.

"He's quite unreasonable, isn't he? It seems like he's singling out Gryffindor," she added.

"Perhaps, but he is the Head of Slytherin House, after all," Artel replied, understanding that Snape's loyalty lay with his own house.

Artel held a deep respect for Snape, primarily because of Snape's unwavering love and dedication to Harry's mother, Lily. Snape's enduring love and the powerful words he spoke to Dumbledore about always loving Lily left a lasting impression on Artel.

Hermione, on the other hand, seemed less enamored with Snape and wasn't afraid to express her opinion.

"I think you must really like him. With his help, you'll probably earn more House points than I will," Hermione remarked with a touch of sarcasm as she tugged Artel toward the library.

"Library again?" Artel sighed, feeling overwhelmed by Hermione's constant desire to study.

"You don't want to go?" Hermione turned to him, her eyes gleaming with a hint of danger.

"To be honest, not really," Artel admitted. He considered going to the library a waste of time when he could be refining potions or studying Saruman's experimental notes in his dormitory.

Hermione stared at Artel for a moment, then sighed softly.

"Fine, fine. I know you're not a fan of reading. I'll go by myself."

Hermione let go of Artel's sleeve and headed toward the library stairs. Artel watched her walk away and called out softly, "Let's have lunch together!"

"I know!" Hermione waved happily in acknowledgment and continued on her way.

With Hermione gone, Artel made his way to Snape's office in the basement. He lingered outside, invisible, waiting for the right moment.

After about half an hour, Snape finally emerged from his office, and Artel slipped inside while Snape was closing the door.

Snape's office contained a private storage room where he kept various potion ingredients. Some of these materials were exceptionally valuable and not easily obtainable in the market. Bringing them to Knockturn Alley could lead to dark wizards vying for them.

Artel surveyed the office and quickly identified the entrance to the private storage room. Though the wooden door was locked with a spell, it posed no challenge for Artel.

Hermione had sneaked into this room during her second year to steal ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion. Even Barty Crouch Jr. and Dobby had managed to infiltrate it at various times.


With a simple unlocking spell, Artel opened the door to the storeroom filled with precious materials. He couldn't help but marvel at how easily he gained access.

"Seems like I should give Professor Snape a warning. I'll thoroughly sweep this place and then notify Professor Snape to enhance the security of the storage room to prevent others from sneaking in and stealing valuable items."


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