
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

Zeroz7 · 电影同人
60 Chs

Danger awaits even the most prepared

Bloom: "I can't tell you. It's not because I don't trust you, but Extimum told me that I shouldn't tell anyone without his permission, but I can tell you that such a secret has great relevance to the great ancient families".

"That's why, to avoid trouble, I must pretend to be an ordinary fairy, at least until we can hide it completely or have the strength to defeat every threat, after all, you can't hide who you are forever, right?"

Bloom momentarily showed a lonely and sad look.

A look that Hermione returned, causing the atmosphere to drop into a sad mood.

However, Bloom quickly erased that expression and then smiled softly, her gaze briefly focusing on a coat hanging on the rack before looking back at Hermione.

Bloom was of course strong, but she was still quite far from the pinnacle of this world and even there, she could still be defeated if she was overwhelmed by too many numbers, numbers that more than just count, were truly significant.

And it is that, you could not underestimate any of the nine ancient families.

Although they were mostly all currently simple wealthy families and business tycoons, with some even living quite secluded from the community and reducing the impact of their existence, , but they were all fearsome existences worthy of the most terrible and frightening stories of antiquity.

Even the most peaceful and friendly ones were not exempt from having a point in their history where they showed their true darkness and terror to the world.

After finishing talking about that matter, Bloom and Hermione began to talk about more common and pleasant topics.

Hermione took the opportunity to quench many of her doubts through Bloom, while Bloom reciprocated by talking about many things with great emotion.

It was a very nice experience for her to be able to talk to someone else, because apart from some written conversations with Luna or when she was with Extimum, she used to hardly get a chance to talk to someone, so she was very enthusiastic during the conversation.

They were so into it, they missed when Extimum came back and put the food on the table by his desk.

It was not until their stomachs began to growl at the tantalizing aroma of food that they stopped talking and went to eat.

Extimum had simply sat down to eat in silence while watching them in such a cheerful mood, especially Bloom who had hardly had any chances like this.

Extimum: 'Having close people with whom you can talk and share is more important than it seems'.

Smiling slightly, he took out a book to read after his breakfast, while he left them to do their things. He was not worried about Bloom saying too many things. She still had a sense of discretion and he trusted her.


Two weeks passed quickly from that day.

Things were a bit awkward the first few days for Hermione, but soon after that, she got used to it.

Extimum had been true to his word, making sure that both food and class notes were always on time, so Hermione did not have to neglect her studies.

In addition, Extimum had not bullied her again in this time and had been pretty respectful of her space in general. Therefore, it was a pretty peaceful coexistence.

In her studies she might even have gotten some improvement from reading the unorthodox notes of Extimum.

Where he not only exposed the basic content that was requested, but having had time to re-study it, he could begin to add new insights or his own discoveries that he made in his own research on the subject.

Likewise, Extimum had left his small personal library at her disposal and also brought her books of interest that she requested, added to the fact that Bloom was quite talkative, it was not boring days at all for her.

However, outwardly, some not-so-kind rumours were beginning to spread among certain students. Not that it would have mattered too much, because the character of Extimum was widely known and therefore such rumours did not gain much strength.

But, there were some students who hadn't learned their lesson before and they was trying to fan the flames of discord. Because it was no secret that although Extimum and Hermione's relationship was just friends, it was quite special in itself, so his display of complete indifference and insensitivity to her situation was quite disconcerting to everyone.

And although such things normally wouldn't matter to others, but lately, Extimum felt that it had inexplicably become more popular among the students.

Even Steve mentioned it to him with no little confusion at the sudden change.

But whoever was trying to play tricks on him, they don't consider, that given Extimum's ability, making him more famous would only help him more easily control those same masses.

On the other hand.

Extimum had not immediately delivered the mandrake extract. Doing so would have been too suspicious.

Therefore, he had decided to wait a few days and had just delivered it yesterday.

With that said, he had still decided to hand it over on behalf of Mitchell's family, who had adamantly refused to take credit until he told him that he would trap him in an illusion with cyclops goats if he continued to refuse.

And while it wasn't like the merit was bad for the Shadowless family, but since he knew who was mostly behind this, he decided to step back at the last moment and maintain the facade of neutrality, especially now that he was using the help of the Malfoy house.

Originally, he had planned to deliver it only a few days later, but after analyzing certain things, he had decided to postpone it for a longer time.

And that consideration had been to put some pressure on Harry and Ron. He had even gone to the trouble of asking the school to keep the fact that they had obtained the mandrake extract a secret until at least the time the petrified students recovered.

Well, at least from the other students, the parents of said students of course could not remain ignorant of such good news.


Extimum: "The day after tomorrow you will be able to return to your normal life, since you will be officially depetrified".

Hermione: "That's great, I already want to be able to go out and go to class by myself".

Bloom: "Hmp. To think that our hospitality was so easily dismissed".

Hermione: "Oh Bloom, don't say that. You and Extimum were so good to me and I'm really grateful. It is just you know, I want to be able to go out again too. Being cooped up in here all the time gets boring too".

"Also, I promise I'll try to find opportunities for us to continue talking".

Bloom: "Okay, I'm just bothering you, naturally I know you want to be able to go out. I'd get bored too if I had to be in one room all the time".

Extimum: "Anyway, there are still at least two days left, so you can still talk freely together".

Bloom: "Oh, I know. Why don't we bring Hermione with us on our overnight flight? It would serve as a farewell activity, plus we haven't gone out in a few weeks and it would be a good experience".

Hermione: "Night flight? Do you leave the castle at night? Although I don't remember you having a broom or ever seeing you with one, Extimum".

Extimum: "And I don't have".

Hermione: "So…"

Bloom: "You'll know when it's time". Bloom said placidly, while imitating Extimum's voice.

Extimum: "... Whatever". Extimum just rolled his eyes and sat at his desk, as he started to look at one of his notebooks.

Bloom: "Okay, I'll leave you alone for now, Hermione. I already promised to meet up with Luna to help her look for some narglos or something".

Extimum: "It's nargles".

Bloom: "Yeah, that. Fine, see you later". Bloom didn't delay and then flew out of the room.

Hermione: "What's a nargle?"

Extimum: "...Although I could answer your question, I think Luna could explain it to you better than me. You can try to ask her in two days".

Hermione: "But…I've never really talked to her directly. I think I've even only spoken to her once or twice and that was mostly when she was around you".

Extimum: "Then all the more reason you should. That way you can meet her and become friends with her. Although maybe...given you very different personalities, that's a bad idea. Well, at least try to meet her first".

Throwing herself onto the bed, Hermione leaned back lazily.

She could almost say that the last few days were the calmest and most relaxed that she had had since she had entered Hogwarts and all that, without having to put aside her studies.

Hermione: "Hey, Extimum…why don't you tell me a bit about your family? When I was talking to Bloom, I realized I don't really know much about you or your family. All I know is what I've heard or seen". Hermione spoke from her comfortable position lying on the bed, as she turned and rested her face in her hands and looked at Extimum's back.

Extimum: "About me and my family? Why the sudden interest?" Stopping his hand, Extimum dropped the quill onto the stand next to the inkwell as he asked.

Hermione: "It's nothing special, I'm just curious. So far, I only have Ron's parents for reference and what I've read in the books, but what's it like to be part of a magical noble family? Do they really live in big haunted mansions?".

Hermione was really curious. Although she had had the opportunity to share with people and read a lot about the wizarding community, there were still many things she didn't know about and wizarding families were especially one of them.

And since each family was different unto itself, along with Ron's family not exactly being the ideal image of lore, she didn't have many references.

Hearing her question, Extimum fell silent for a moment and then turned his chair, facing Hermione.

Meeting her gaze full of curiosity, Extimum thought for a moment and finally answered.

"A magical noble family... Well, maybe it's not really that different from what you may have read or believed. Noble families get their title primarily due to their antiquity, heritage, blood purity, achievements, and lastly, for representing a pillar of the magical community to which they belong since its establishment

Some call us old-fashioned, but it's simply because they don't understand our customs and traditions. Although I would admit that, there are certain things that really need to be changed, but others, even if they look and/or are bad, should not be touched.

Because beyond their appearance, they not only contain everything we stand for, but they also have a deeper motive and in occasions, secrets, behind their reasoning.

That is why the general law does not have much to interfere with when it comes to the internal rules and traditions of each family.

Tradition and custom are part of our culture and culture is part of who we are.

There are both good and bad things about it, it all depends on what you choose to watch.

But, coming back to a more personal view.

Since I was little, I have been educated to know the etiquette and customs of the magical world; the correct way to relate to all kinds of people; the inner workings of the economy and politics and, above all.

I have been instilled with the dignity and pride that not only belongs to a noble family, but also for being part of the house to which I belong.

There is no need for things like brainwashing, it is as simple as listing the achievements of our ancestors and the responsibility to continue with that vision that made us what we are today.

Out of respect. For pride. For belonging and, above all, for ourselves, so that one's work and effort may today be the pride and strength of our children and their children's children.

There are some of course, do not understand this responsibility.

They think that in reality, such responsibility is just chains that bind them, that prevent them from being free and independent. They are just short-sighted who do not understand the difficulty and effort it takes to get where we are.

They want freedom, but they don't know that no one in this world is truly free. Their savagery and idealism is nothing more than a passing joy, because when the time comes.

Whether they are tired or have a reason to seek stability, because they have found something to love or protect, they will find that there is no place for them in the world and achieving such stability is nothing but a path full of difficulties.

And, even so, I am sure that there will be more than one who will be willing to cross it with a smile on their face, because the price of maintaining their ideals has come and alas to those who are not steadfast, because the way back paints a sad landscape and the edge of the road a bottomless abyss.

Well, saying all that is a bit of an exaggeration in itself in some cases, given that in life there are always new opportunities for the attentive or the lucky, but it is not a malicious and untrue exaggeration either.

I am one of those who believes that there is always a path in the middle and although this path is not so different in itself compared to the previous one in difficulty, but, if the cards are played well, it is not difficult to obtain the best of both worlds without discard or lose anything along the way.

For this reason, carrying the responsibility by birth and the wild but faithful aspirations to our hearts is not something impossible.

It is just knowing how to find the balance or which card to play first so that at the end of the entire journey, the results are as good as the naive fantasy that many want.

Of course, if you achieve something like that, the results would be much more satisfying and stable at the end of all that, although, of course, that is on the premise that you don't lose yourself along the way.

Changing the subject.

I'm not what you'd call a blood supremacist, but I won't lie that there isn't a bit of arrogance and thus underestimation towards our non-magical counterparts.

There is no wizard born into a wizarding family who does not, even if they don't want to admit it.

Well, that's enough of the philosophical rants from the wizarding world".

Extimum turned his gaze to Hermione and found that she seemed to be staring off into space, deep in thought.

It seemed that his words had more than broadened Hermione's understanding of this magical world that she hadn't been long into entering.

But just as he was ready to get back to his business, Hermione spoke again in a thoughtful tone.

Hermione: "There are a number of things that I may not understand right now, but your words have really given me a new perspective that I haven't seen before".

Extimum: "You'll understand over time, at least if you want to stay in the magical world".

Hermione: "Yet you haven't told me anything about yourself yet".

Extimum: "Eh… Well, what do you want to know?".

Hermione: "I don't know. What is your family like? You never mention them, nor have I ever heard you speak of them".

Extimum: "My family… I wouldn't say I find the subject very much to my liking, but I don't mind sharing it if you want to know either. Where do I start… Well, my father's name is Callum. He's a complicated man… quite busy too and maybe a 'little'… cold.

Since he keeps himself very busy, I don't see him very often. He works in the Department of International Wizarding Cooperation, in the office of wizarding law, and is an active member of the Wizengamot.

My mother is not really very different from my father. Her name is Ava. She does not work, but spends her time mostly helping out at my father's job and occasionally taking his place and attending multiple meetings or political gatherings.

To a certain extent, we could say that she is something like his secretary, but she also acts as the head of the house instead of my father in certain situations.

Besides them, I also have an aunt and an uncle on my father's side, but I don't see them very often and they don't live with us. They are each responsible for the administration of a part of the family.

With them gone, only the family's guardian beast remains, although you could also just say it's a pet.

It's a shadow shapeshifter, a very rare species in modern times, in fact, they must be incredibly rare to see, if they exist at all out there.

But my family has been in charge of protecting and caring for them for generations, so they are a representative creature of our family, almost a symbol.

If you're curious about it, you can try looking it up in books, but it must be in ancient bestiaries, most current ones don't include it anymore given how incredibly rare it is to come across one.

Added to the fact that they are generally not aggressive, so maybe if you don't find it in the old ones, maybe in the mythological or extinct creatures you will get some reference.

But, back to my family.

Our area of specialty is quite broad in the wizarding community, due to the great diversity in our family and our numbers.

Therefore, we have several commercial establishments or stores under the name of my family.

My family is mainly engaged in the export and import of goods.

Despite what you might think, it's not that easy to move certain goods between different wizarding communities, especially if it's in large quantities. Many of them have great restrictions and require a lot of paperwork for their export and/or import".

'Or well, at least that's what my family is supposed to be in the public eye. Because putting aside that we are the current family with the most votes in the Wizengamot since the founding families of Hogwarts died out, the real business of my family has been and will be for generations, information and murder.

Being the information area our main specialization given the natural decline of modern times to the use of assassins'.

Hermione: "Wow, your family is more amazing than I thought". Hermione commented in surprise, as she considered certain things that Extimum had mentioned.

She felt that there was something wrong somewhere, but since Extimum hadn't shown much emotion and had been rather superficial in some parts of his description, she couldn't tell at that precise moment where the problem was.

Extimum: "Heh, well, it's not that big of a deal, but let's put my family aside. Why don't you tell me more about yours now?"

Hermione: "Huh… But I've already told you everything there is to know. My family and parents aren't wizards, so, it's a pretty normal family… Well, pretty normal by non-magical standards".

Extimum: "So what about you?"

Hermione: "About me?" Hermione asked blankly.

Extimum: "Yes… No, better forget it. If you want you can sleep for a while, we usually go out at 10pm at night and we are out for an hour or two".

Hermione: "Okay".

Hermione again sensed that there was something else behind Extimum's words, but since he cut the subject off, she didn't feel too sure about bringing it up again.



A sudden cry full of surprise and panic was heard from the outskirts of the castle.

Today's night was especially dark and cloudy, with almost no sign of the moon visible in the sky.

Just the faint trace of the hidden glow, creating a dim gloom that made it dimly visible.

Hidden within all that darkness and occasionally visible under the gloom, a dark shadow was seen flying at full speed high up in the sky.

And in a moment of special lucidity, the nature of the shadow could be dimly glimpsed.

It was a flying sword that carried two shadows above it and moved particularly quickly.

It was only when the sword finally flew higher and broke through the cloud cover that covered the sky, that the figures on the sword became clearly visible.

Sitting on the surface of the sword blade were Extimum and Hermione.

Although, in a more detailed view, it would be noticeable that Bloom was hidden in Extimum's hair, while Hermione hugged him tightly and closed her eyes trying to appease her panic.

The sword flew a little higher and finally stopped, floating horizontally in a cloud-free area.

Extimum: "You can open your eyes now".

Hermione: "N-no, I'll fall".

Bloom: "Trust us, you won't fall off. The sword can expand to have enough room to sit comfortably on it".

Hermione didn't reply, but after a few seconds, she finally opened her eyes. Tentatively narrowing her eyes at first, but the more she looked, her gaze grew wider and wider, calm slowly replacing her earlier panic.

Her gaze was greeted with the splendour of the nightscape high in the sky.

Below them was a mostly dark sea of clouds that stretched as far as the eye could see, while overhead was a dark, twinkling sky full of stars, splendidly framing the moon that hung high in the sky.

While a soft and slightly warm breeze passed by, shaking some of her hair.

Hermione: "It's beautiful". Hermione's face lit up and her eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the magnificent night view.

The brightness in her eyes did not escape the gaze of Extimum who was watching her from behind her and even if her eyes did not contain even a ten thousandth part of the brightness of the stars in the sky. Extimum found them much brighter and more attractive than any of the stars in the night sky.

However, his gaze didn't stay too long on it and he turned his sight in another direction.

Aside from some activities he did with Bloom on the nights they went out flying, it was mainly a place he liked to come to think. Perhaps because of the influence of the calm atmosphere and the view of the vastness of the starry sky.

So, while Bloom and Hermione were distracted looking at the stars in the sky, his gaze, instead, found hisself taking in the surrounding dark clouds, lost in thought.

His state of mind had been much calmer and more relaxed these last few weeks. Beyond the fact that he enjoyed Hermione's company so closely every day.

His main relief was that the pendant had been working perfectly, given that even with Hermione so close to him, he hadn't felt anywhere near freaking out or the slightest bit uncomfortable.

Even now, when Hermione hadn't yet disengaged from the embrace she was holding him in, he didn't feel uncomfortable.

Apart from that, he had felt some small changes in his body.

His blood and physique seemed to strengthen by a small amount after each night he spent and slept near Hermione.

Luckily though, the changes this time around weren't of the mostly visible to the naked eye type and instead, were of a more subtle and internal nature.

A change that, although for the most part imperceptible, did not go unnoticed by Bloom, who with her great closeness and connection with Extimum, could feel those small and discreet changes.

Based on them and their gut feeling, Extimum had made an approximation and concluded that, with their current progress, it was very possible that the evolution of his bloodline would be completed by the beginning of the next year, counting the fact that Hermione would be gone in two days.

Once the evolution was over, he would no longer need to be so adamant about being close to Hermione.

In fact, Extimum had hoped that by having Bloom, his evolution could speed up or even become independent from Hermione.

But it had been beyond his expectation that because Bloom was bound to him by contract, something between their union had changed a certain aspect between their essences and magic, so that, within the standards of their lineage, they seemed like a single individual or two different, but with an equal nature.

Resulting in the expected reaction not occurring, because the chemical and magical reaction required a substantial difference between their natures, in order to generate a certain shock.

On the other hand, it hadn't been a bad thing either, he still had Hermione around. Furthermore, he had learned that his and Bloom's essential natures were similar, which was knowledge that, if used well, could bring certain advantages.

However, even if he was no longer affected, he still found strangely, that the sight, smell and taste of Hermione caused in him some attraction of a rather primitive character, but Extimum was not a beast and such a feeling could only be considered as that, an attraction.

So the latter had long ceased to be a concern for him.

Leaving nothing but recurring ramblings occasioned by the enticing fragrance of hazelnuts wafting faintly from Hermione to his nose.

Hermione: "I didn't know you could get such a clear and magnificent view of the stars".

Extimum: "Very tempting…".

Hermione: "What?"

Extimum: "Oh, nothing, I was just thinking to myself. But to think, a moment ago you were screaming in fear for me to come down and now you look so placid".

Hermione: "Hmp, that was your fault. We had barely made it out of the castle when you carried me up on your sword, just to then fly off into the sky at top speed. I didn't even have anything to hold on to, so how am I not supposed to be alarmed?".

Bloom: "That's because flying swords work differently than brooms. Their surface has its own gravity and unless the controller wants it to, even if you're upside down, you won't fall".

Hermione: "But I didn't know, I didn't even know there were flying swords…".

Extimum: "Anyway, now that you're used to it and you're not scared, we can start the night flight".

Hermione: "Aren't we flying already?".

Bloom: "Yeah, but we only go up here. We usually fly around the castle or even go to Hogsmeade. We also do sword tricks or just count stars or try to find constellations".

As Bloom spoke, the sword began to move forward slowly, gradually increasing in speed with each second, as if giving Hermione time to mentally prepare for the next full-speed dash to come.

Hermione: "Ugh, I don't know, I don't really like flying".

Bloom: "Trust me, it will be fun".

Hermione: "Well…"


Hermione: "I'll never let myself be swayed by you guys again".

Bloom: "Oh come on, it wasn't that terrible, after the second time you'll get used to it or well, you won't have anything to throw up anymore".

Hermione: "Wait, what? Second time? I'm not going to aahh-".


Bloom: "It'll pass, it'll pass, see? I'm sure you'll feel better now".

Hermione: "Something is seriously wrong with you two".

Bloom: "Wow, did you notice?"

Hermione: "What?"

Bloom: "Alright, Extimum, enough rest, let's go, full speed ahead".

Hermione: "No, no, I want to get downnn-!".

Lying across a large sword that floated suspended in the air, was Hermione. Her head was resting on Extimum's legs, while she looked at the stars in the sky.

Her face looked a little pale and her eyes a little lost, but other than that, she looked completely fine.

Bloom: "Oh, I found another one, look, that's the constellation Sagittarius".

Extimum: "And there is the Ursa Minor".

Hermione: "Hmp".

Bloom: "Oh come on, are you still mad? Even with all that, I'm sure you had fun, at the last you were even laughing and screaming with excitement".

Hermione: "I didn't…" Hermione muttered weakly as if she wasn't entirely convinced of her own words.

Extimum: "Here, take this, it will make you feel better."

Looking at the small bottle that one of Extimum's tails held in front of her face and contained a strange purple liquid, Hermione stared at it for at least three seconds before taking it and drinking it.

Although she did have fun at the end, her stomach felt empty and her head a little dizzy.

Within seconds of drinking it, Hermione's eyes lit up and she looked up to meet Extimum's.

Hermione: "How did you do it? It tastes delicious, if it wasn't for the fact that I feel so much better after drinking it, I would have thought it was just a blueberry smoothie".

Extimum: "It's one of my hobbies. I like to try and create an appetizing flavor to potions, though sometimes it's hard to do without messing with the potion's effects, but since I had to make quite a few recovery potions for Bloom earlier, I had a stroke of inspiration on one of those occasions and managed to make this".

Hermione: "That's amazing. If you don't mind, could you give me the recipe for this one in particular?"

Extimum: "Sure, I'll give it to you after we get back".

Hermione: "Thanks. Well, there's the constellation of Scorpio, Ursa Major and Aquarius. I think that gives me the upper hand".

Bloom: "What? How did you find them so fast?" Bloom looked at Hermione in surprise, she had thought that she wasn't planning to play.

Hermione: "Well, I do pay attention in astronomy class".

Bloom: "Hmp, don't get so complacent, you only have one more than me and Extimum".

Extimum: "I'm sorry to disagree with that last one, though. There's the constellation of Libra".

Hermione: "Wow, looks like you're in last place now". Hermione's tone was especially mocking as she said her words.

Bloom: "Ah, Extimum, how can you abandon me?, just wait, I'll quickly find two constellations."


Two days came and went quickly.

Hermione had already returned officially depetrified and along with her, all the other victims, however, despite the happy news, in the grand scheme of things, it had not managed to lighten the gloomy mood that had been installed in the last days.

A great unknown threat was on the loose and Dumbledore had been removed from his position, so even if the students were unpetrified, they were all still at the same risk.

Although the unknown part of the threat was quickly eliminated by the events that occurred this morning.



A small group of people was currently gathered around five people.

Although, to be more exact, there were actually four students and a ghost, who were sitting on their respective stretchers.

Despite all this crowding in the infirmary, Madam Pomfrey said nothing and, on the contrary, kept silent along with the others, waiting for the current director to ask the key question to which everyone was eager to know the answer.

McGonagall: "I am so glad that all of you have successfully recovered and I have to say that were it not for the kind intentions of the family of student Mitchell Knife, we wouldn't have been able to cure them so quickly".

"However, while I know you must still be a bit confused by the events you experienced and your recent recovery, I must ask this question for the well-being of all students and staff at this school. Do any of you remember or know what happened? who attacked you?".

After McGonagall's words were finished, there was a short pause of silence, in which the four students and a ghost looked at each other.

And as if they had an unspoken understanding, the others fell silent, while one of them began to speak.

Colin: "Huh, Professor McGonagall, I really wish I could answer you, but all I remember is I was walking through the halls of the castle and I was photographing some spiders coming out of a window to the outside of the castle, when I heard a strange sound".

"When I turned around to see what it was, while still using the camera, I just saw that something very big was in front of me and when I looked up, it felt like everything went dark. The last thing I remember is pressing the button on the camera as an instinctive reaction".

Hearing his words, more than a sigh was heard from the people around.

McGonagall: "Okay, maybe it wasn't all that bad that you didn't see or remember too much."

With Colin's narration finished, everyone instinctively turned their gazes to each other.

Nicholas: "Well, if I may, Professor. My situation was not very different from the one narrated by the boy Colin. I also heard a strange sound and when I turned around, everything vanished. For a moment, it was as if eternal rest had been granted to me and I slept like never before since I was a ghost".

Justin Finch: "I-I remember anything, I was also walking down the hall with Sir Nicholas, when I also heard the sound and turned to look. I saw it through Sir Nicholas and although it looked a bit distorted, but I could still see a huge creature and glowing yellow eyes. After that, everything just vanished".

Justin's words caused more than a few murmurs from the surrounding people.

And the only ones who were kept considerably calm by his words were some of the teachers who knew how to keep their composure and a trio of children who were among the entire group.

They were Extimum, Harry and Ron. They had been allowed to come along with the close friends of all those affected.

However, while Extimum maintained a perfectly calm image, Harry seemed to have a look full of emotions.

There was rectification, concern, relief and anger, so much so that unconsciously his fists clenched; further crumpling the sloppy sheet of paper, he carried in one of his hands.

Ron on the other hand, although he remained calm for the most part, there was a trace of undisguised panic in his eyes.

Hermione: "*Ahem* Head-. Professor McGonagall, I definitely know what the creature is that haunts the castle and attacked us".

As the murmurs grew, Hermione finally decided to speak, drawing everyone's attention, however, as she was about to speak, she narrowly missed calling Professor McGonagall her new position, when she remembered that she shouldn't be aware of it.

McGonagall: "Are you sure?"

Hermione: "Yes".

Penelope Clearwater: "That's right, Professor, I was with her when she found out, and I was able to survive thanks to her directions".

Being supported by someone else's words, the relevance of Hermione's words suddenly became more serious.

Or at least that's what the Gryffindor prefect, Percy, who was also on the spot, thought of it.

Hermione: "It's a basilisk."


Hermione's words immediately caused a panic in the crowd, even the teachers who had seemed mostly stoic before, couldn't help but flinch or pale.

A basilisk was an incredibly dangerous creature and was set at the highest current level of dangerousness. It was not something that any magician could try, because even the most experienced ones could fall if, due to the greatest of misfortunes, they accidentally met their gazes.

Hermione: "Although like everyone else, we didn't see it that clearly, but I had already managed to figure out what it was the same day I was attacked. Harry, could you show them that sheet?". Having noticed the sheet in Harry's hand, Hermione mentioned it.

Everyone immediately turned their gazes to Harry when they heard Hermione's words.

Harry: "Here you are, Professor McGonagall."

Harry didn't delay and immediately handed over the sheet.

Looking at the sheet, McGonagall gave a few odd looks between Hermione and Harry before looking at the contents, mainly because she noticed the sheet had been ripped from a book and had a strange premonition that the sheet belonged in a library book.

However, considering the seriousness of the situation, she said nothing and continued to read the content, as she read to herself; Hermione narrated the facts that had led her to such a conclusion.

The people around her also found the great relationship between the points and with the information recorded on the crumpled sheet, it became even more believable.

McGonagall: "I see… Well, Madam Pomfrey has already checked you out and said you shouldn't have any problems, so you can go back to the other students, however, if you feel any discomfort, please feel free to return to the infirmary".

"With that being said, all students may leave. I only hope, that what you have heard here can be treated with proper discretion, after all, I think we can all agree that panic would only cause more problems for everyone. Not to mention, that we are aware of all those who were present today".

Ron: "*Gulp*."

--End Flashback--.

Currently, the students were gathered in the great hall for lunch.

.-- Pov Extimum--.

The great hall bustled with activity and voices, while to the surprise of few, the news that the monster was a basilisk had spread among all the students.

I could almost feel how the teachers' eyes burned on my neck from the intensity they were giving to each one of us who were in the infirmary in the morning.

I think they also knew that it would be very difficult for such news not to become known. However, more than a punishment and judging by the faint murmurs that reached my ears, the release of said news had only made the consensus of teachers lean a little more towards the side of closing the school.

Although it was still possible that some teachers would give a light punishment when the situation was resolved.

But getting back on topic.

Some teachers even wanted to advance the date of the final exams and establish a set of compilation works of the content of the last months of the school year to give an adequate closure and not harm any of the students.

It wasn't something that particularly bothered me, but I'm sure that if such news got out, Ernie Macmillan and his friends wouldn't be as happy and smug as they seemed right now.

In addition, they might even become the center of the students' hatred.

It would be a shame if Susan and Hannah were implicated as well, but they were also to blame for not stopping him.

Luna: "What do you think about so much, Extimum?".

Extimum: "In that things can get quite complicated in the next few days if we are not lucky".

Steve: "What are you talking about? Everything seems normal and they even found out what the monster was".

Trudor: "That's why, silly. It used to be a mystery, so the problem could be big or small, but now that it's known what it is and it turns out to be a basilisk, the situation has gotten a lot worse, it wouldn't be strange if they decided close the school".

Mitchell: "What? Is the school closed? But what about the Quidditch Cup?".

Padma: "Tsk, don't just think about Quidditch, or how are you going to play if you're turned to stone?".

Steve: "Damn, it's all Ernie's fault, just look at him; he seems all proud like he did something great, when it was Hermione who found out. Tch, seeing that stupid face of his being so cocky pisses me off".

Padma: "Isn't it just because he beat you to the news and now he got all the attention?"

Steve: "Tsk, tsk, oh, Padma, Padma, you're still very new to this, what do you know? Being an information handler is not only about knowing the information first, but also knowing how to manage it. Letting go of the information without even considering the implications it's just idiocy and only an amateur would do it".

Extimum: "Anyway, it's still not a sure thing, though…".

Steve: "What is it?"

Extimum: "Well, if you really want to prevent or, rather, postpone the closing of the school, the only viable option besides killing the basilisk of course, would be if you managed to close the owlery and lock all the owls there. While the news of this does not reach the outside, then nobody from the outside could try to speed up the process".

"Although that is on the premise that Professor McGonagall who is the temporary director does not make the decision, because then the above would not make sense".

Trudor's eyes lit up at my words and he immediately commented.

Trudor: "That's a great idea. If Professor McGonagall makes the decision, then there's nothing to be done, but if the school is closed down because of the students' profanity, then that's another matter".

Padma: "But how would we do that? Although closing the access to the owlery is not difficult, but the owls can still come and go easily and locking them up would only serve in the short term".

Mitchell: "No, it's actually simpler than it sounds. We can lure the owls in with a little food and while they're entertaining, put up a barrier across all the windows, that way they can't get out".

"As for an issue like them noticing, it's not a problem either. At that time we should spread our theory among the most influential students in each house and who don't want the school to be closed, that way, we can make them help us by making them understand or controlling the students to prevent someone from screwing up this matter".

Mitchell's words managed to motivate everyone with the prospects.

Luna: "But… Aren't any of you worried about the basilisk?". When Luna's question fell, everyone's previously animated faces fell.

Quietly sipping some tea, I watched, as everyone was suddenly silent at Luna's words.

Although I had proposed the idea, I was also aware of the implications, however, the basilisk was not exactly one of my current concerns, not because I underestimated it, but because I had already devised some countermeasures and was not afraid of a direct confrontation as long as I had enough space and preparation.

Extimum: "That's why I created these glasses, here, everyone can have one for free".

Pulling out a bag full of glasses, I put them on the table, watching as everyone began to pick one up curiously.

Luna: "What do the glasses do?".

Extimum: "Well, not much really, but they have a special thin film that is highly reflective to certain magical waves. I made it based on the situations above, such as Colin's camera, a mirror reflection, or the view through through a ghost. All these gave very good data to create glasses capable of insuring your life".

"Although of course, there are still other problems, like being directly devoured or being petrified, but, well, at least you won't die from just one look".

Luna: "That's not very comforting…".

Extimum: "Well, they shouldn't get too depressed either. The decision about what happens is still in the hands of the teachers and the principal. If they find that there is no other way, they would be the first to act to ensure our safety, then, these glasses would really just be insurance".

"Okay, Steve, I'll put it to you. You can sell the unit for 1 Galleon, though if they don't have much money you can sell it to them for 50% off. I'll give you a 30% commission on the total profit. I know you'll know how to handle it".

Steve: "Of course, hehehehe, just leave it to me". It didn't take long for Steve's eyes to take on a greedy, cunning look as he took the bag full of glasses and put it away.

Snape: "Those who have Potions class with me, follow me".

Snape's cool, slow voice reverberated in the ears of all the second years as he headed out of the great hall.

Padma: "*sigh* Break is over, well, Luna, see you later".

Extimum: "See you later, Luna".

Luna: "Yes, see you later".


Potions class ended and I slipped away as usual so I didn't have to go straight to the common room.

Extimum: 'Who would have thought that moon salts could be used that way'.

Bloom: 'That was actually an interesting use, it must be a "modern" app for them'.

As I left the potions room I couldn't help but comment.

Although I was still a long way from mastery of potions and my greatest achievements so far had only been limited to some improvements to basic potions or improving the taste, but the use of the moon salts that Snape had shown in Potions class today had been almost revolutionary for my knowledge.

Honestly, it was nice to finally be able to start seeing that my earlier thought wasn't wrong. There is much that cannot simply be found in books and teachers are free sources of knowledge and experience.

With what had happened in the first year and with Lockhart in this one, I had started to wonder if I had really been wrong to come to study at Hogwarts. It was never too much to study at home with tutors or enroll in another magic school, although the latter would mean that I would have to travel or move from England for enrollment...

That's it …

'Bloom, I think I finally know what the compulsion potion did'.

Bloom: 'Really? What is it? Quick, tell me'.

'It is-'.

I was about to answer, when suddenly, I felt as if all the hairs on my body stood up abruptly and a shiver ran through my body, making me stop in my tracks.

Bloom: 'What?-'. Bloom's voice trailed off as she seemed to feel something similar.

A cold and chilling feeling seemed to come from my back and I felt imperceptibly, that if I dared to turn my head, I would die.

The sense of threat was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

'Do not look back'.

Breathing slowly but deeply and I did the most rational thing I could think of.

To run.

It was just that my breathing slowed down, so that my body was already shooting forward. The chilling sensation felt intense and it almost felt as if my own body hairs were turning into needles against my skin.

**Bam Crash**

I had only gotten a few meters away when I heard the sound of something heavy dragging followed by something breaking.

With the sound, the chilling and dangerous feeling rose to terrifying levels.

My ears filled with the sound of Bloom's rapid heartbeat, along with heavy breathing at my back.

I knew turning my back on whatever was behind me was unwise, but turning or stopping would be even more so.

'Bloom, after it turns, do it'.

Bloom didn't reply, but I knew she understood me and judging from the growing hot magical aura that I felt above my head and steadily increasing, it seemed she had gotten my point.

The L intersection to turn into another hallway was drawing near.


Both the terrifying sensation behind me and the hot aura kept increasing, as I moved as fast as I could.


A warm and disgusting current of air hit my back, as if its origin was only a few centimeters from me and I felt a cold sweat run through my body.


**Ba-Dum Ba-Dum**

My heartbeat quickened, joining the desperate symphony.

I considered drawing my sword, but if I was delayed by even a second, it would be hard to tell if I wouldn't end up in said creature's stomach.


I didn't know if I'd make it to turn and the hot, nauseating air felt closer to me, taking on a damp feel.

Without waiting to check my thoughts, I extended my tails and made them grab onto the base of a torch attached to the wall that just bordered the other corridor.

And… I yanked my body, launching myself forward and swinging around the curve into the other hallway.


Bloom: "Incandescent sphere!".



A great flash accompanied by a great wave of heat came right from behind me, followed by a strong blizzard produced by the explosion that propelled me a little further forward.

The huge explosion was followed right after by a hissing roar that ended with some hints of pain.

And, without waiting to know the situation behind me, I covered myself and Bloom's body with a cloak of illusion and rolled to the other side of the corridor while leaving an exact copy of me behind, which kept running along the same path.


Just a second after we got out of the way, a huge creature covered in flames and smoke smashed its head into said spot.

~* hatefullll fireeee*~

**Sniff** ~* There is no blooddd*~

The fire was quickly extinguished, while a disgusting smell settled in the place, along with a light greenish mist that escaped from the mouth and nose of the creature.

Bloom: 'It's the basilisk!'.

The head of the huge snake finally became clearly visible as the last of the smoke cleared. Half of their face was badly burned, but other than that, it was mostly intact.

My breath hitched.

The basilisk was only 2 meters from us and the only thing that prevented them from seeing us or even perceiving us with their strong senses, was a thin layer of illusion, but it would only be enough for something to draw its attention to us or for its head to enter the area by mistake and all that would be over.

The situation was not good at all. The space was closed and the distance between the two was short, it would only be enough for us to reveal any sign of our position and the basilisk could swallow us or crush us with its enormous head.

~* Where did my prey go*~

The basilisk hissed and as its mouth moved, more greenish mist escaped from its mouth, as its serpentine eyes began to wander around.

Light beads of sweat began to form on my forehead as I focused all my magic on maintaining and reinforcing the layer of illusion.

'Bloom, close your eyes'.

Bloom: 'No, we can't afford to let our guard down'.

'I still have some reflective glasses, just trust me and close your eyes'.

Bloom: 'No, I-'.


Bloom: 'Okay…'.

Though I couldn't see her from where I was, I was sure she had closed her eyes, so stealthily pulling a pair of glasses out of my bag, I put them on.

~* Should be here*~

The basilisk's body slowly backed away, as it moved its head to look around the L-shaped corridor.

Its eyes moved slowly, but carefully, scanning every corner, when suddenly, its head snapped in our direction and its eyes rested on us.

its gaze was intense, almost instinctively forcing my body to tense up, even Bloom who had her eyes closed, I could feel her tugging at my hair a bit.

I lowered my eyes immediately trying to avoid meeting his gaze, however, I had only slightly lowered my gaze, when my movements suddenly stopped and a strange feeling of poisonous anger rose in me, like whispering voices.

«Look at it» «Why must you lower your gaze in front of that dirty snake?» «Do you plan to run away from it too?» «Will you let it corner you so miserably?» «Will you let it strut so brazenly?» «Is that what they teach you in your family?» «Hide Like Rats»

I shouldn't care, I shouldn't listen to them, but… still, I raised my gaze and looked directly into the big yellow serpentine eyes that were only a meter away from me.

It was a direct look, as I felt the hot, nauseating air coming out of its nose hit my face.

The big yellow eyes against similar purple ones, but much smaller.

And with the look, a deathly silence descended, accompanying the unsettling mix of warm and disgusting sensations, along with cold and chilling ones.

Neither of them moved or, for that matter, blinked or averted their gaze, but I didn't dare to at this point either.

~* Go...back...to...*~

It was only with the sound of another slower hissing voice that the silence was finally broken.

The basilisk kept its gaze on me, but then slowly began to back away, while turning its body, to return the way it came.

The sweat was already running down my face, product of my desperate reinforcement of the layer of illusion, along with the tension of the moment.


Watching him back up and prepare to leave, I let out a sigh.

When suddenly...**Bam**

--End Pov--.



Honestly, I think the chase scene wasn't dramatic enough, it leaves me a little dissatisfied, but it may also be that as always, after reading it so many times, it doesn't create much emotion in me.

I would appreciate comments, if I can create a little pressure? A little of that nervousness? or was it very bland?

I think I'll edit it in the future when my drama improves xd

Zeroz7creators' thoughts