
Harry Potter: Ninjutsu Wizard

After dying during a war while on a relief mission, a young boy was granted a lucky draw for his next world. Unexpectedly he got the Ninjutsu System and his next world was of Harry Potter.

LordRaphael · 作品衍生
11 Chs

Chapter 8: Future Plans

After thinking for a while, Earnest decided to leave the problem for the future, there was no need to believe that much as he does not have occlumency shields and would rather not have his secrets discovered by a hat.

[Host does not need to worry about that. Your memories about your previous life come from within your soul and are immune to any legilimency probe.]

'Oh! Thanks again for that.'

'That takes care of one of the problems.'

'Now system, can I start with basic seal training and academy three ninjutsu.'

[Yes Host! 12 hand seal formation knowledge will be transferred to you but for the academy three ninjutsu you have to buy them, each available at 50 SP]

'Oh, then how much should I spend?'

[Well host, the system only accepts gold and artefacts. The host can recharge the balance by submitting a gold galleon to the system and the system can tell you how many galleons you need based on the gold present in it.]

'Sure let me see, I have around 10 gold galleons in my pocket. It seems the Tonks are pretty well off. I remember 10 galleons were a good amount for Hogwarts' first year's pocket money. System, take 1 galleon from my hand.'

[Sure. Based on the calculation, 1 Gold Galleon will earn host 2 SP.]

'Only this much?'

'Let's calm down now and plan for the future and calculate the Galleons needed.

Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu system each requires 100 million SP which means 100 million Gold Galleons just for unlocking these systems.

'Hey system, can I use Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu without unlocking the system? And after buying a jutsu, what is the procedure?'

[Let me remind the host, that your physique has been modified just like a physique from Shinobi world. You have magic pathways instead of chakra pathways and because of being an Uzumaki, they are quite broad allowing you to carry more magic facilitating a smoother magic flow when compared to other wizards, and also with practice it will allow you to have greater control over your mana just like how you gain chakra control. This means you can imitate everything from the shinobi world including genjutsu and fuinjutsu if you have the talent to do so.

As for the second question, once you buy ninjutsu, the system will give you the relevant knowledge for completely mastering that particular jutsu, including guidance in chakra nature change. Apart from knowledge, it will give you enough experience so that you can master the jutsu up to a novice level.

Meaning, that if you try the jutsu three times, only one of those times you might succeed. This is the novice level. Rest with the knowledge provided, the host can practice improving his proficiency to master level in that ninjutsu.]

'I got it. This means that I only need to practice more to increase my proficiency. At least I won't have to start from the beginning reading scrolls.

As for the ninjutsu, apart from three basic techniques which require 150 SP, meaning 75 Gold Galleons. Guess, I need to go into the Slytherin house to begin my Shinobi career.

As for the future, apart from charms and transfiguration, my main focus will be Fiendfire, three unforgivable curses, Sectumsempra and some healing spells.

For ninjutsu, some basic techniques like Great Fireball and other techniq... wait, system, can you tell me what my chakra attributes are?'

[You have all seven attributes, your bloodline is extremely pure and can use every attribute.]

'Great, now at first I will practice water style, good for both offence and defence, then lightning style and earth style followed by fire style and at last wind style.

For fire style, apart from great fireball which may not be required as I can also use magic for that, I will experiment with other fire charms and fiend fire to see if I can achieve destruction like Great Fire Annihilation of Madara Uchiha.

Chidori, I think the lack of Sharingan will affect it, but Rasengan, I don't need to buy and waste 1 million SP. As for its upgraded versions like Rashenshuriken, I will train first and then decide if I can merge chakra nature with Rasengan.

Flying Thunder God is a must, an apparition is too noisy and I don't need that special effect, there are also restrictions, and then there is a shadow clone, Edo Tensei, and some stealth techniques. All in all, I can see around 112 million Gold Galleons requirement.

Hey system, what about wood style?'

[For kekkei Genkai jutsus, you will have to pay a level higher worth SP and that too has prerequisites. Also buying a kekkei genkai jutsu would not mean you will have that bloodling limit.]

'A level higher huh, this means that for A rank kekkei genkai jutsu, I would have to pay worth a S-rank jutsu. And what are those prerequisites?'

[Like for wood style, you would need to perfect your chakra nature transformation of water style and earth style, only then are you eligible to buy wood style jutsu.]

'That's pretty harsh. Perfecting nature transformation, meaning I have to beyond what Hiruzen did, I wonder how good my water style and earth style would become.'

'Fine, just give me the knowledge for forming hand seals, let's get the jutsus with the time when I have money. Until then let's perfect charms, transfiguration, chakra control and water nature transformation with that leaf exercise. Taijutsu practice is also required but the system will not help in that. I would have to hone my martial arts skills from my previous life here.'

Earnest learned the required knowledge about hand seals from the system and started practising forming hand seals.

You have to note that forming hand seals requires time while many wizards can silently cast spells which is very fast. So you need to practice it to a stage where fewer seals are required and also the speed should be very fast.

'I aim to achieve the best speed in hand signs, that is Itachi Uchiha's level.'

Dora and Hermione were startled by Earnest's sudden hand signs practice. At one moment he was being hugged by his sister and closed his eyes and relaxed and just after a few minutes, he got up and started making weird hand signs.

"What are you doing Ernie?"

'Oh, I forgot about them in my excitement, magic practice I can explain, but this, now what excuse should I make here?'

"Oh this, I am just thinking about cool moves when I master magic, you know, I must look handsome when casting magic."

'Uggh! What a stupid excuse, but for an 11-year-old, it should be enough.'

Hermione hesitated, not understanding what looking cool has to do with magic but Dora nodded and supported her brother.

"Yes, yes. My Ernie will look cool and handsome when casting magic. Not that you don't look now."

'Are brothers and sisters this close normally? I heard siblings fight a lot, but maybe because I don't have one so I don't understand.' Hermione thought as she decided to ignore Dora's unusual attachment to her brother.

"But you will use a wand when casting magic, so how will these hand signs make you look cool?" asked Dora.

Hermione also nodded.

'Yes, this is the major problem. Maybe my new best friend is not that smart, not that it matters, now that I am here, I can help him. Yes, that's what a friend should do. But from what he says, he doesn't like Gryffindor much, but... I think I can go to Ravenclaw because of my friend. Now that I have already seen that view....' Just as Hermione was reminiscing about Earnest's looks when he came out after the shower, her thoughts were interrupted by his answer.

"Yeah, but what about wandless casting, for that I need some cool hand signs."

"Yes, but that is a difficult achievement, even for NEWT-level students and not even many Aurors can do that," said Hermione as she recalled the information about the general knowledge about the magic world.

"Others can't do that doesn't mean I can't do that." With that sentence, Earnest began practicing his hand signs again leaving a stumped Hermione and a pondering Nymphadora.