

a new soul has found itself in the Harry Potter universe. He is in the body of Draco Malfoy, who died at a young age,after his father's failed attempt at usurping power . The system that began as his greatest enemy soon takes him on the roller coaster in the Harry Potter world, equipped with a magical predator system How will he fair in this world of magic

12 Chs

a little progress


"wake-up coma boy,open the door".a voice thundered through the cave

I stared at the occupants of the room in confusion. what trick were they playing on me? so they knew everything after all, why did they not say anything and be done with it?

" or have you gone into a coma because of ....

"what was it again?

a troll whisker wand?"

I looked around,

I couldn't forget that malicious voice that was taunting me, that had to be Aster's voice.

what was my stupid sister doing here?

Thoran noticed my confusion

"are you all right?"

The girl and her father were staring at me like I had lost my mind. "father, I think something is wrong with him".the girl said.

cant everyone shut the hell up. my head was almost going haywire

"wake up Draco,"

"and if you happen to see that looser elf tell him mother is looking for him. "

I suddenly realised that the voice wasn't coming from the cave, it was inside my fucking head.

I began feeling that familiar tag within me, the one that pulled at my mental strength. The first time I experienced it was when I was first introduced to the system. It was like being swallowed by your own self you know, like sinking within yourself

I started feeling dizzy, the outlines of the cave were gradually fading away. the void swallowed me up and I began tumbling down the endless pit.

Darkness gave in to a dazzling light and I was back into my room just as the Gawain wand absorbed the last burst of energy from dobby.

The elf had disappeared

I fully grasped the truth of what the old man had said.

throughout my encounters in the dragon cave, I had returned to this realm exactly when I had left it.

no time was lost!

my whole body was feeling refreshed. The previous feeling of exhaustion that I had experienced at the dragon cave had disappeared .it was like that body had never belonged to me. I truly felt young, daring and free

except I wasn't entirely free.

the disappearance of the house-elf would arouse many questions.it was unlike dobby to abscond his duties. I vaguely recalled Aster saying that mother was looking for him.

hell! that didn't sound good. elves were summoned not looked for.

on the plus side though, nothing would link me directly with the elf's disappearance.

I felt remorse for the loss of the creature with whom I had formed a close bond of friendship. Dobby had always craved adventure. It never had been my intention for things to have gone the way they had.

however, I drew comfort from the fact that maybe the elf had been aware of what would happen to him if the wand found a worthy wilder.it was a logical assumption, seeing that the elf knew what would happen to an unworthy one.

I hoped that wherever the creature was, he was a truly free elf

the system chose that moment of grief to reappear!

the blue display pannel hovered in front of my eyes with a brilliant light

the synthetic voice boomed out of the nonexistent speakers

"congratulation user: Draco Malfoy,"

"for completing the level1 sublevel 1 quest; attaining the Gawain wand;, you have been awarded the following"


magic boost:40

you have also acquired the elf magical abilities. which include;

telekinesis and apparition without the help of a wand

telekinesis; ability to move objects at a distance by mental power

an apparation; moving between places without locomotion

you shall however need to meditate for 4hours in order to assimilate the magic into the system

Your dragon lord ability will however be unlocked in level 7

the full power of the Gawain wand shall also be unlocked in level7

please check the quest tab for your level 1 sublevel 2 quest

remember*** THE FADE IS THE FORFEIT*** "

the synthetic voice faded with a reminder of what awaited me in the event that I ever failed.

even that could not water down the thrill that I was experiencing, I had eventually acquired real magical abilities for fuck sake!

I bet even my idiot sister dint know what telekinesis is

and damn boy, I could apparate without a fucking wand,

boy I was a freaking wizard without even joining Hogwarts. How about that huh?!,