
Chapter 5

[A/N:Has anyone read the book and know Susan fate because it was pretty sad.I mean from what I understand every thing you gained while being in Narnia like skills and even maturity is lost,when you go back to the real world.So for someone logical as Susan she understood the fact early,so gaining these abilities and maturity at the sametime losing them again and again seems to make her frutrated.So from her point of view it was best to forget Narnia,atleast that's my interpretation,also she lost all her family in one swoop and only to later know the fact she will never be able to see them again because she didn't belive in Narnia.]

Tumnus puts Lucy to sleep by playing a flute lullaby, and when Lucy wakes up, he explains that the White Witch cursed Narnia to eternally experience winter and never Christmas; any humans encountered are to be brought to her. Tumnus instead sends Lucy home, where she finds hardly any time had passed, and her siblings disbelieve her story due to the normal state of the wardrobe.

But once again that night Lucy returned through the wardrobe, followed by Edmund. Edmund meets the White Witch, who claims to be the queen of Narnia. Edmund tells her about his siblings and Tumnus.

Back in England, Lucy informs Peter and Susan, but Edmund lies out of spite.Lucy starts to cry and runs out of the room. Susan runs after her and so does Peter - who shoves Edmund over

Lucy runs down the hall and smacks into the Professor, she looks up a little frightened and then starts her crying all over again, hugging him

When Peter and Susan bring the issue to Professor Kirke, he suggests Lucy is telling the truth.

While Aslan had tasked Hadrian and Oreius with building the army, they were in a green open space from which you could look down on the forest spreading as far as one could see in every direction—except right ahead.

sides of what looked like yellow silk and cords of crimson and tent-pegs of ivory; and high above it on a pole a banner which bore a red rampant lion fluttering in the breeze which

They enter the camp. Centaurs, Bears, and Fauns all them preparing for war,

Hadrian said to Oreius"So everyone has set up with weapons and armor,I enchanted?"

Oreius with a grateful smile and replied"Yes,it would help us in this war greatly."

Hadrian nodded and said"I will ward out camp too,just for more security."

Oreius gave bow seeing the prince working and trying his all was respect worthy,but Oreius then questioned"Prince.....Do you think the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve have set foot on Narnia?"

Hadrian hummed and answered, "It must be, otherwise father wouldn't ask to be readying for war."

Oreius nodded, while Hadrian heard his father"Hadrian,I need you to do something for me."

Hadrian walked to his father,who was in front of his tent, and asked"What is it?"

Aslan with a serious tone replied, "The Kings and Queens have arrived, you have to find them and bring them here safely."

Hadrian nodded and set off immediately,

Just a few hours before the Pevensie siblings had to flee the housekeeper after accidentally breaking a window, the four siblings retreat to the wardrobe and enter Narnia.

This finding out everything Lucy said was true and Edmund had lied, but when Lucy leads them to Mr.Tumnus's house. But they discover that the Witch has taken Tumnus, and they meet a couple of talking beavers.

Mr.Beaver takes them to his home,Beaver's Dam Peter shrugs, takes Lucy's hand and follows the beaver. The others follow to Beaver's dam through the cliffs.

Mr. Beaver spoke up"Come on.We don't want to be caught out here after nightfall."

They continue traveling under a bridge and then they see the Dam in the middle of a frozen pool. Smoke rises from the chimney, seeing his he said"Ah, blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on. Nice cup o' Rosy Lee."

Lucy smiled at that and replied, "It's lovely."

Mr. Beaver loved the compliment and said"It's merely a trifle.Still plenty to do.Ain't quite finished it yet.It'll look the business when it is, though."

Mrs. Beaver came out of this house and yelling"Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again I... Oh! Well, those aren't badgers. Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day."she then turned to Mr. Beaver and added"Look at my fur. You couldn't give me ten minutes' warning?"

Mr. Beaver chuckled and said, "I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped."

Mrs. Beaver looked at her husband and said"Oh, come inside, and see if we can't get you some food, and some civilized company."

Mr. Beaver chuckles.Lucy, Susan & Peter follow Mrs. Beaver inside.Mr. Beaver warned them"Now, be careful. Watch your step."

Mrs. Beaver also added"Excuse the mess. Can't get Mr. Beaver to get out of his chair."

While Edmund looks at the two hills that the Witch pointed out to him.Mr. Beaver noticed this and questioned"Enjoyin' the scenery, are we?"

Edmund shakes off that comment, & enters the dam. Mr. Beaver follows him,Peter worried for Lucy's sake asked: "Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?"

Mr. Beaver shook his head and replied"They'll have taken him to the Witch's. You know what they say. There's few that go through them gates that come out again."

Mrs. Beavers dashes over and plunks a plate on the table saying"Fish 'n' chips!"

Lucy looks sad seeing this Mrs.Beaver said"But there is hope, dear. Lots of hope."

Mr. Beaver spits and added"Oh, yeah, there's a right bit more than hope! Aslan is on the move!"

The children all look serene as Edmund comes over from his place on the stairs and in confusion questions "Who's Aslan?"

Mr. Beaver laughed and said"Who's Aslan? You cheeky little blighter."

Mrs. Beaver elbows him, which caused him to look at her and ask"What?"

Mr.Beaver Looks at the children's confused faces and questions "You don't know, do you?"

Peter answered, "Well, we haven't exactly been here very long."

Mr. Beaver with slight excitement said"Well, he's only the king of the whole wood. The top geezer. The real King of Narnia!"

Mrs.Beaver smiled and added, "Also his son and our Prince Hadrian is with him."

Edmund hearing this pulls a face and walks away. While Mrs. Beaver continued"He's been away for a long while."

Mr. Beaver added"But he's just got back! And he's waitin' for you near the Stone Table!"

Lucy in confusion questioned, "He's waiting for us?"

Mr. Beaver looked at his wife with annoyance and said"You're blooming joking! They don't even know about the prophecy!"

Mrs. Beaver gestured to her husband and said"Well, then..."

Mr. Beaver becoming more serious explained"Look. Aslan's return, Tumnus' arrest, the secret police, it's all happening because of you!"

Susan frowned and said, "You're blaming us?"

Mrs. Beaver shook her head and replied"No! Not blaming.Thank you!"

Mr. Beaver continued"There's a prophecy. "When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits at Cair Paravel in throne, the evil time will be over and done."

Susan was a perfectionist replied, "You know that doesn't really rhyme."

Mr. Beaver in annoyance replied, "Yeah, I know it don't, but you're kinda missin' the point!"

Mrs. Beaver calming her husband down added"It has long been foretold that two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia."

Peter in disbelief asked And you think we're the ones???"

Mr. Beaver spoke up"Well you'd better be, 'cause Aslan's already fitted out your army."

Lucy was shocked and said"Our army?"

Susan looked at her brother and said"Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war."

Peter agreed and looking at the Beavers said"I think you've made a mistake. We're not heroes!"

Susan added, "We're from Finchley."

Mr. Beaver hummed seeing they already made up their mind, while Susan stood up and said"Thank you for your hospitality. But we really have to go."

Mr. Beaver tried to stop them saying"No, you can't just leave."

Lucy who was the more naive and moral said"He's right. We have to help Mr. Tumnus."

Peter sighed and replied"It's out of our hands. I'm sorry, but it's time the four of us were getting home. Ed? Ed?"

Edmund has disappeared. Peter looks around the room before turning back to Susan and said"I'm gonna kill him."

Mr. Beaver seeing his suspion turn right asked"You may not have to. Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?"