
Chapter 30

Caspian witnessed Hadrian offering them a chance to live in peace, so he decided to accept the peace treaty. As a result, Narnia was partitioned, with each side taking their respective territories.

Initially, some of the Narnians failed to comprehend why their land had to be divided. One of Hadrian's closest advisors, a descendant of Lord Peridan, raised concerns, asking, "Your Majesty, do we truly need to partition our lands for these invaders?"

Hadrian let out a sigh and explained, "This was a direct order from Father. He foresees a need for the Telmarines in the future. Although I am unaware of the specific reasons, they have a role to play in what lies ahead."

Hadrian noticed some individuals nodding in understanding, while others remained discontented. He continued, "Furthermore, you must understand that I cannot continuously cast such high-level spells, and we are also experiencing a decrease in numbers and facing food shortages."

During this time, many Telmarines were cautioned against venturing into Narnian territory.

As time went by, Caspian gradually developed a deep friendship with Hadrian. He was astonished to discover that Hadrian was immortal and the son of a god, but he genuinely enjoyed his company. Moreover, Caspian hadn't encountered any Narnians in the past two decades, as they had chosen to isolate themselves.

During their conversations, Caspian began discussing a concerning issue he noticed among his people—a lingering, intense hatred towards the Narnians who had previously defeated them. Caspian worried about the power-hungry lords who followed him, understanding that engaging in another conflict with the Narnians would only lead to devastation. He recognized that this was their last chance, as granted by the Emerald-eyed mage.

To prevent any foolish actions that could instigate war with the Narnians, Caspian collaborated with Hadrian. Utilizing his loyal followers, he gradually erased all traces of knowledge about the Narnians, framing them as mere stories or myths. Concurrently, Hadrian began subtly erasing memories of the Narnians from the minds of the Telmarines.

Caspian took additional precautions by appointing his trusted followers to spread rumors about the Narnian lands. These rumors depicted the land as dangerous, with people mysteriously disappearing and it being a savage territory. Caspian understood that eventually, someone might stumble upon those lands, and he intended these horrific stories to serve as a deterrent, discouraging Telmarines from venturing into those places.

Unbeknownst to Caspian, Hadrian had cast an enchanted barrier around the new realm of Narnia. Those who attempted to pass through it became entangled and wandered aimlessly, as if lost in an unfathomable maze of trees. This left them in a situation where their provisions would eventually deplete, leading to their demise. The magical barrier, known as the Girdle, also shielded new Narnia from the prying eyes of the Telmarines. Only individuals permitted by Hadrian, or possessing greater power than him, such as Aslan, could successfully navigate through it.

Hadrian made the decision to visit Susan once again, and as his translucent ethereal figure arrived in Susan's room, she had already sensed his presence.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Susan rushed towards Hadrian and embraced him tightly, tears streaming down her face as she muttered, "I missed you."

Smiling gently, Hadrian wiped away her tears and inquired, "How much time has passed here?"

Susan replied, her voice trembling, "It has only been one month."

Letting out a sigh, Hadrian uttered, "For me, it has been 1000 years."

Initially, Susan thought he was jesting, but then the realization of the time difference struck her, leaving her utterly shocked and devastated.

With a trembling tone, she whispered, "You have been alone all those years."

Hadrian gently placed his hand on her cheek and spoke with a loving tone, "It may seem like a long time, but know that I have always felt your love through our bond. The physical distance between these two worlds and the passing of time do not diminish the connection we share."

Susan cried hearing that and gently kissed Hadrian, who welcomed her gentle kiss. As they parted, she whispered, "Stay with me."

Hadrian smiled warmly and nodded, deciding to spend the night by Susan's side. He held her close and began recounting everything that had unfolded in Narnia during his time away. Susan's heart ached as she learned about the loss of Oreius, the Beavers, and Fox.

The news of the war with the Telmarines shocked her, but a small glimmer of relief washed over her as she heard about the subsequent peace treaty. Together, they shared their emotions and found solace in each other's presence, cherishing the time they had together.

As Lucy entered their room, brimming with excitement, she couldn't perceive Hadrian's presence and saw Susan simply lying on her bed. Lucy's enthusiasm spilled over as she spoke up, informing Susan, "The Professor wants to talk to us about something important. I think it's letters from Mom!"

Susan nodded in response, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes, and said, "You go ahead, Lucy. I'll join you shortly."

Lucy hurriedly walked away, her anticipation growing with each step, eager to uncover the contents of the letters. Meanwhile, Hadrian observed the scene and couldn't help but comment, "She is still the same little kid I met when you all first arrived in Narnia."

Susan smiled warmly, her gaze filled with affection, and replied, "Unlike me, they were unable to retain their gifts and experiences."

Hadrian nodded in understanding and added, "You go and see what the Professor wants. I'll wait for you here."

As Susan nodded and left to meet the Professor, Hadrian found himself deep in thought. The idea of exploring a different world with Susan started to take shape in his mind. Considering the time difference, they could spend decades in another realm while only a fraction of that time would pass in the real world.

The possibilities intrigued Hadrian, igniting a spark of excitement within him. He could already envision the extraordinary adventures he and Susan would embark upon together. The idea of exploring new lands, encountering fantastical beings, and creating memories that would last a lifetime filled him with anticipation.

Lost in his musings, he eagerly awaited Susan's return, eager to discuss this ideas with her.

[A/N:I was planning on going to the "A Discovery of Witches" world.But if you have any other suggestions please do comment.]