

In an unexpected turn of events, Zera Spraggins found himself transformed into an infant in a completely unfamiliar world. (One Piece) Once brimming with ambition like his fellow transmigrators, Zera soon found his aspirations tempered, gradually assimilating into the ordinary existence of an everyday individual, devoid of the fantastical dreams fueled by shortcuts or advantages. Fourteen years later, however, Zera's realization dawned upon him: his journey to this new world might not have been a stroke of luck after all. As the chat group emerged, hidden truths began to unveil themselves before Zera's eyes, revealing a tapestry of secrets and mysteries previously obscured from his view.

G0D1Y · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Mythos Garden - Side Chapter...

Mythos Garden,

an utopian realm ensconced at the pinnacle of existence, where the very essence of perfection thrives. It stands as the zenith, the epitome of all realms, encompassing the core of the All-Heavens and Realms. Within its boundaries reside beings of unparalleled might and majesty—Omnipotent Beings, World Creators, and embodiments of Myth itself. Even the humblest denizen permitted entry into this sacred domain is detached from the constraints of conventional rules and bindings.

In this cosmic expanse, a mere fragment of space hosts an infinite array of worlds, each under the stewardship of its own master.

In the heart of Almerry Hold, a realm sculpted by one of the party overlords within Mythos Garden, resided a figure of captivating allure. Upon a throne that exuded regal splendor, reclined a youth whose appearance was intoxicating in its allure. With cascading strands of pristine white hair, eyes of vivid purple, and features that sparked awe, he possessed a charm so potent that it seemed to warp the very fabric of reality around him, casting an ethereal haze over his surroundings.

His enchantment was such that even the most aloof and dignified goddesses, were they to stand in his presence, would find themselves humbled, bending to his every whim like obedient pets. He embodied the essence of charm itself, a living manifestation of its rule over all it touched.

Drifting in contemplation, the young man, clad in billowing robes of purest white, appeared lost in thought. His gaze fixated upon a distant point, while a sly smile danced upon his lips, hinting at the secrets that played out within his mind.

In the midst of his introspection, a sigh escaped, shattering the tranquility of his reverie, as a woman of unparalleled charm materialized before him in the grandeur of the hall. She possessed a figure that epitomized allure, her form voluptuous and beguiling. With cascading locks of ebony that mirrored the darkness of the night itself, and eyes of crimson akin to a blood-red moon, she exuded an aura of enchantment that seemed to repel the very light around her, casting her in an aura of nocturnal mystique.

"Incubus, you're as stubborn as ever. Why persist in this futile pursuit? Your authority has been relinquished, and yet you cling to this fruitless endeavor. Why not simply embrace the pleasures that others revel in? Why tread a path that leads only to oblivion?"

The woman's tone carried a casual air, tinged with a hint of jest, yet her crimson gaze betrayed a deeper concern lurking beneath the surface.

"You misunderstand, Night. Surrendering my authority may seem like cutting off my last escape route, but I'm just showing my determination to never look back.

My desire is simply to observe the world from the highest vantage point. I've grown weary of sharing the stage with those loathsome, inert creatures."

Incubus reclined on his throne in a posture of relaxation, yet his eyes betrayed a deep-seated disgust.

Night looked at him wordlessly, unable to offer a rebuttal.

"Everyone harbors different aspirations. Source only sought by lunatics. You, however, are simply being unreasonable," she sighed. "Yet, this charming fellow who inherited your estate reminds me of your youth. You were quite the troublemaker back then. It's remarkable how you've grown into such a sinful being, using the Night Realm I casually bestowed upon you to mature."

With that, she familiarly straddled him, enveloping him in an intimate embrace and initiating a passionate, deep kiss.

"Yeah, who would've guessed that the Almighty Goddess who delighted in distributing systems and cheats across the world would end up as my wife. It's like something out of a legend, isn't it..."

"Hmnh, Quite inspiring tale.."

Night paid little heed to his words, her focus consumed by the passionate exchange as she continued to nibble at his lips, playfully intertwining their tongues in a dance of desire.


In this realm, strife, conflict, and manipulation hold no sway. Here, every inhabitant is an immortal being, self-sustaining and imbued with boundless power. Yet, paradoxically, they are also the most tragic of beings, for they have transcended all desires for advancement or ascension to higher planes.

Locked in a state of eternal stasis, they exist in a limbo of unfulfilled potential, their omnipotence rendering them stagnant, devoid of the very aspirations that once drove them.

Though they are aware of the existence of a path forward, none among them dares to entertain the notion, viewing any such method of advancement as nothing more than a pathway to self-destruction. Despite their immortality and their ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality itself, they recoil from the prospect of the ultimate advancement.

Indeed, as immortals unfettered by conventional constraints, they wield the power to shape laws and rules as easily as one might manipulate toys. Yet, the idea of pursuing the final stage of evolution remains taboo, a concept too fraught with peril to be seriously considered.