
Chapter 7 – A Triumph Return.

As we headed back to the flagger. Everyone seems to be in festive mood, it's almost like it's a festival or something. But then again, a bandit lord and his gang has just been eliminated, so it's no surprise that something like this is a time of joy for the people especially in Rayleh where law is almost none existent. Some people shows their concern and surprise for johnny as I supported him though. He kept smiling and cheerful all the time, even though a few moments ago his life almost meet it's end.

We entered the flagger. Everyone immediately looked at us. Well we did come back in a bad shape. It's no surprise that everyone is flabbergasted by us, some of the townsfolk probably already told them but it's always more believable if you see it by yourself.

"Oi Johnny what happened to you?"

"Gosh, johnny are you alright?"

"You're getting sloppy johnny haha."

The flagger's hunter showered us with their concern and playful remarks. Johnny just smiled and waved at them telling them that he's alright.

"No worries! No Worries! Hahaha.. *Awch* be a little gentler Kain."

I then brought johnny to our room and lay him down on his bed.

"Seems like you two had a rough day."

I looked at the door way and saw the master leaning on the doorway. He walked closer to us and put his hand on my shoulder. "So what happened?" Asked the master. "What's this master? You're worried about this ol' me?" the master just sighed and looked at me instead. "We met with a Tegoth when we're trying to sneak into Throttle's fortress." I said. "I did tell you on how dangerous facing Tegoth alone right? What do you think would happened if you died? Use your head for once!" scolded the master. Johnny looked dejected over it. "I-it's my fault master!" I told him. "If I didn't tell Johnny that I needed that case. If I didn't tell johnny that the item that I lose months ago are the case that throttle have this would never happens. If I didn't tell him that It contain the panacea to heal my sister illness this would never happens!" I just let it all out.

"If i-"

"But I guess whatever happened happens. No use thinking about it for now." Said the master cutting what I wanted to say.


"Right! Right! No use thinking about it now Justice-"

"Oh you damn right there's no use thinking about it now. It'll be something for you to think in the future. And if you do something stupid like this again…. You'll get my special hellish training."

Johnny looked like color has been drained from his body. "Ha-haha master… Th-this warrior of justice is always think carefully on which battle he must take master haha." Said johnny nervously.

"And you haven't payed your tab yet! I'll lose my money if you died suddenly!"

"Haha…. As I expected…" said johnny dejectedly.

"And besides… I Kinda like you.. and I take care all of my case hunter no matter who it is, good job on those Tegoths not many people can face three of them alone. and please take care of johnny from now on Kain, he's never thinks clearly when he's alone." Said the master seriously. Johnny also become silent at that. Like he never thought that the master would feel such thing to the people of the flagger. I guess even in a lawless place like this things like this also exist. People will worries about each other I mean.

"And don't worry about the case." Told the master.

"What'd you mean?" I asked.

"Well it's a fake case after all."




"No joking?"

"Do I look like a person who would joke on things like this?"

"Yes you are."

"Well I'm not joking for this one. You can take it on my office later. Things like this been happening lately, people being conned for case, but well can't be helped I guess"

FFFFFFUUUUUUUU- I spent 4 million credits on a useless silver painted case?! What the heck?! I immediately felt my despair and sorrow come back to me haaa… I'm sorry my beloved sister, this brother of yours has just committed something stupid. Please forgive me. I just felt like my spirit left my body trying to escape this useless vessel.

"Uwah he's back to his miserable mode." Said johnny.

"Well in any case, get better soon johnny, and you too get some rest kain." The master then went to the doorway and yelled. "OI MORGAN WHERE'S THE MEDPACK?!" I heard something along the line that the medpack is already out for treating the wounded from the frontal attack. "*Sigh*" the master then looked backed at us. "Well just wait for now. I'll bring over the medpack later."


I went over to my bed and lie down on it. Today's too tiring for me.

"Hey Kain."


"Why didn't you run when I told you to run?"

"Dunno, maybe I also didn't use my head." I don't why to say that I didn't run because I felt indebted to him. He will surely act smug and teased me if I told him that.

"So what're you gonna do now?" told johnny. He then get up and sat on the bed and faced me. "Well I won't stop you if you want to leave the planet…. We'll just take the easy jobs around the town till the storm quiet down." Said johnny dejectedly as he scratched his cheek.

So what my road forward? The case is a fake, I don't have the money for my sister's medical treatment, I'm trapped on this planet and even If I could get out from this planet, it won't make any difference. The money that I got before is from a once in a life time chance the possibility of me getting another chance like that is almost non-existent.

"If I'm gone then who're gonna save your ass next time idiot." I told him.

"Does that mean--"

"Yeah I'll do this job full time. I need to find panacea anyway."

"Hell yeah!" Cheered Johnny. "I can't wait the adventures that we'll experience! It's gonna be epic! It's gonna be grandeur! I'm counting on you to watch my back partner!" said johnny as he extended his hand to me, offering me a handshake.

I get up and sat on my bed. And I shook his hand. "Same here… partner." Johnny just smiled at my words. Maybe becoming a case hunter is a bad decision. Maybe I should leave this planet and look for another job at another planet. maybe I should just wish for a miracle to happen to my sister. But I can't do that. I can't. this is my only way for now. And with a partner like him… I'm sure that nothing will go wrong.

"By the way. an old man just said that he likes me. that's pretty creepy huh" said johnny jokingly coincidentally the master entered the room at the same time bringing medical pack with him.

"Oh yeah? Which part of it is disgusting?" Asked the master darkly.

Johnny then awkwardly turned around to face the master. "Ah-haha. J-just joking my master. Wh-what I mean is that you're so nice worrying about me so that I feel disgusted with myself for not thinking clearly before." Said Johnny awkwardly. the master just walked closer to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure you do." Said the master while giving him a smile. And gripped his shoulder as hard.

"Awwwchh MASTER! MASTER! I'M SORRY! I'M AN INJURED MAN OVER HERE, GIVE ME A BREAK!" Yelled johnny in pain as the master continued to to grip johnny's shoulder hard while rummaging through the medpack that he just bought.

"Aha ha ha…."

I can only let an akward laugh at them. oh what am I thinking with a partner like him I'm sure that problem will follows. But I'm sure that we'll be able to overcome them…. I hope.