
Guardian of Fairy-Tail

What sort of power do you want? Slayer power? No Come let see how the MC write his story after being reincarnated in FairyTail BaRRIER FRUIT OF BARTOLOMEO laluD_kebib

letiul_umanga · 漫画同人
29 Chs

X780,Against Erza

The year started, early morning

Guild was full of laughter and alcoholic smell

Ryuji came to the guild to take a new quest.

Just then Natsu and Gray fought again, Erza and Mira were at each other head too.Altogether the guild was normal

Being drawn by this atmosphere, The whole guild started its little fight, Gramps was not present hence the fight elongated

Due to misfire or targetted, A barrel came flying to Ryuji, Although he can dodge it with Observation Haki he didn't have a chance to and was hit by it

After being hit Ryuji also joined the fight

And suddenly came in front of Natsu and Gray punching both.

Gray and Natsu being punched were flown to 5 m then again came back with their magic

Natsu"Iron fist of fire dragon "

Gray"ice make-lance"

But Ryuji was not weak hence he just"Barrier magic _Shield " blocking all magic

Then quickly jumped to Natsu and kicked him

While he was kicking Natsu, Gray attacked with an" ice make _Arrow "

The arrow of Gray was dodged by Ryuji and jumped high enough

Then while coming down he punched with Haki destroying the floor

This destruction spread onto 10m around making the hall dusty

The dust made the fight impossible hence all quite down and looked at Ryuji

Ryuji feeling awesome spoke"Come Natsu Grey"

But he was pinched down by Giant Makarov who just came down "what is this all huh Ryuji destroying the hall "

Ryuji"Gramps, it was me but not me, well all of them were in it "and pointed his finger to all who fought

But they were not the once to shut up "don't lie Ryuji, lying is bad for health, you should accept punishment for the destruction "

Ryuji"Demons" -"gramps you believe me right ?" and showed a puppy eye

Gramps "Don't worry about that Ryuji just pay for the destruction around 40% of you next quest reward "

Ryuji "nooooo"

Natsu Gray and others were having fun with this but Makarov continued "for the rest, they will pay 50% of their next Quest "and showed a smile

Suddenly the guild was again aloud but the rule was the rule

This way the life of Ryuji Phoenix was going on


Some months later Fairytail guild

Makarov"okay all of you are present Let's commence the name for the S-class test "

"Erza is the only one who becomes S-class this time"

With this said Mirajane was unhappy same with Natsu and Grey

Ryuji knew he was strong but not to S-class.

The current Ryuji is at most the level of Natsu during the starting arc, hence he knew it won't be so easy to be S-class

After Erza became s -class, Natsu challenged Her

But was beaten to a pulp in an instant

Seeing this everyone laughed including Ryuji

Looking at Ryuji Natsu spoke "you! bird man don't laugh .fight her and you will know how strong she is "

Ryuji"not interested"


Ryuji"lizard, don't say I am scared. Erza lets fight"

Even Erza wanted to fight Ryuji as they had not fought before

Hearing the fight between Ryuji and Erza almost all came, even Makarov came to oversee the fight

The fight started suddenly when Erza attacked With a blade in her hand, this blade was dodge by Ryuji and he punched at Erza with Haki

Haki punch was blocked by Erza's sword but it was broken and she was pushed back

Then Erza changed her armor to Heaven knight style with a flying sword

When the sword came flying at Ryuji, he used observation haki to dodge at first and used armament haki to break the sword but still couldn't attack hence he used barrier all around him and jumped toward Erza

Seeing Barrier of Ryuji blocking all her word she amplified the power and attacked with a single attack

The attack was heavy, but it couldn't break the barrier but pushed it to 20m

Having his barrier pushed and lack of magic power to sustain the barrier he dissolved it and changed it into a hammer

With a hammer he swings it toward Erza which was blocked by her using adamantium armor but was flown away.

This sort of attack and defense carried out for 3 minute but due to the low magic power of Ryuji he stopped

Seeing Ryuji stoped Erza asked, "why?"

Ryuji"no magic left but let's fight I have my body "

Saying this he started to attack with just body

Fighting this type, without magic is not the way of a magician but Ryuji know that guild masters have strong body along with magic power, his idol was the same

At the age of 8, he could break a little house with just his body, after that the body strength didn't increase until Fire village and suddenly got twice strong

With this thought, he attacked with just his body to the adamantium armor and pushed her back

Feeling that adamantium armor can not hold this raw strength Erza changed to Titan armor with heavy strength

Now the raw power vs raw power, Finally the fistfight; if you are hit, then hit back

This sort of fight made the audience boil, but Ryuji can not sustain all this damage and fight with just his body without magic power and was defeated after 2 more minutes.

The fight lasted for 5 minutes in total but and Ryuji lost because of low magic power and stamina

Whereas Erza looked fine without even sweat but she was feeling gloomy as she didn't truly defeat Ryuji but he lost due to magic power difference.

Ryuji was calm since he knew of his lack of stamina and Magic power

This fight shocked Natsu and Grey as they didn't think Ryuji was powerful enough to hold Erza for minutes

Natsu"Ryuji fight me "

Ryuji"no! can't you see I am tired"

Gray turning at Natsu"Idiot"

Makarov thought within 4 yr Ryuji will be s-class too, Ryuji who didn't know about Makarov thinking just rested to recover magic and stamina

In this fight neither used killing type attack and the fight was just a friendly comparison of strength