
Chapter 18 Intruders

Randolph felt his hands and feet unable to move. He also felt that his whole body felt sore and weak. His throat felt dry. He felt a tingling and pain in his groin.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he already knew where he was. He was in a room like a prison. Soundproof walls surround the room. Only an iron door with a hole to let light from outside enter the room. However, the light in the room wasn't that great because the light from the torch on the wall of the building was quite far away.

"Aarrgh...what is this..?!"

As his consciousness had gathered, he felt a familiar feeling. He tried to look down. He look like doesn't wearing any clothes. Someone who was below him was also playing with what he had in between his crotch. However, he no longer feels comfortable. He felt too much pain.

"Ahhh...what are you doing? Stop this?! Please!!," Randolph shouted.

"It seems you have fully realized young man," replied the figure.

"Hey...hey...since I've come to my senses, can you stop all this? We can have a good talk!," Randolph said as he tried to untie the chains on his legs and arms.

Hearing Randolph's words, the figure burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... who do you think I am, young man?! I'm here to torture you! To satisfy me! It would be a waste of a gift from Lord Valcon's if I let such a healthy young man like this go!"

The figure seen like a middle-aged woman with a stocky body didn't stop moving her hands on Randolph's body. Her movements are getting crazier. Soon Randolph's body convulsed, the fluid from his body came out quite profusely.


Randolph understand it. He understood that the reaction his body gave out was not the reaction he would get if the fluid came out of the body for the first time.

"You...how long have you been doing this to me? What are you doing to my body?!"

This woman ignored Randolph's chatter. She stays focused on playing with her new toy. The thing remained erect because this figure made Randolph drank a special potion made by herself.

"Arrghh....stop bastard...stop!!"

Randolph rebelled with all his might. He tried to focus his senses. But no skills appeared.

"It's a waste of your chanting your skills young man. Each of your wrists and ankles have been sealed by the Sealing Handcuffs Artifact. There's nothing more you can do about it"

The woman made Randolph's things spit out his liquid several times until Randolph didn't care what happened to him. His body shook violently and felt very weak. His eyes were blank and his head was lowered.


The door to the room opened. The light from outside that only illuminates a little can finally enter this room completely.

Valcon was standing right at the entrance. He carried a torch which he placed on the wall of the room, "You can destroy him mentally, Warden Yo. Didn't I order you to interrogate him? But why do you torture him instead?"

Valcon's expression that seemed to oppose Warden Yo didn't match his words. His eyes smiled horribly. His mouth was grinning wide.

Warden Yo stopped his game at Randolph, "Does Mr. Valcon want me to stopped this?"

Valcon smiled.

"Let's continue the interrogation"


Not long after Agneshia and Sarah Aina arrived at the Alamove Palace, they headed straight for the main palace.

In the room several senate already present. Even all members of Five Schone Krieger look completes plus Sarah Aina and Agneshia.

After Agneshia and Sarah Aina sat down at the appointed place, one of the seniors in the group, Koumiko Azuzawa, said something.

"I understand that both of you are feeling tired, but the Elite squad "Dunkelheit" found a clue if The Maskedman and his teammate entered this country"

As a result of these words Agneshia and another junior were stunned. They were silent not because of fear, but rather out of curiosity and challenged.

The Maskedman is known to the public as a villain whose his evil intentions are unknown. But one thing was for sure, he wanted all the cursed artifacts called The Seven Sins to side with him.

Its had been five years since his first appearance. No one can catch him. Nothing can hurt him. Only a few figures testify to meeting him.

"Her Highness Allaerie Shone has arrived at the palace"

When the palace maid said that the king had arrived, everyone present in the palace rose from their seats.

The Alamove King Allaerie Shone is a new kings. Because he just occupied his throne 6 years ago.

As soon as he occupied his throne, King Allaerie Shone immediately railed against his subordinates quickly, "I'm not going to say anything small. According to the report I got a few days ago, the protective shield in Lowe city destroyed for no reason. Can you explain what the truth behind that? Can you tell me about it, Lard?"

Larde Von Lowe is commander-in-chief of the Alamove kingdom and a confidant of the previous king before Allaerie Shone ascended the throne. Even so, the previous king had abdicated he still fully trusted this new king.

Larde knelt before Allaerie Shone.

"My apologies in advance, His Majesty. According to the elite spy forces of the kingdom, the mysterious organization led by The Maskedman has entered the Alamove Kingdom from all the gates of the outer city of the Alamove Kingdom"

Commander Larde's words made the senate present in the room panic. The room became crowded. However, the king was able to calm the room again.

"Calm down all of you! Larde, explain what you mean! If they have managed to enter all corners of the city, why was only the barrier in Lowe city destroyed?"

Larde replied, "According to the report from the royal spy squad, because indeed the protective shield in Lowe city was deliberately damaged, Your Majesty."

Koumiko Azuzawa rose from his chair. Her killing aura flowed out of her body. She couldn't believe what she had just heard, "Destroyed?! no way!! That protective shield has the propective blessing power of the Seraphim!! Who dares to destroy it?!"


A dimensional tear emerged from the room. Then a fingers to form a figure out of the dimensional wall as if slashed by a sword.

"I did it"

This time it was King Shone who stood up from his throne. His eyes became sharp. His right hand clenched.

"You're back!" he said to himself.