The king's throne room became crowded. Many people look panicked. However, there had been no movement from a stranger who had managed to enter easily to the palace without the royal commander or the Five Schone Krieger feeling it.
Larde Von Lowe, Koumiko Azuzawa, Sarah Aina, and another Five Schone Krieger senior, Elina Victoria knew very well who was standing quietly in the middle of this room.
This stranger wearing black clothes from head until the toe, two swords on his back with black-colored scabbards, and a white mask with a smile that grins from ear to ear.
Without a warning, Agneshia was already moving as fast as light toward that strangers. Her sense felt that this stranger is dangerous. Her katana already casted with the aura of destruction would try to slash at the stranger's body.
However, When the katana was about to slash a part of his body, that stranger stopped the katana movement by simply grasping Agneshia's katana with only his forefinger, middle finger, and his thumb.
"My sword skills are restrained with only three fingers?! Damn, it doesn't make sense. This guy is strong!!" Agneshia screamed in her heart.
"You're too hurry miss. Hey Azuzawa, you have a temperamental junior, it's similar to you. That's bad. I'm sorry for your future boyfriend, miss. Besides, I'm only here to visit this place as a guest"
At the same time, the stranger activates his skill. With just another snap of his finger, everyone in those rooms who was ranked B and below suddenly fell asleep.
"Sleeping Powder Rank 1 <Activated> for 1 hour"
"Agneshia, come back here! You're no match for him!" Koumiko Azuzawa shout panicky.
Agneshia was a little angry at Koumiko's words. She knew the figure in front of her was strong. However, a retreat is not her first choice.
When Agneshia tried to attack the stranger again, He said something to Agneshia quietly.
"That young man, he is in danger. He needs you"
Agneshia tried to digest the meaning of these stranger words, a moment later her eyes widened,
"What do you mean? Wh... who are you? Why?"
Before Agneshia could continue her question, the stranger try to tell her again.
"If I were you, I'd ask the soldier who was with him last time."
Hearing these words Agneshia immediately left the king's throne room. She didn't seem to care about the commotion in the room. Somehow her main priority now was to find Randolph.
Sarah Aina tried to chase Agneshia, but suddenly the stranger's shadow skill activated.
"Shadow Rune 1 <activated>"
There are ten figures appeared in the room. Three of them tried to close the exit doors.
"Where are you going, Sarah? I will never allow the host to leave his guest again"
"What did you say to him, bastard?!" Sarah snapped.
Instead of answering Sarah's question, he instead asked the warlord Larde Von Lowe and King Allaerie Shone.
"Why is it so quiet here? Where are the chosen humans from the earth? Did you take the wrong decision, Shone? Hahahaha"
The room is indeed too quiet. King Allaerie Shone only summoned Five Schone Krieger and some of the senate or a nobless who can fight to an emergency meeting. Another Elite Rank Mercenary, other earthlings who were summoned to this world, blessed with Seraphim Blessing and working as mercenaries already got an assignment to move across all over the continent to defend Lumaville from monster wave attack.
Allaerie Shone makes a fatal mistake which is taken advantage of by Shadow and his gank. Shone is in disbelief when Shadow and the gank penetrate the kingdom so easily.
Five Schone Krieger and Larde Von Lowe tried to protects their king. Larde, Azuzawa, and the other get ready to attach that Stranger
"What do you want?!," asked Allaerie Shone calmly.
"I told you earlier... I just want to visit you. I missed you so much," this Stranger replied.
Hear absurd answer like that makes Azuzawa's anger burst out," You! You don't have politeness in front of His Majesty! Girls, attack this freak!"
In an instant, all Five Schone Krieger already move to attack that stranger.
"Sarah, chant a skill that can protect all of us including His Majesty! Elina, your focus heals all DPS! Nadia, you become DPS to replace agneshia who isn't here & I'll help you! Ignore his shadows, and focus on the main body...Sir Larde, I don't need your assistance for now, just take care His Majesty," shouted Koumiko Azuzawa proudly.
Larde Von Lowe nodded his head in agreement, "Do as you wish, but don't lose to him"
Nadia Jare sighed,"How can we find the real body?"
Azuzawa smirks at that Stranger. Seems to understand the meaning of that smile, that stranger giving a sign to all his shadows. Of all eight-figure that appeared in that room four of them disappear. Three shadows still bear the door.
That stranger unseathed his dual sword from its scabbard and then he's activated several of his skill.
"Apply Lethal Poison <activated>, for 100 sec there is a chance to inflicting poison debuff to target, single target"
"Apply Lethal Bleed <activated>, for 100 sec there is a chance to inflicting bleed debuff to target, single target"
"Oath to Shadow <activated>, increase physical attack, physical defense, evasion, critical strike, critical chance 100% for 1 hour"
"Oath to Lucifer <activated>, increase magical defense to 100% for 1 hour"
"Stealth mode <activated>"
"I will destroy all of you! Be ready beginner!"
Agneshia run as fast as she can and then she's trying to flying. She know that stranger tell her the truth. A few hours ago she felt that a soldier that met her and Randolph felt so off.
"Shit... But, i don't know where i must searching first. Eh, wait a sec...If it's a foreigner who doesn't have an identity then I have to head to the kingdom interrogation room"
With a long jump and fast movement her unique skill activated automatically.
"Michael Blessing Wings <activated>. Increase movement speed and Flight Speed for 1 hour"
An elite soldier like Agneshia gets a special blessing from Seraphim. She have a unique skill that can make her fly like an Angels. The different is those white wings can active by a spell of the skill and it's not a body part.
Alamove kingdom citizen looking amazed with that sight. It was rare for people to see an elite soldier cast this special skill in a populated residential area.
Agneshia doesn't care if many people see her. For some reason since the first time she met Randolph, her heart was beating fast. She can't wait to meet him.
"I will find you as soon as possible"