[Is Dabi a Todoroki?]
Furry™: why are we even talking about this?
YEAHHHHHHH: Nedzu, it kinda makes sense?
Fireman: the Villan Dabi has not and will never be one of my children
the-suns-mom: midoriya and todoroki shouto say otherwise
No: are they theorizing?
the-suns-mom: yep
No: god dammit
the-suns-mom: and that Patel kid called me 'mom' by accident
the-suns-mom: he proceeded to cry
the-suns-mom: I've adopted him now
the-suns-mom: lets make it official Emi
don't laugh: which kid is this?
the-suns-mom: the one from India
don't laugh: Eraser the kid is ours
No: don't talk to me about it. I'm not the kid's teacher
No: if anything go talk to Dao. it's his kid.
father?: i was mentioned?
father?: my kids call me father and dad all the time by accident
father?: Yao and Ahiro do it on purpose cause their fathers are a s s h o l e s
father?: but one day Lee thought it would be funny to name me this so here i am
father?: anyways what did you want?
the-suns-mom: can we (emi and i) adopt/take Ravi Patel as our kid
father?: let me ask him... personally, i say no cause he's mine. but here at UA (JD), you can have him as your kid.
[father?] added [Solace] to [is Dabi a Todoroki?]
Solace: oh.
Solace: dad what did you add me too?
father?: Midnight and her girlfriend, Ms.Joke want to adopt you
father?: i know your parents are alive, but they want you as their kid
Solace: oh.
Solace: i mean, that would be nice!
Solace: my mum and dad are away in India, so I rarely see them
Solace: but i guess when I have winter or summer break while here in Japan, I could come live with you both?
the-suns-mom: yes please????
don't laugh: i might cry
don't laugh: please come stay with us when you have breaks
the-suns-mom: only when you cant go home to India or the break is too short for that!
Solace: yay!!!
Solace: im going to go tell Channie!!!
Solace: bye Dao-sensei!!!
[father?] removed [Solace] from [is Dabi a Todoroki?]
father?: that answers it. I guess
Tol n' Smol: can we go back to roasting Enji?
YEAHHHHHHH: go for it
Fireman: why are you 'roasting' me?
Tol n' Smol: your kids have PTSD you fuck
Fireman: from fighting their classmates? you must be joking.
Fireman: that is ridiculous
YEAHHHHHHH: hey babe want to share your input?
No: Enji
Fireman: Aizawa
No: let me lay some facts down before you respond to this.
No: Your child, Shouto, has nightmares of you. Yes. NIGHTMARES
No: whenever you call him, he has to sit next to Hizashi or I, because he is scared of you. He doesn't want to go home for breaks because he's scared that you will kill him during 'training'
No: If you don't get your fucking act together, I will take this to court. You know what? I'm Going to take this to court anyways!
YEAHHHHHHH: babe we dont have enough evidence.
YEAHHHHHHH: wait nevermind we do.