
Water festival in Thi world

In the urban world warning for not attending the water festival in Thi world had surfaced and we had no option apart from returning to a forbidden land. We had to stay there for atleast an hour with disguised features so we couldn't be recognized.

Anna being the oldest among all the Tyethas, she got a face disguise spell for all of the Tyethas so we left for the festival with new names such as pig for Lana, Goat for Luna and Zebra for Lisan, start for Constella and lion for Liam. At the festival, the bottle were Kenak was kept was the idol of celebration. This was disgusting for us so we just dispersed enjoyed the moment then Left.

But as we were leaving, Lisan bother labour pains I'm the portal of transportation which alarmed the festival watchmen. She had to give birth in the portal or her babies mind would get impaired wrongly at birth.