
A decade after

"We can't hold on the past forever" Anna explained.

It has been two decades in exile as the Tyetha family. We can't hold on for too long on the past my children. But we just have to get to my urban house and keep at Bay watch.

Uncle Glenn has only a day to his final exhaust. Without human blood , we can survive forva short time. The further we get past today , the longer it will take to get back our reign.

According to history, the subtotha disappears with his family and relatives but only the youngest is left. We can only wait for a peaceful disappearance unless we get to another level with out humiliating the Tyetha family.

We have to sit in a circle and wait for Glenn to search back in time who among us so has to stay. But in the history two children have to stay. Luna and Lisan's kids will stay behind as we exhume to to the history winds.