
Gravity Falls: The Lord of Darkness

A heads up the first few chapters maybe confusing but alot of the content in them is explained and will be explained later so bare with them. Without further ado I give you this stories synopsis. A boy named Dipper pines goes to a place in Oregon called Gravity falls to see his Gruncle Stan, a few weeks before he has to go to Oregon he discovers this website on the occult, he gives a sacrifice of sorts and utters a chant then he blacks out, and when he wakes up he discovers a book and begins to learn the inner workings of magic, but it's not as simple as that read to find out more. It's a reincarnation of sorts it was a normal person who was reincarnated no wishes no knowledge nothing but maybe the occasional vision from his past, and who was reincarnated and who reincarnated him that's a secret until its revealed. And just a heads up it's a darker Dipper, this dipper went through years of being ignored and in that time he trained in some martial arts muay tai and the likes, and due to mor having many social interactions holding him down and other factors he was online and it reading alot researching all manner of subjects until one in particular took his fancy, and that subject was the occult it amazes him with intricacies of magic, demons, and concoctions they wrote these based on science and seemed completely believable, and he started making it his goal to become apart of that world, that seemingly imaginative world, and adventually he got what he desired most, now shall we follow him on his journey. ______________________________________________ Now Here's a quote from my people DO YOU KNOW DAE WAE? By the way my name is *Tongue click* ELAE and I do know DA WAE. I know it's a dead meme but it was my favorite meme at the time of writing my old synopsis still is one of my favorites so live with it, my people have spoken. Anywho jokes aside have a very nice day and enjoy my hard work, that is all I ask for and all I strive for is to write quality content for YOU the reader that is all, I hope this synopsis proves adequate, perhaps it isn't but push on through the first chapters and you will enjoy pretty decent quality writing. Well seeya around readers.

deadly_orange · 电视同人
9 Chs

A Boy Named Mason

[POV Classroom]

A boy with a complexion akin to snow, eyes that were a light chocolate brown color, nails that seemed very well kept and clean as if they were meticulously taken care of. His teeth seemed to have a slight shine to them seemingly no imperfections upon them, yet his canines were oddly sharp and elongated compared to the average humans. His hair was a darker shade of brown compared to his eyes yet it wasn't that much darker; He wore a simple black hoodie with black jeans.

"I really liked how Dracula fought Peter Porker." The boy said.

"Right? that was so cool when he killed all those civilians with one swipe of his scythe."

A blonde haired kid with light blue eyes, extremely pale skin and a triangular pendant hanging from his neck that had one eye on it.

All the kids excitedly talked about the latest episode the of Fantastical Adventures Of Peter Porker, all of the kids always seemed to listen to the blonde haired kids words attentively.

A brown haired girl who wore a sweatshirt with a cat flying on a rainbow with glitter all around it. One noticable thing is she had braces.

"I really liked the newest episode if Magical Ponies more, especially with Midnight Sprinkles finally getting her wings it was so cool, she started using all sorts of cool magic and making rainbows."

That instantly caught everyone's attention and their attitudes seemed to completely switch, as if some sort of switch was flicked.

"Yeah it was really cool especially where her pet dragon came in and started celebrating with her."

And seemingly everyone left the boy and started crowding the girl energetically discussing the topic and the blonde haired boy seemed to slip away from the brown haired boy.

"Bill do you still want to watch some Peter Porker with me?"

Yet his question fell on deaf ears as everyone focused on the brown haired girl the boy seemed extremely saddened by the fact everyone left and so he put began to read some books with all sorts of creatures some horrifying others were tame looking all of them were mythical creatures. The boy's mood seemed to bright slowly even though everyone paid him no mind.

Three Weeks Later...

The boy approached another boy with a normal complexion for a caucasian.

"Tom do you have any idea what your doing for the science fair?"

Yet the boy had no reaction almost as if he never heard the boy.

"Tom if I did anything to make you angry I'm sorry."

Yet again the boy was ignored the boy then moved on seemingly down trodden by the fact his friend ignored him, but he moved on to one of girls she had square glasses, brown hair that was kept in a pony tail.

"Hey Nora I was wondering if you knew why Tom was ignoring me?"

Yet she seemed to show no signs of hearing the boy the boy seemed to become even more downtrodden than before.

"Nora did I do something to make you angry too?"

Yet his question elicited no reaction from the girl, upsetting boy even further.

He went to each one of his classmates yet none of them so much as shown a reaction to his words. Each failed attempt to get someone's attention upset the boy more and more until finally his frustrations elicited an outburst akin to a volcanic eruption.

"Why is everyone ignoring me!" The boy shouted out in a mix of frustration and sadness.

Only one girl seemed to react and it was the one with braces who seemed to rush to the boys side causing all the students to turn their heads in curiousity.

"Dipper what's wrong?" The girl asked with unbidden worry and concern.

"Everyone's ignoring me and I don't know why Mable, I tried asking them why they were ignoring me I even apologized yet no matter what I said they just acted like I wasn't there."

Mable seemed to be outraged by what Dipper said and immediately confronted their classmates.

"Did you guys really ignore Dipper?!"

"I didn't even know Dipper was here?"

One student responded.

"He never approached me." another said.

Similar responses coming from each student.

Mable turned towards Dipper with an inquisitive stare.

"Dipper are you sure they were ignoring you maybe you just didn't talk loud enough and they just didn't here you."

"No I'm sure they ignored me. Watch Tom won't respond to me when I talk to him."

"Tom can you hear me right now?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I?"

Dipper had a look of complete and utter confusion.

"See Dipper you were just talking to quietly. But I should I should probably go sit down right now the teacher will be here any minute now and I really don't want to get in trouble."

Yet the boy seemed to be unable to register what she said he just looked on with confusion seemingly trying to figure out what was going on but shook his head in dismissal.

"Maybe Mable is right, I must've talked quiter than I thought I did." Dipper mumbled to himself.

The boy sat back down and began to look through his various blueprints that looked like illustrations at a glance.

Later That Day...


Hello everyone Author here so as many as my original readers could probably tell this is the flash backs from the original version except happening in real time instead I figured I'd use this format for the first few chapters showing his gradual development into his more reserved self Dippers current age in this is 8 so this is years before the plot but there will be several time skips Next chapter will show Dippers POV during this time and show his thoughts and feelings about what's happening. I thought this was a good way to show his development into the Dipper you will all see when we get to the very start of Gravity Falls. I also showed his curiosity into the mystical and fantastical creatures. I do hope this was a good chapter and I hope you all have a wonderful day or night I'll be writing a few more chapters the original plan was batches of five but I figured I'd just release them for the most part as I write them to show you guys that I am writing this like I said I would so who's ready to read my version of Dippers Journey once more. Because I'm ready to write it and finish it this time.