
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · 奇幻
43 Chs

chapter 26(falling crystal's and scales &runes)

"-and dark magician"

[how are we going to deal with dark magic and those unreasonably abilities at the same time ]vorvak asked in frustration

''just stick to the plan for now ....

.if there's anything strange we can completely change our approach but never our goal" amon said with conviction

before they could have space for breathing,the woman like monster instantly started another round of attack

"*"""BONE SPEAR*""



it instantly thriple casted what could be considered mid class magic spells

first over dozen of spears made if animals or human bones rose from the ground and attack them but luckily for them,amon predicted something like that was going to happen and asked them to enter into a formation where vorvk would be facing the altar and eslot would be facing the opposite direction,the others would be in-between them blocking and deflecting the incoming long ranged attacks

most of the spears where blocked by vorvak but sometimes some would occasionally slip past him but the would be blocked be the others immediately

next came a sword made of dark stones which where Made with artificial darkness element and earth elements,it was as huge as a small car and it's weight was not something to be underestimate

"monslun,don't let vorvak take that attack directly,use wind magic alongside veg to reduce it's speed...when it's close enough maybe around if veg lay down two times immediately support the sword's falling speed,in other words increase it's speed again..oh and send all the wind magic towards the Left side of it and vorvak mend you child 60 degree left if the force which is coming is something above your own strength" amon instructed

in the next course of action,both veg and monslun direct as much wind magic and wind element as they could to not only reduce it's speed but when the planned distance was reached they immediately increased it's speed,vorvak's shield was a traditional metal shield with a diamond shaped body a marker make in the middle separating it into left and right direction's ,with a massive side to it

so when the slightly left facing massive stone sword arrived,he instantly closed in, putting his shield in front of himself when he felt the slightly vibrating or response from the shield,he immediately bent his shield towards the left directing all the power and force towards a pillar at the left side, which if one stood at the middle of the altar one would find that at the very left one would find unlike the other four directions of the hall,there where only two pillars instead of three,by sending the sword towards the left, it hit the second one instead of the one closest to the wall

and by hitting that exact pillar the pillar bent forward slightly,then the pieces of luminating crystal blades at the very top of the hall which had unknowing increase in size over the past thousands of years, instantly started falling

[now] amons voice was heard in their ears

in the next moment

the assassin who had been hiding the inter time jumped off the top of a huge structure of unknown figure

in midair he sent over a dozen tin wired strings, which looks fragile but are actually very durable

some of the string's tied themselves to a side of the hall like pillars and other parts like the luminous crystal at the very top

the others tied themselves to the eslot,monslun and veg

surprisingly the assassin who had a very tin,if not considered slim physique was able to send the three of them into the air with what seemed like little effort

during same moment vorvek retreaded into a safe range with a roll

the crystal fell towards the woman,in responded pretty quickly by sending forth her feller's to form a defensive formation, even then she still had to use her pinchers to block a reasonable amount of crystals

while her attention was somewhere else,the archer veg,fire another round of arrows with fire and wind explosive buff added by monslun

because of the arrows speed and silencing technique used by veg,she could only; with unreasonable reaction speed block about 70% of them before the others bombarded her

before the light and smoke screen was cleared monslun sent a flame javelin towards hers instantly adding to the heat

but that wasn't all,eslot move with nimble movement instantly jumping down and slashing the woman over a dozen times, each time directly aiming at her neck, heart, stomach and her other vital organs

one would believe that she should take an reasonable amount of damage but

["pull back"] Amon and eslot said at the same time

in the next moment she sent out two giant fleshless bone hands almost instantly clapping the assassin and the others like clapping mosquitoes, the assassin managed to maneuver of the attack center,but the force alone forced them out of the sky

as the smoke cleared, one would find that on the woman's skin are glowing runes and slightly transparent scales

redfog appeared