
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · 奇幻
43 Chs

chapter 15(a learning experience and a warning written in blood)

"where is the alpha,I can only see the normal members of the bask" one of the guards spoke

"look again,this time look slightly left underneath the earth and dirt"emz stated calmly

everyone look at the direction pointed out by sir emz, only to have goosebumps all over

right underneath,what seem like a normal ground, would go up and down like the earth was breathing

"looks like it learned some handy new skills"emz started

"monster's can also learned skills?" Silvia asked

"just like a dog can learn to sit and a parrot learns to speak, same goes for monster and beast,but...but never underestimate them monster and beast have a higher intelligence than common animals" emz stated calmly while he signal the guards with his eyes

amon notice this behavior then looked at the guard which emz signaled

he had light green hair, with strands of white at the side of his face,which looked like that of a 25 year old,and was slightly shorter and skinner in build than the others but he gave a slightly more suffocating air than even the guard captain

he walked forward with slow steps and stood at 7 yards away from them, holding his sword with both his arms,it was a slightly longer one handed sword

"cut through my enemies... elemental water sharpness"

he chanted adding a sharpness buff to his sword

but he still wasn't done yet

"manifest before me....flame arrows"

"strengthens my being... earths strength"

"make my will unbreakable.... calming air" he spoke

in just 10 second he added five elemental buff to himself or his weapon, something done only by few professions but best known for being the strategy of a magic swordsman

"I never thought he was a magic swordsman, although of lower tier but his destructive power is similar to professionest 2 level higher than himself"amon stated with calmness

unbefitting of his age

'making them one of the most important,yet hard profession to possess' Amon added in his mind

the guard took a fight stance,which display his next action easily

he sprinted forward moving from where he was towards the ground of nearest crocodile's

aiming his sword towards it's 3rd most vulnerable body part,it's eyes which it hard just open for a occasional observation

putting his sword down,with all his might and ferocity

he achieved a result most can't against this cold-blooded killer's

a instant KO

a direct headshot

the crocodile didn't even have enough time to look at who killed it

this is the destructive power of a magic swordsman directed at a single point

after killing the first one,all the flame arrows he created with fire magic instantly fired forward

sending them towards the other member of the bask, after making contact with the crocodile's, the flame arrow's would instantly explode taking a small parts of their stonebacks with it

"now!!!" the guard captain instantly gave an order after discovering the opportunity created by the explosion

in that same moment the other members of the squadron boost into action, they work so well together it would be obvious to anyone it wasn't a byproduct of luck but a product of years of teamwork

one of the members of the squadron uses a bow and arrows, another one used an Warhammer and a shield, another uses a dagger and a Short sword, while the captain and the magic swordsman both use sword's

a great setup for a team

but still the star of the group would be the magic swordsman

he was the youngest of the group,he is very strategic and

meticulous he puts everything into detail especially when every kill

should be precise.

He is considered to be

"Super human" by his

Comrades and enemies as he was only 25 years old

he was from a common origin yet he was able to pass the assessment of the slaen barony at the age of 19 and learn their mana technique,by the age of 21 he was able to double cast low class buff and maintain 4 buff, 2 of which are of lower class categories,one of the middle class categories and 1 of the classless categories(simple beginners buff),and still cast long-range attack magic

the bask were mad after discovering that over 20 of their members where killed before their eyes,the ones with talent started activating their abilities instantly increasing the pressure on the squad

seeing there situation getting dire, the captain looked at the archer

the Archer nodded and jumped into the air using his wind element to sustain himself above ground,he instantly activated his ability

{true bullseye} an ability which directs every shot towards the eyes of the opponent

a simple but deadly ability for his enemies,you could even say the magic swordsman's first attack was based on the experience he had gained while watching the archer use his ability

the archer added a simple wind explosion spell to the arrows,at the moment the arrow connect with the eyes of the enemy it would explode taking a big half of their skull and brains with it

at the next moment the Archer release a Florry of arrows towards the bask