
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 16(an unusual stoneback blood crocodile alpha and deadly breath attack)

the archer release a Flurry of arrows towards the bask instantly killing over 15 of them and injuring 30 more , instantly giving him most kills in the raid against the crocodile's, put him in first place while the magic swordsman second and the captain third

the assassin seizing the opening created by the archer started reaping away the lives of the injured crocodiles,he was like a ghost in the battle field instantly appearing and disappearing without a second notice

making him even more dreadful to the crocodiles than the others

suddenly the ground began shaking softly,then it started increasing in vibration till the ground suddenly split open close to the archer

from the splitted ground a giant white maned crocodile much bigger then the already massive maneless stoneback blood crocodile

dived out,attempting to swallow the archer

but as if waiting for it to do that,the knight with the Warhammer and shield,sent it tumbling with a shield rush,a technique taught to every shield welding knights

although the knight with the Warhammer was over 7 feet tall, looking like a miniature giant,it was a surprising sight to see a human shouldering away a beast as big of not slightly bigger than a large elephant

'he didn't power himself with any energy or mana techniques,it was pure physical strength,raw and wild.....seems like my thoughts after seeing that maid in the dark forest manor was correct' Amon thought without the slightest change to his neutral expression

the battle was still going on wildly,most of the crocodile's where already dead leaving only about a dozen or two of their elite of the elites,which are fighting desperately trying to protect the pathway into the dungeon

while at another side of the battle field, the alpha finally stabilized it self

after coming to it's senses from the roll it experienced it instantly lost it's mind again opon seeing the state of it's bask

it's back which unlike the other stone back crocodile's was made of valuable mineral similar to diamond, having a strong durability and a minor resistance towards magic and energy based attacks


the space between the crack's on its back started glowing red,which is a characteristic present when stonebacks are about to use their burning blood ability

but something unexpected happened, instead of the alpha charging forward,it raised it head towards the rof instead and.....

released a bloodred energy attack which looked like Godzilla's breath attack from movie's but on a smaller scale...

although said as smaller it's destructive power was not to be underestimated

as the breath attack touched the top of the hall the were in,the alpha draw it down towards the Warhammer knight,who look exasperated at the incoming energy attack but was still ready to take it,as he prepared his shield

he suddenly heard a shout from his young master

" dodge...dodge quickly, don't take it head on" amon shouted from the top of his lungs with a slightly panicked face

the Warhammer knight did not understand why his Young master would say such a thing nor did he like it as he thought the young master was underestimating his competence

but he still followed the order and dodge to the right side


after the attack past through where he originally stood.... everything in its path was reduced to ashes

seeing the aftermath of the attack everyone one stoped and looked in fear..well except emz that is

but the rest,even the crocodile's where terrified by the breath attack causing them to stop in fright

the must fearful and great full person was the Warhammer knight which the attack was originally meant for

'thank God I listen to the young master....if I didn't maybe by now my teammate would be trying to save the remaining of my ashes' he thought feeling great full towards amon

emz who's pupils where flashing with near unnoticeable black lighting

looked at amon with a rare look of surprise

"how did you know it was going to use a breath attack?... stoneback's don't have breath attacks" emz inquired with interest

amon smiled and answered

"with instinct and a little observation"

"instinct okay...I won't ask about that,but observation?what exactly did you observe" emx asked

Silvia also pique her ears because Amon asked her to listen more and speak less

"well it's simple; from my observation of the other stonebacks I discovered that when they are about to use their ability the cracks on their stone backs light up with the bloodred light ....." pausing slightly

he continued " but when the alpha didn't only light up it's back but also it's throat, lungs line and stomach areas also lighted up.. seeing it pause slightly then raising its head towards the sky remind me of their inner structure adding with the bloodred light which kind of made me come to a conclusion that something about to come out ....and it probably isn't food." amon stated what he believed was fact

emz nodded in acknowledgement

Silvia smiled