

A powerful prince accidentally falls in love with his admirers friend. War between friends begins for the prince's heart, whilst a war for their kingdom almost kills the prince and an evil traitor takes the crown for himself. The prince escapes while his subjects and family are held captive by the evil emperor. Will the prince take back his throne or die by his own powers and will his true love be determined, find out in 'Good and Evil'

Gift_Eledu · 都市
3 Chs

The Crown prince 1:

'Is he here? is he back?' the queen said in excitement, as she dashed eagerly towards the courtyard.Members of the royal family shortly joined along with a few servants and escorts including those peeping from the mild windows and door cracks in the palace. The silhouette of a young man could be vaguely seen, though it was bright as day outside; the seemly young, athletically - built, tall, handsome; man standing with a null and stoic expression could only be seen on closer view.

The fourth prince, Jonathan strutted closer to his mother who now stood a few metres a way from him. He stopped inches away from her, his dark,dull, maroon eyes paired down into her crimson ones. A shimmer of something unknown and strange crossed his face making his jaw twitch. A smile that stretched out not to far from his usual lip composure, could be barely seen, his arms wrapped around his mother lovingly as he embarrassed her tightly.

Shortly after the king, Roland; approach his son as his face remained docile, striding with Grace as he stopped inches away from him. Jonathan remain unfazed by the coldness that eluded from his father, he had

grown to be accustomed to it since he was a child. Roland examined his son thoroughly as if looking for something, he then pulled his son into his bosom embracing him in his warmth, stunned by the sudden gesture, Jonathan stilled like his brain was unable to fathom the situation him found himself in but nevertheless he quickly regained his composure by wrapping his right arm around his father and delivering a gentle by respectful Pat on the back. However this exchange was shortly lived as a result of the sounds of gasping from the onlookers, even Jonathan's mother was shocked by the king's actions, if the trees that surrounded the elegantly decorated courtyard could see they would have as well be bewildered and shocked. An unsure smile grazed the king's lips but shortly disappeared as it arrived.

The king stepped back to talk to the chief commander and a short figure with blonde flowing hair, pale skin, dark red eyes, soft purple pale lips came into view. "Brother" Her dazzling red eyes sparkled in excitement as she screeched in joyousness seeing her brother. Princess Jennifer smiled in delight in the sight of her brother, unlike the other members of the royal family, Jonathan's step mother and brothers; who gave a disgruntled or irritated expression whilst staring at him. Jenny ran with her arms hanging out in the wind towards her awaiting brother. Prince Jonathan in turns reached out and hoisted her onto his waist side before leading her carefully to cradle his back by supporting her legs with his arms and she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck in a loose but firm ring making sure she doesn't strangle him. "Brother I missed you" she said with a concocted pout while enlarging her pupils, "I missed you to cookie" Jonathan said as he piggybacked her into the palace as she rambled on, on how she missed him more. Princess Jenny has always been quite kin to Prince Jonathan, he was her favorite play mate and he loved her as well. Growing up no matter how matter how busy he got he always made time for her, he would often play games and practice combat moves with her and she cherished him dearly. As a little girl she would often sneak cookies and ice cream from the royal pantry at night if she couldn't sleep but one day while getting a drink of water Jonathan caught her, she was startled at his sudden appearing since she hadn't anticipated it. She begged and pleaded for him to not expose her little secret because her mother would punish her for having sugar at such a late hour. He vowed not to expose her if she promised not to do it again, she agreed and ever since Prince Jonathan occasionally gets cookies and ice cream for her on nights when she had a hard time sleeping and would stay with her until she falls asleep before returning, which only strengthen their bond with time.

Everyone made their way into the palace, the members of the royal family all gathered in the throne room for the king had pronounced a special announcement. With the exception of the second queen and inclusion of the royal guards and staff, the royal throne room was scanty though there where more than a hundred thousand people present excluding members of the royal court.

As the members of the royal family got seated the king rose saying;" A ball will be held tomorrow night on behalf of my son's arrival, all servants are to drop their assigned duties and help prep the castle for the celebration. Queen Annabelle?" he called out lovingly," yes?" Jonathan's mother replied joyously." Queen Annabelle will be in charge of the activities regarding the celebration, you are all excused," and with a swift wave of his hand the staff dispersed into different directions existing the grand throne room that appeared to be able to fit millions of people due to how large it was.

Jonathan took after his mother in physical appearance, he had slightly lengthy black straight hair, pale white skin, dark smooth brows and an acutely defined nose, which compensated his purplish pale lips that where although slim but slightly plum as well. Whereas, he took features like his eye color and blood root and physique from his father, he was tall, mascular with an intimidating ora around him. He was the epitome of divine, for this same reason many women have fond over him but he showed little to no interest in such affairs and kept to himself, leading some to see him as narcissistic but that didn't sway their affections for him, it in turn mad it stronger.