

A powerful prince accidentally falls in love with his admirers friend. War between friends begins for the prince's heart, whilst a war for their kingdom almost kills the prince and an evil traitor takes the crown for himself. The prince escapes while his subjects and family are held captive by the evil emperor. Will the prince take back his throne or die by his own powers and will his true love be determined, find out in 'Good and Evil'

Gift_Eledu · Urban
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3 Chs

The soldier Chambers.

"What did I tell you?" Queen Janet whispered angrily to a soldier in uniform, in a dark room with a rackety old bed, wet floors and a small door that seem to lead to a bathroom of some sorts. I didn't have the chance to do it, the chief was vary particulate about the prince's wellbeing while at camp and on the battlefield. "You imbecile! now I have to do it all by my self due to your incompetence" she bitterly said while giving the unfortunate man a dirty look. she stumped out of the room where a rugged looking man in all black was waiting, though it was bright out, the soldier Chambers people aariely dark only if you squint hard enough would you be able to tell people be able to differentiate the man in the darkness from the darkness that surrounds him. "Kill him! make sure there aren't any witnesses this time, I don't like cleaning up your messes" the queen said coldly as she went down the hallway, leaving the soldier Chambers not waiting for a reply from the man who slipped into the soldier's room for a little visit.

Back in the palace...

Jonathan approached his room cladded with exquisite paintings, expensive furniture and a king sized bed with red silk duvet draped beautifully on it. Everything from the marble floors to the elegant walls screamed royalty. Jonathan took in the sight before him, his room looked unchanged, to a commoner it was heaven but to him it was a prison of despair, a place that remainded him of his past, his child hood.

He skillfully undressed and slipped into some cotton robes that caressed his skin like soft finger tips massaging his frame easing his tension immediately. He walked into the washroom fully away of the pair of eyes peeking at him from a closet door, cracked open just enough to enable proper viewing.


A figure with black glossy long hair, a slender,slim but slightly bursty physique, short about five feet and four inches; walked majestically towards the prince's room and reached for the door handles until her movements were interrupted by a lady with features in opposition to hers. May had flowing blonde hair with blue oceanic eyes a slightly pointed nose, Reddish lips and a more bursty but slim physique, sporting a quite pale white complexion." what do you think you're doing?" May asked looking irritably at Hazel. "The Madam asked me to dress the prince's room." Hazel replied innocently, May looked sternly at Hazel trying to find any trace of mockery in her voice but looked away upon finding nothing . Hazel was a chamber servant while may works in the kitchen, in the castle; servants often have duties depending on what the type of work they do was . Hazel had a very small nose with plump pale purplish lips, hazel brown eyes and a slightly tanned complexion. May ushered hazel to the kitchen while she took her place in the royal chambers, Hazel refused but agreed after May threatened to tell the madam which also happened to be May's mother. The Madam was the head servant at the palace who was responsible for assigning duties to the other maids in the palace. She's called 'The Madam ' by the other maids as a sign of respect except May. May had this plan of making the prince fall in love with her before he had left for battle but he barely noticed her, now that he's back she was hell bent on making sure all he sees and thinks about was her. Hazel departed to the kitchen shortly while May went into the prince's room to put her plan in action.After organizing the prince's room, May took a moment to admire her hard work. She took in a deep breathe whilst gazing in marvel at the now divine looking space she was in. Remembering, she had lots of other duties to perform especially with the upcoming celebration being held in honour of the safe returning of the fourth prince , she dashed eagerly to the closest to keep the blankets she had previously folded when she got startled by the clicking of the door closing inwardly signifying someone had entered the room. She frantically tried to hide for fear it may be the queen or king since she feared she might be questioned for being in the royal wing of the palace, as she was a kitchen maid and only maids allocated to this wing were allowed to be here one of which she wasn't.

May cracked open the closet doors which she had closed behind her on entering the large lavished space which was wide enough to fit twenty or more people comfortably. She peeked her head out ever so slightly to not alert the intruder of her presence, seeing the doors to the closet were located at the right side of the room ;on entery, just a few steps away from the main doors. Her eyes searched the room but couldn't find a soul, she then noticed the pair of black trousers coupled with a royal blue shirt and a black jacket with golden embroidery on its shoulders, sleeves and chest regions; that were harzardly tossed onto the bed ruffling the duvet a bit. Her eyes scanned the clothes wondering who it was that had left them there. Her pupils slowly drifted to the sounds coming from the washroom, curious; she moved slowly towards the doors leading to the washroom which was adjacent to those of the closet, after a slightly prolonged walk across the large room, May arrived in front of the bathroom doors, her curious mind beckoned her to find out more. May was consumed by her curiosity, she eagerly reached for the doors as she was about to push them open, the doors flew open by them selves and into her view came a man with beads of water droplets trickling delicately from his gorgeous wet face and hair, trailing down his rigidly built chest and disappearing just at the brink of his waist line where his towel rested loosely.

Jonathan's POV (point of view)

Stepping into the washroom, I couldn't help but wonder who could have been spying on me. I had sensed the person's aura and this person seemed to not exude any evil or murderous intentions . I was very tired, ergo; I gave little to know time on contemplating the matter further. I took off the robe i had previously slipped into on my way to the bathroom.

Jonathan emerged himself in the already filled fountain like mini - pool situated in the middle of this room. The washroom was twice as large as the closet but not as big as the main room. It had white tiles from the walls to the floor, a gigantic elevated rectangular bathtub like structure with short stairs on it's sides, a large crescent like shower place with a crescent shaped glass wall demarcating it from the rest of the room. The shower place had two glass doors on the glass wall for entrance and exiting, the tile in the shower place however were black in contrast to the rest of the room, with four silver rectangular shower heads hanging from the black tiled walls. Staring at the enticing bathe, I walked eagerly to the ever so familiar tub and dept my whole frame leaving only my head and my neck dry. I relaxed in the bubbly liquid that surrounded me for a while before submerging myself permanently.

After what seemed like half an hour of soaking in the fountain, I reach for my towel as I got out of the tub. After wrapping the towel loosely around my waist line, I strotted carefully towards the door so as to not slip and fall on the now wet and slippery time floor. I reached for the doors and gave them a gentle push, the mahogany doors brushed my skin ever so lightly and there my stocker was staring at me wide eyed like she had been spoked awake. I paid no attention to her and simply walked around the now stilled figure, towards the closet's stairs over to the massive wooden table beautifully placed at the center of the balcony like structure over looking the entire closet. I blew my hair dry with the blow dryer and went on to apply necessary ointments and creams to sooth my desperate skin.