
Class A5 [1/2]

"Hello everyone, My name is Wrenlow Mu, Peas to meet you" Wrenlow never shied away from greeting the class the minute it was formed.


"Huh? Why is no one answering? Is it because you tried to trick me?"

Again no one answered.

"C'mon no hard feelings! I thought it was pretty crafty! If it was someone dumber they would have fallen for it."

"Hahaha, cough cough, what an Idiot, he called himself dumb." Wenji finally managed to speak, even though he still slurred his speech.

"Huh? O Blackshell!"

"It's Blackwell! And my name is Wenji!"

"Ah, my bad, You look like you're in bad shape. I have never seen someone in a…"

"It's called a wheel chair" Wenji rolled his eyes.

"That! Then what happened? I thought everyelse apart of the Apex families were strong?"

"I heal people man, I don't have a lot of offensive prowess. I know you're talking about mom, I don't know how she did it either." Wenji easily knew why he thought that. It was well known that Elizabeth Blackwell could go head to head with anyone and even though she was a healer.

"Mhm, well anyway, It's good to meet you man, a pleasure to be your classmate."

"Well that's fine, why did you join this class."

"Mhm nothing much, I simply wanted the greatest challenge, Hahhahaha" Wrenlow laughed yet no one understood what he meant. They believed he meant the opposite meaning he would have the easiest time.

"Every time you laugh you remind me of that guy in the castle, from qlash royal" Wenji couldn't help but compare the two.

"Yahaha, I guess I do! Do you play?"

Junya was the person pushing Wenji around, so he wasn't that far away.

"You should download it, Maybe we can all play together!"

"Mine is broken, so I can't-" Junya tried to lie and try avoiding any further conversation, since he didn't want to take gifts from a random person.

"Don't worry! I have two! You should take one and we can play later."

Oddly enough, Wrenlow had two phones in his pockets. Truth was, Junya didn't know where his phone was anymore, he guessed it might have been destroyed or slipped out along the way

It was something few people had at Berger Town and it was mainly used to contact other Town in case of emergency or reports for any Mobbings, so he was tempted to take what was in front of him.

"C'mon, take it, my number is already added"

Junya looked at the phone oddly, leaving Wrenlow hanging.

"Is this something to monitor what I'm using? I don't know if I trust that."

"Rest assured, this was made especially for me as a backup. So I doubt anything malicious would be downloaded."

It was a free phone, dangling its mysterious self in front of Junya. Even now he wondered if he could really touch the screen and make it light up. It was like giving a raven something shiny.

"I guess I don't mind trying it out. Thanks…" Junya took the phone while stuffing it into his pocket.

"Don't mention it! We're all buddies so don't worry about it." Wrenlow's smile brightened. "So when do we meet Mister teacher"

"Just wait a minute, he'll be here soon…" Wenji lazily said.


"Is Mister teacher here yet"

"You just asked, at least wait!"

Wrenlow heard and tried to keep his mouth shut. Soon they saw someone coming over, yet it was not their form teacher. It was Alice.

Junya had already been able to see her coming, from the eerie feeling of being glared at. He never made eye contact with her for this reason.

"That's one of the strong new teachers, isn't she? I wonder if she can give me a challenge!"

Wenji and other students wanted nothing but to tear his mouth off and put it into a bag.

Alice continued and stopped before reaching too close.

"Uh, Hey…"

"Come here" She called him.

Junya walked up to her closely, she looked at him up and down before sighing.

"Well, I'm glad you're not hurt." Junya was expecting the harsh punishment that she promised.

"I'm sorry, I really tried finishing as fast as possible. I was really fatigued them I got scammed by a guy who gave me a half-done potion, well at least I thought. Then I tracked him down and drank it out of desperation and it worked, then I rescued him to get the real one from him and that guy started chasing us… Sigh, It's was a lot" Junya went on a tangent before realizing Alice wasn't upset with him.

"Hm? Potion, from who"

"Oh, Wenji over there. He said since it was you, he would have charged you double."

"Eep! Wait, I though we were friends. Is this what you were talking about you figure what you were gonna do. That's unfair, I never expected you knew Alice." Wenji yelled. "Miss, No Master Alice, please don't take it the wrong way, it's free!"

Alice looked between both of them then shook her head.

"Anyway, I got something for you." Alice took one brand new phone from her pockets, it was still in the box and still had a new smell on it. "You will need it for school. You could even save it if you lost the one I gave you earlier, it's important you have one since they will send you a lot of information..."

Alice was slightly nervous about what his reaction would be.

Would he be grateful? Would he not care? What if doesn't want anything from me?

'Hopefully he sees me as more thoughtful'

Junya's hand moved, but reached to his pocket.

"I already got another from Wrenlow. He wanted me to play a game with him." Junya showed the phone he had received.


Junya shrugged, It was still a mystery why Wrenlow joined the class.

Alice's glanced at him like he was a pest, annoyed that he gave Junya a phone before she could. Many students saw this and panicked, hoping Wrenlow never took any offence toward it.

"Fine, Well you came last, so your training will be doubled no, tripled. Find me before you get back to your dorm room after school"

"Wait! I-" Junya tried to defend himself yet he remembered pushing Wenji on the compound in his wheelchair, meaning he was the last person. Jack and Creig had both been carried onto the property and placed respectively.

So it was impossible to refute.

"See you later." Alice walked away in a worst mood she had came in.

'What the hell happened, why did she get upset all of a sudden! I really thought she would have been more lenient on me!'

Junya held his face in his palm ruefully rethinking his decisions.


"Dammit, Why is someone from an Apex family giving him a phone anyway. I busted my ass all day to find something I could give him, yet he ended up getting it from someone else!"

Alice argued in her mind, making her expression turn screwy.

"I wonder what he thinks of me now. I don't wanna seem like I'm pushing myself onto him, but I want the kid to like me dammit. If I keep putting him through harsh training, he might really end up hating me."

Then she heard the words of her driver, Po, from inside her mind.

'You can't force him to see you as a mother. You have to achieve that through your actions, training him to death won't help. Your motive is pure yet so backward, yet just pampering him would be the very thing you never wanted. Hohoho, this might be your greatest challenge yet'

"God! Shut up, you lazy-eyed bastard!"

Alice's outburst turned the head of students and teachers some of which were frightened.

"Erhem, continue…" She put on a poker face while fixing her uniform, then walking away, leaving them confused.