
Driving Through The Dead

The group that had taken refuge within the vehicle felt a mix of horror and revulsion as they watched Alex take their teacher, and pin him to the ground while hammering hooked stakes through his wrists and ankles into the concrete.

The entire time Shido was screaming his head off from the pain he was feeling, drawing more of Them from their surroundings that hadn't been killed by Shizuka. And once Alex had finished staking Shido to the ground, he conjured numerous magical glowing runes that sank into Shido's body before turning and leaving him.

And as Alex returned to the vehicle, Shido's screams only intensified as They began to grab at him, ripping chucks of his flesh from his bones as They began to gorge upon him.

Alex however appeared completely unfazed by what he had just done, and re-entered the vehicle to find himself the target of numerous looks, the vast majority of which were horror.

"Y-you monster!" One of the boys exclaimed in outrage, drawing Alex's attention before he looked to Saeko and asked,

"Didn't we already establish that?" The main group all nodded collectively, each of them not finding a problem with Alex's actions for one reason or another.

Kouta had been bullied by Shido in the past, Shizuka had never liked anything about him, Takashi was mostly neutral, Saya had been warned by Alex about Shido beforehand, and Saeko was practically soaked from watching the sadistic way Alex had dealt with the sleezeball.

Rei meanwhile was looking at Alex with adoration from the way he handled the man who ruined her family's life.

Shido's father was a politician that Rei's father, a detective in the police department, was leading an investigation about regarding his possible shady source of funding. As a message to Rei's father though, Shido's father had ordered him to hold Rei back a grade to humiliate him, despite her outstanding scores.

Rei would never forget the scene of her father, the strongest and proudest man she knew, on his knees begging her for forgiveness as he blamed himself for her being held back.

Rei then rushed Alex suddenly before wrapping her arms around him, and whispering in a voice filled with emotion,

"Thank you...."

Alex didn't say anything back, instead merely hugging Rei back as he pressed his hands against her back comfortingly.

For a moment neither said anything as Rei took comfort in Alex's presence, his size, warmth and even his scent, while Alex rubbed her back softly. Of course the moment ended as Alex's hands drifted downwards to cup Rei's naked asscheeks, squeezing them in front of everyone as he spread and kneaded them experimentally.

"Pervert..." Rei pouted as she pretended everyone wasn't looking as her, before an illusionary screen appeared before her eyes.

"If you accept this, there's no going back." Alex whispered into her ear in a serious voice, as Rei blinked at the invitation to Alex's Chatroom.

Though there was a slight moment of contemplation, Rei immediately selected yes and became the third person of this world to join the Chatroom, along with Saya, and Saeko. And as he received the notification of her joining the Chatroom, Alex was slightly surprised as Rei suddenly stood on her toes and pecked him on the lips.

Just as quickly the brunette separated from Alex as she whirled around to take a seat, her cheeks red with a fresh form of embarrassment that had nothing to do with her nakedness. As she did so Takashi gripped his bat harder, as he began wondering what he was even doing there.

Takashi's main goal when this all started was to keep Rei safe, but with Alex around and Rei giving him the cold shoulder, was there even a reason for him to stick with them?

With Takashi considering wether or not he'd stick with the group, Alex returned to his captain's chair as he prepared to leave, closing the door as he did so and making the new members of their group feel as if they were trapped. Alex didn't care about their misunderstandings though, and simply sat back in his seat as Yuna and Yami sat to his sides.

Getting an idea, Alex then gently picked Yami up and held her over his lap as her body stiffened. With the seat behind her shielding her from everyone else's view, Yami suddenly found her black leather dress vanishing from her body.

Now the only things Yami was wearing were her boots, her hair accessories, and her pair of white panties with a pink little bow on the front. And despite the fact that no one other than Yuna, and Saya as she too came to the front, could see her, Yami's entire face turned red as she realized what was going to happen next with Alex's shorts also disappearing.

With Alex sliding her panties to the side, he slowly lowered her until the tip of his cock was brushing against her tightly closed lower lips which, despite her 'reluctance', were getting wetter by the second.

Then, Alex impaled Yami on his cock, forcing the entire thing into her at one time down to the base, making Yami clasp both hands over her mouth to keep from screaming.....from pleasure.

"H-hentai..." She gasped out as Alex's hands slowly crawled up from her hips, to her modest breasts as he began to knead and cup them.

"And you love me for it." Alex whispered into her ear, making Yami shudder before he sealed her lips with his own.

If there was one thing Yami truly and utterly hated about Alex, it was how easy it was for him to bring out her ecchi side.

Even now, her body was becoming increasingly aroused as she used her Transform ability to make her insides not only perfectly fit Alex's monstrous cock without him needing to use the power of Nika, but also to massage and stimulate it with her inner walls without having to budge a single inch.

She had also endured numerous humiliations as she tried to master her Darkness transformation, having developed it enough that she could enter the form at will, as well as use certain abilities with limited strength without transforming entirely. Unfortunately the horrible side effect that came with the transformation hadn't diminished in the slightest, as Yami herself became the embodiment of the perverseness she despised any time she used Darkness.

And as if her own memories of the things she'd say and do under the effects of Darkness weren't bad enough, several of Alex's wives and lovers had even recorded or used Regeneration magic to show her her embarrassing side. And naturally, her perverse nature had absolutely no qualms about putting on a show for whoever happened to be in the vicinity, prompting Yami to never use the transformation unless she was only around her sister-wives.

And recently Yami had begun to believe that the perverted nature of her other self was starting to affect her as well, as the idea of having so many people behind them as she and Alex had sex turned her on more than she'd ever admit.

Alex of course was enjoying every single second that he was teasing Yami's petite body, both because of her already incredibly tight hole voluntary/involuntary squeezing him even more, and because she was desperately trying to keep her voice from leaking out due to the pleasure she was obviously feeling.

Even after he gave her right breast and nipple one last squeeze, before moving his hand to the joystick to start driving, Alex crawled his left hand downwards until it slipped into the waistband of her drenched panties.


Again Yami had to fight from letting out any noise, as Alex's fingers began playing with the tiny bean at the top of her slit, making her climax immediately.

Pretending nothing was going on though, Alex then said out loud to everyone behind them,

"I have a location in mind to stay at for the next couple nights before we head to the Takagi estate." As he said that, Alex created a projection for the group to see that mapped out the city, and showed their route and destination.

"Ah! That's mine and Rika's house!" Shizuka exclaimed in recognition, to which Alex said,

"Yep. We're going to head there, but first if anyone's home is between here and there let me know, and we can stop to check in on your families. Everyone else's we can go and check on tomorrow." There was a buzz of conversation as everyone discussed what Alex said behind him, before they were all surprised as a small ring appeared in front of them.

"Those are spatial storage rings, similar to the one Saya has. When we stop at your homes use them to bring whatever you want to take, as well as all of the food in your refrigerators and pantries. No need to worry about any of it going bad, the rings will perfectly preserve the things they store."

Again there was buzz of discussion as everyone excitedly tried out their rings, storing some of the miscellaneous things they had on them into it to try it out.

With everything that needed to be said said, and with one hand on the joystick while the other was still in Yami's panties, Alex launched the vehicle forwards as they shot off towards their destination.

"WALL!" Saya shouted along with the rest of the other students, as Alex drove right at the stone wall surrounding the school, only for them to suddenly smash through it without slowing down in the slightest.

"Don't worry." Alex told them nonchalantly. "This thing can take a nuclear missile head on and not even get a single scratch."

Rather than feeling reassured, someone asked incredulously, "and WHY was that considered to be a necessary addition!?!"

Alex just snorted at how dramatic the people behind him were being, as he stated casually, "it's not like that's particularly impressive. My punches can shatter entire planets, this little tin can would be nothing if I actually wanted to destroy it."

Alex could practically feel the fifty or so pairs of eyes boring into the back of his head as they gaped at his comment, but he just ignored them. Honestly speaking, that part wasn't even particularly impressive since Alex had to fight to keep Hajime and Azazel from turning his cars into full-on Transforming robots, with their own built in Ai via Spirit magic.

But the students who had never seen anything Sci-fy or fantasy until today were still easily impressed, as seen when Alex stated, "Kouta, there's a group of Them up ahead. Man the guns!"

The fatty gun otaku jumped up and down in his seat from excitement as he grabbed his own joysticks, and activated the headset that would let him properly see and aim his weapons. And with his trademarked vicious grin forming on his face, scaring the new members of the group since a few of them used to bully him, Kouta took aim at the group of Them that Alex pointed out.

"Gotcha!" Kouta exclaimed, before firing the railgun at the group.


The entire street exploded as molten slag and debris flew everywhere, as well as charred body parts, which then set fire to the surroundings as the molten slag made contact with homes and other vehicles.

"Oh my god!" Some of the students cried out in alarm from the destruction the weapon caused, while Kouta was practically jumping up and down in his seat with glee.

"Can we find some more!?!" He requested excitedly, to which Alex answered,

"I'm not going to go out of my way to find more, but if I give you permission you can shoot any more we find." Though a low whine could be heard from him, Kouta could only wait patiently until Alex gave him the go ahead once again.

Following that moment was a scene of constant carnage like none of the students had ever seen before, as Alex quite literally drove them through the city.

Though entire sections of the city had already fallen to Them, there were still thousands of people trying to get away as they flooded the streets and alleyways. So, Alex took other routes, like going directly THROUGH entire buildings, knocking the building in question down as he did so.

The trail of devastation he left in their wake caused quite the stir, and even military jets were sent to investigate what the mysterious vehicle that was causing so much destruction was. For the most part Alex just ignored them, but when one fired a missile at them he gave the Kouta the go ahead to shoot them down, which the fatty did with relish.

"Alright, first stop!" Alex called out as they eventually slowed to a stop, and a couple of girls who lived nearby quickly rushed out the opening door to check on their families. Saya also followed suit to act as his intermediary, since Alex wasn't interested and was a bit preoccupied playing with Yami.

A short while later Saya and the two girls returned with a few more people following them, their mothers along with what appeared to be an older sister. And as they took their seats, she informed him,

"They were all that was home. Apparently their husbands had all gone to work, and they hadn't been able to get ahold of them due to problems with the phone lines. I told them we won't actively look for them, but they can once we reach the estate and they're strong enough."

"Thank you Saya." Alex said as he prepared to start moving once again, grateful he didn't have to go through his own speech about how he wasn't going to save every single person yet again.

Over the next few hours they made several stops on the way to Shizuka and her girlfriend's, Rika, house, picking up numerous family members of the students that they had. Though there was one or two who's homes were completely empty, they had still managed to find several of their mothers and siblings, while also leaving a note at their home telling anyone who returned to go to the Takagi estate.

Finally, just as night was about to descend completely, they reached the street that Shizuka and Rika lived on. And once Yuna, who had taken Yami's place on his lap, had gotten up, Alex quickly used several of the abandoned vehicles around them to barricade each end of the street.

"Alright everyone, out!" Alex declared, herding them all into the street as he said, "the fireworks are about to begin!"


Shido was in hell.

Not only was he in agonizing pain from the stakes driven through his wrists and ankles, but he was being subjected to a continuous torture of being repeatedly torn apart by the undead, only for his flesh and organs to regenerate seconds later for them to tear apart once again. And no matter how many times he was dealt wounds that should've killed him, Shido never died or turned.

Instead more of them came pouring in as they became lured by his screams, until literally hundreds were pushing and shoving themselves forward to try and get a piece of him.



Shido screamed with futility, over and over again until his vocal cords shredded or one of Them tore them out, only for them to regenerate to start all over again.

For hours Shido was torn apart without being allowed to die, and no one answered his pleas, as the sun began to slowly sink in the sky. And then, when it finally sank below the horizon, a circular portal appeared on the roof of the school.

"The scent of death.....is so invigorating." Drawled the figure that stepped through the portal, their skin unnaturally pale while their eyes were as red as blood, and adorned in exceptionally gaudy clothes.

Following him, several dozen figures also appeared that were equally pale, casting their gazes around before they all focused on the source of the screaming below.

"Cezar, Pius, investigate." The lead figure ordered, even as more of his followers appeared through the portal.

The two he had mentioned swooped down at the crowd of lesser undead without a care of infection, before they began to literally tear them all apart with their bare hands. Soon the area was awash with gore and the smell of rotten blood, except for the solitary figure staked in the middle of parking lot, who began to rapidly heal from his injuries once the lesser undead were cleared away.

"T-thank you..." Shido breathed out with gratitude, and relief.

It was however short-lived, as the lead figure appeared beside from a wisp of black smoke, and stared down at him inquisitively.

"How curious..." He uttered, looking at Shido as if he wasn't a person, but merely a mildly interesting thing.

"These restraints...are not of this world..." The figure uttered, before his lips curled upwards to reveal a pearly white grin, and two dangerously long incisors. "There must be another reincarnator here."

"P-please.... Help me...." Shido begged of the man he hoped would be his savior, but instead he sliced open Shido's neck, allowing a steady stream of blood to flow from it before it began to hover in the air, straight into the man's mouth.

And from the moment the blood touched his lips, the man experienced a rush of memories belonging to Shido, his early childhood, his mother dying, his father naming his bastard son as his successor instead of him, and finally the figure of a large savage looking man, covered in red fur with a thick mane of black hair.

"I see.... A Saiyan..." The man said as he finished viewing all of Shido's memories, his grin transitioning to a malicious smirk as he pondered to himself, "I wonder how his blood tastes."

The man mused on his pondering for a moment, before a voice hesitantly asked, "My lord..."

"What?" The man sneered as he turned towards the speaker, Cezar.

"Would it not be more prudent to exercise caution my lord? This IS a Saiyan we're talking about..."

For a second it appeared as if the lord was considering Cezar's concern, before the underling suddenly found himself suspended in the air by a telekinetic grip around his throat.

"'Exercise caution'? I am NOCTAVIAN! SUPREME LORD of night and darkness!"

As Noctavian proclaimed himself the evening sky seemed to become even darker as his power exploded, and Cezar's body began to slowly shrivel up as if it was being drained.

"The only thing that can hurt me is the unbridled flames of the sun, and I don't see that here, do any of you!?" The vampiric followers that had already arrived quickly uttered their agreement to pacify their lord.

"Light is naught but a flickering candle that one hopes will keep the darkness at bay! No matter how brightly it burns, the fire will always die! And the darkness will always persist."

Noctavian then directed his attention back to Cezar as he slowly approached him, and said in a deathly calm voice,

"I am-"



Just as the group was asking Alex what he was waiting for, night turned to day from a massive twister of burning white-hot flame that appeared in the general direction that their school was in.

"W-what is that!?!" Saya exclaimed in alarm as she tried to shield her eyes, before a pair of sunglasses appeared on everyone's faces.

"That's just the little thing I left in Shido when I staked him to the asphalt." Alex casually said, making everyone turn to him in shock as Kouta exclaimed,

"It's as bright as the sun!"

Alex scratched his cheek awkwardly when he heard that, before saying quietly, "well.... I am TECHNICALLY a sun deity...."

This time even Yami and Yuna turned to Alex in alarm, as the latter asked, "when did that happen?"

Alex smiled wryly as he explained, "Nika is technically a sun god.... So..."

Both Yuna and Yami nodded in understanding when they heard that, both recalling Alex in his Nika form, and how his body would be covered in blindingly white flames. Before anyone could say anything else though, Alex was distracted as he received a notification that left him dumbfounded.


Completed the hidden quest, 'Vampire Slayer'!

Quest objectives: kill the progenitor vampire reincarnator, Noctavian.

Reward: manual of the Vampiric Fist martial art style]

"What the fuck!?!"

Thanks for reading!

And work has been kicking my ass this last week

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts