
God of system in Onepiece ff

a boy reincarnate in the world of onepiece with the power to control system all character except for OC belongs to their creators.. If you like story great, if you dont like it still thanks for reading my beginner work.. first time writing anything original aside from college lecture notes and exams writing. Expect 1. Beginner writing 2. Bad grammar - english is my 3rd language 3. Bad story development- story is just written in free time i mean i write 3 chpters today

H_kima · 漫画同人
20 Chs

4. Making of a legend

Around a week had passed from the day Buggy got the system. He is now in one of the coast of oykot ( yeah its tokyo spelled backwards) island doing the saitama workout. Even though buggy is a member of rogers pirate, his physical strength is weak as he is not the type to care about strength,as his only goal is hunting treasure. But as the saying goes people can change with the right circumstances, given the chance everyone have at least a sliver of ambition to gain strength to be free and decide one's own fate.

Given the chance, even the not so great buggy is now trying his best to complete his missions to get S.P and with anticipation knowing that this week of workout seems to work, and he can feel his strength growing ( onepiece ff logic). Buggy is sweating all over squating his body after running for 100km to train his legs, while squating he can feel his balls aching , yeah that happens. Ever since he set foot on this island he can feel his balls ache and he can't seem to know the reason so he decided to search for a way to train his balls and when he search on the system shop he saw one workout technique that goes by the name of "Mr. Bean's workout" which is a way to train a balls of steel. Even though Buggy may not know that in less than 1 year someone named Nami who kick his balls is going to be born on this very island, he still decide to train his balls as he didn't want to leave a weakness on his body during future battles.

After his daily workout Buggy decided to take a stroll around the island. Since his mission include gathering 50 pirates crew members he decided to recruit pirates weaker than him to fill in the quota, he can't recruit someone too strong as he decided to have complete control of his crew members. He will change his crew members into someone strong as his strength continue to grow.

Walking around the town he look at the condition of the town. The town on oykot island is in extremely bad state as the people suffers from poverty. The nobles are corrupt and the normal people find it difficult to find daily food neccessary for survival. Walking around the street buggy decided to do a mass recruit here among the people. Since, he didn't have a ship now he will recruit crew members while training his strength. After he is strong enough he will take the ship from the nobles after routing all their treasures and sail in the seas to begin his pirate life.

Walking around the town, Buggy walks into a bar and ask for a drink from the bartender. While drinking he looks around the bar searching for possible crew members. Buggy walks up to the table, looking around the bar he shouts

Buggy: "I am going to recruits crew members. The requirement is simple. Fight 1 person and kill him, all those who like to join can start now"

All around the bar is in silence. The people look around and burst out laughing

"WOI WOI kid are you a clown hahaha"

"you want us to fight, for the position of your crew? Do you think you are Gold Roger haha"

"go back to your home kid this is a place for adult, go home and drink your milk"

Hahaha... the bar is filled with laughter.

Puchi.. the bar filled with laughter filled with laughter end up in silence

Thud.. the body of 3 people falls on the floor with no light on their eyes while their face still had smiles, they didn't realise that they are already dead. The people look at their body and at the young man on the table. They saw that the two hands of the boy fly from the corpse with knife stained with blood and attache themselves to the boy.

" ziehahaha who are you calling a kid. I am the great Buggy D. Clown. So who wants to join my crew, if you want, show your strength by killing those that didn't want to join the crew. After you are done come to the counter and we will celebrate the start of our adventures by partying here. ziiieehahaha"


As buggy called start while walking to the bar counter, the bar descended into chaos with everyone seemingly becoming mad and they started fighting each other with the desire to kill. No one wants to be a canon fodder killed in a bar on a normal night meant for drinking after a hard day gathering berries. The only things on their mind is 'i should be the one to live' yeah everyone is selfish when it comes to our own life. No one wants to die.

After a quarter of an hour the hall that is filled with screams and shouts of people start to calm down. On the floor there are dead bodies and looking around buggy sees around 14 people standing with injuries on their bodies, barely able to stand up with difficult breathing, while being vigilant of each other and getting ready to fight back if anyone tries to make a move.

Looking around buggy is satisfied with the people that he gets as they are not too strong but have the means to fight among ordinary people.

" zieehaha come the 14 of you will become my crew members from now. Come lets celebrate by drinking" buggy called out to them to drink on the bar. The rest of the crew breath a sigh of relief and walk toward the counter and called for their drink. One of the new members ask

" Captain, so what are we going to do now? "

I replied " we will steal sh.." wait " i mean we will stay here and recruit another 40 members while training, after getting all the crew we will sail to the sea" " don't think about the future, just follow my orders, i will only want absolute obedience in my ship.. If there is any mutiny, they will be killed by hanging"

'wheww that was close' i want to smack my lips. I nearly let my tongue slip, i still need to recruit members and i am still not strong enough. I need to at least get strong enough with large crew, before that i need to keep my mouth shut to my plans. Its great that that i read the book that system force me to buy for 300 S.P. Yeah "Basic Common sense" book was great maybe i should buy the intermidiate and advance book too.

'I need to loot the rich people while finishing mission to get more S.P. I need to learn that 'moonwalk' skills from marines and i will be a little safer from falling on the sea. '

' hey system how many S.P do i have?'

[ Host you have 700 S.P]

'So i need to do this saitama workout for another 25 days and i will get around 3000 S.P and after i get 50 crew members i will also get 10,000 S.P, i should also change my costume for that 500 S.P'

After calculating everything Buggy knows he will get around 14,000 S.P which is short of around 6000 S.P to buy the 'moonwalk' skills from marine. As he is going to buy 1 skill separately the skill price is increase to 20,000 S.P. But he thinks its worth it because this is the key to his survival, if he can use this technique combine with his bara-bara fruit power he will be safe enough to prevent himself from falling on the sea.

(Host POV)

As Buggy was busy recruiting his crew members and thingking about how to generate S.P for me ( i mean i let him do some of my own missions for 40% reward) i was looking at my own S.P as i think it is time to spend my remaining 3m S.P to get myself a Devil Fruit to increase my strength.

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H_kimacreators' thoughts