
God, an Otaku, in DxD

God, also known as Kami, a die hard otaku has just finished Highschool DxD. He wants to tell Issei Hyoudou, that there is more to life than breasts, and knock some sense into him. As the God of Creation, he created the fictional universe to a fucking real one! Yup. You read that right. That's one hell of a god. Anyways, here starts the crazy adveture of Kami, The Creator, in the universe full of ecchi, dragons, devils, angels, fallen angels, and of course, OPPAI. Readers, join me as we meet the most arrogant, childish, and cliche God in the whole fucking Omniverse! A/N: Hope you peeps enjoy reading this! And, do me a favor: DON'T EVEN TRY TO STEAL this work without giving me any credit. And, PLEASE leave your reviews of the story. It REALLY helps in improve my writing ability. 《This is of my own work. I just copied it from my other account, so it would be available in more platforms. Please support my original work, which is on WebNovel. Thank You for your appreciation.》 DISCLAIMER: I do not own Highschool DxD nor True Beauty, or any other anime, show, or company that I will be mentioning in this story. I am merely using them as for writing material.

XKingSkullX · 其他
53 Chs

The God, The Devil, And The Pervert


I think it's the day where Rias and Issei 'sleep' together. And mortals, you know what 'sleep' means in the DxD Universe.

'Sleep' means being surrounded by hot chicks with no clothes on. That's what sleep means if you don't know.

Well, better give 'em a big laugh, and tease them that I will be telling the whole world at what I just saw.

'Cuz I remember from the anime, only his two best friends know of what they REALLY did. The other students only thinks they're just dating. Speaking about the anime, I'm gonna be a bit late if I don't start walking. Well, better get to school!

This will be good. No. No! This will be GREAT. I had never had this much fun since the time I threatened Zeus to tell the world he was gay, unless he does a little 'favor' of mine. I think you mortals know of it.

That favor is the three brothers overthrow their father, Kronos. In fact, I was really shocked that they did it!

Ha! I remember those times! When I still walk the Earth, enjoying my life as a 'human'! But now, I chose to leave because you mortals ruined the things tha-! Alright back on topic.

I'm going to prepare for school. I'm not enjoying school that much to be honest. I sleep, I get called by the teacher, I answer the questions he asks me with ease, even though he didn't discuss it with the class yet. After that, I sleep again.

That was my daily routine. When I answer a teacher's question with ease, my classmates were not even surprised anymore.

But again, those four devils, namely Sona Sitri, Tsubaki Shinra, Rias Gremory, and Akeno Himejima are ALWAYS watching me. They even stay at the classroom with me when it was breaktime!

Damn, they even try to do small talk with me. But everyday, they fail miserably. But they keep trying, doing the same tricks like, 'Nice weather isn't it? Wanna go for a walk?' and some other cliche crap.

In fact, I just want to make it rain hard while breaktime so they can just leave me alone! But again, I think it will be pointless, because they will just do new things to annoy me!

I will NOT reveal myself until the start of the Riser Arc. I promise myself that.


While Suho was thinking deep in thoughts, he arrived at Issei's house, just in time for the both of them to leave the front door.

Suho acted like he was just walking, and the both of them did not even notice him. 'Time for a surprise attack! HAHAHAHA!' Suho thought.

The 'couple' started to walk on their own pace, while Suho was just standing there, then got a half eaten sandwich from his bag. Don't even ask where THAT came from.

After that, he made his most surprised face. Then suddenly said loudly, like he was just walking by.

"Oh God Issei!" Suho told in his most surprised voice, while dropping the sandwich he was once holding. The 'couple' then got startled by the said voice. They turned around. They saw a VERY curious but confused Suho Lee.

"You slept together didn't you? I didn't know you were THAT kind of pervert, who's interested in older people, and I never thought Rias would sleep with a pervert like you! This is SO WRONG! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Suho laughed so hard that he had trouble breathing for a good 30 seconds.

"I-It's not l-like that Suho!" Rias said while madly blushing.

"Y-yeah! I-It's true! W-well I was sleeping with her, but we never did any-" Issei quickly covered his mouth knowning what he did.

"Ohhhh! So you admit sleeping with her! That was so wrong! I mean, you slept with your senior you barely even know. The next thing I know Akeno will be here as well! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Suho told them, still having trouble breathing.

"Well, that's over. Let's go to class shall we?" Suho told them, back in his serious face, but is having difficulties maintaining it.

They arrived at the front of Kouh Academy, and recieved MANY dissaproving and angry looks. That is as always, directed to Issei.

"Is he supposed to be cool now? Becuse if he is, it is totally working!" A girl said.

"Damn pervert! He's with Suho Lee and Rias Gremory! He must have blackmailed Rias or paid money or something!" A random guy said.

"A pervert with the two best faces of Kuoh Academy. Huh. That's new. Wait WHAT did I just saw?!?!?" A confused guy told himself.

'Hmmmmm. I guess this is what I get for walking in the school with two of the most popular faces in the academy. Well, there goes a happy day.' Issei thought. In his mind.

"Issei, I will send someone to fetch you later." Rias said to him.

"Yes, Rias!" Issei replied.

'So, he's already going to be told that the whole ORC are devils huh? I guess I won't need to wait for long. Then tommorow, is the start of the Asia Arc. This is gonna be exciting!' Suho said in his mind, while keeping a straight face.

"Suho! Wait up!" Issei shouted at Suho. He then turned instantly, and told him to never tell what he saw.

Of course, Suho an asshole gave his word, BUT Issei will have to owe him a favor.

Of course, Issei was desperate, so he just accepted it. Now, Suho holds Issei's life in his hand.


He's DEFENITELY desperate. I pity him. HAHAHAHA! Well, better get to class before I get reported to the Student Council!

On the way, I saw Rias. I caught up to her, and asked her a question. She got shocked that she did not even sense that I was by her side.

"Hey Rias. What DID you really DO with Issei huh? Come clean, and I WILL NOT spread it over the school." I told her teasingly.

"U-u-uh y-you promise?" Rias asked me, her voice faltering and her face slowly blushing.

I got the WHOLE story, except the part he got stabbed of course. After finishing, I laughed really hard, which the students on the hallway noticed.

They were whispering to each other, which sounded like, 'Are they dating?' or 'Why are they so close to each other?'

We ignored the whispers, and I asked Rias.

"So you basically corrupted an ALREADY corrupted mind? That's a whole new level! HAHAHA!" I said to her.

"Anyways, enough playing around. Were near our classroom." I told her, back in my straight face.

We finally reached the classroom, and the whole class looked at us, with questioning looks. I told the teacher that I woke up late, and just saw Rias and went to school.

Rias decided to play with it, and told him that she went to a friend's house, and she said she just saw me walk to him, and we went to school.

Our teacher seem to accept it, and did not report us to the Student Council for being late.

We began class, with EVERYONE looking at me with questioning looks. I decided to ignore it, and for once, just listened to class.

I also noticed Akeno Himejima seems a bit..... angry at me.

Oh, well. Onwards with the fucking story!

(Timeskip to night. Suho brushing his teeth, getting ready to sleep....)


So, I got nothing to worry about now. Well, just for the time being. I still have not blown my cover, so good. I'm powerful, so still good. I want new spell books but-

Wait. When I created this universe, I made sure that there is an Abyss Auction here, so that I don't need to farm monsters. In here, they literally sell ANYTHING. So, this is my best place to buy spells.

As far as I know, with this power, I'm as strong as Lucifer himself. So, I just need new spells. The only thing that I have are Jutsus, Mana Weapons, Power of Creation, and Super Saiyan Mode.

That was not good enough to have an exciting fight. I'll search for what I can buy tonight.

(Timeskip to the checkout process....)

So, I bought 8 items. 5 spellbooks, and 3 equipment. These cost a lot. Hmmm. I think these are worth it.

Proceed To Checkout?



List of products you will buy:

1.  Ring of the God of Mana

Class: Legendary


-Makes the Mana Regeneration Rate to 100% per second.

- Strengthens Mana attacks by 70%

- Adds 2000 points to Intelligence

2. Cane of Wizard Kings

Class: Legendary


-Strengthens Mana attacks by 50%

-Lessens Mana related attack costs by 80%

Special Buffs:

-The user can summon the 3 Wizard Kings, and make them bend to his will.

3. Minato's Cloak

Class: Legendary


-Lessens Jutsu attack costs by 80%

-Strengthens Jutsu attacks by 50%

Special Buffs:

-Can summon ALL of the Hokage, and bend

them according to the user's will.

(A/N: The Jutsu Suho uses costs Mana.)

4. Necromancy (Skill)

Class: Champion-Class

-Can summon souls from purgatory and from the dead.

-This spell almost has no limit in summoning souls.

5. Gates of Babylon (Skill)

Class: Champion Class

-Can summon projectiles from the caster's treasury.

Side Effect:

-The caster will call everyone on the battlefield a 'Mongrel'.

Suho's Mind: This is amazing! This will be good against Riser! Luckily, I saw this coming. Before coming to this universe, I made a whole planet full of spears that can even kill gods! HAHAHAHA! And I labelled it as my treasury! This is SO OP!

6. Chunbu Outer Ki Techinique (Passive)

Class: Champion Class

-Makes the body strong and increases the body's defense. Increases Strength,Defence and the recovery rate of  Stamina.

7. Chunbu Martial Arts Technique (Passive)

Class: Champion Class

-Passively increases bare-handed attack power and speed and Ki Strikes can be used when active. Attack power further increases when Chunbu Spirit Technique is learned.

8. Chunbu Spirit Technique (Passive)

Class: Champion Class

-A basic inner ki technique developed by the Chunbumoon. It purifies ki and allows the user to store it within their ki center, enabling the user to freely manipulate the power. Passively increases Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom and can permanently improve them further through training. Actively further increases his Strength and Ki Strikes can be used when active.

I pressed 'YES' and books suddenly appeared out of nowhere. There was a cloak, a staff, and a ring, along with five books. Then, after that, a message appeared.

System Message

1.2 Billion Dollars was deducted from your account. Have a nice day!

I closed the message, learned all the skills, and hid the items that I just bought. But I soon realized they were not giving of any aura, so I just decided to also put it in my room. My room looked like the one a cosplayer would have, but who cares? This will be fun!

(Timeskip to the next morning, Suho drinking his Mountain Dew, getting ready for school....)

'Hmmmm. I think this is the day Issei will meet Asia. This will be interesting.' Suho thought after finishing his Mountain Dew and is about to brush his teeth.

He finished everything he needed to do, and walked to school. He found Issei just in time when Issei saw Asia fall down.

"I fell down again! I'm such a klutz!" A girl in a nun outfit said.

Issei looked to where the noise was coming from, and when he saw her, he gave her a perverted grin. The girl's panties can be seen CLEARLY.

But, Suho who just arrived at the right time smacked him hard on the head.

"Who did that?!?!" Issei asked angrily, then turned his head to see who did it.

"Why did you do that man?" Issei asked Suho.

"Help her you perverted piece of shit!" Suho told him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming.... Who is that anyway?" Issei asked while coming closer to help the girl.