
God, an Otaku, in DxD

God, also known as Kami, a die hard otaku has just finished Highschool DxD. He wants to tell Issei Hyoudou, that there is more to life than breasts, and knock some sense into him. As the God of Creation, he created the fictional universe to a fucking real one! Yup. You read that right. That's one hell of a god. Anyways, here starts the crazy adveture of Kami, The Creator, in the universe full of ecchi, dragons, devils, angels, fallen angels, and of course, OPPAI. Readers, join me as we meet the most arrogant, childish, and cliche God in the whole fucking Omniverse! A/N: Hope you peeps enjoy reading this! And, do me a favor: DON'T EVEN TRY TO STEAL this work without giving me any credit. And, PLEASE leave your reviews of the story. It REALLY helps in improve my writing ability. 《This is of my own work. I just copied it from my other account, so it would be available in more platforms. Please support my original work, which is on WebNovel. Thank You for your appreciation.》 DISCLAIMER: I do not own Highschool DxD nor True Beauty, or any other anime, show, or company that I will be mentioning in this story. I am merely using them as for writing material.

XKingSkullX · Others
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53 Chs

A Fallen Angel, Falls......

(Timeskip to the time of the date, in the morning....)


Today's the day. The day Issei gets killed and becomes a devil. The day he and 'Yumma' will have a date, and she'll ask him for a 'favor'. I gotta admit, the scene when she kills Issei was awesome.

Well, better get ready. They will start the date in 3 hours. Gotta be there earlier. Black jacket with hoodie, Check. Face mask, check. Black sweatpants, check.

I showered, then ate some food. You already know what I'm eating right? Yes. Rice, Chicken and Mountain Dew.

(Timeskip to the town, Suho hiding in plain sight until Issei arrives...)

I saw Issei arrive early, waiting for his 'girlfriend', 'Yumma Amano' to come. Little did he know, that this will be the start of a CRAZY adventure, fighting enemies, making friends, and peeping for oppai. Damn it Issei.

I also saw a girl in a costume who was giving fliers to everyone. She gave one to Issei, who looked at the flier with confusion.

After that, like on a cue, 'Yumma' arrived, and Issei had a mental perverten grin after saying something to her.

They enjoyed the whole day, they went to a clothing store, and they ate some food.

After hours of tireless waiting, it FINALLY was going to happen.


"I really had fun today!" 'Yumma' told Issei. Issei was thinking of making his move. His hand touched 'Yumma's' hand, and they walked until 'Yumma' let go of his hand, and she went to the fountain. Issei wondered what she was gonna do, so he waited.


Suho's inner thoughts were interrupted when 'Yumma' spoke.

"Can I ask you a question? In honor of our first date, there is something I would like you to do. To commemorate this special moment." 'Yumma' asked Issei.

'You fallen angel motherfucker. You interrupted my fucking thoughts. How stupid of you.'

"Sure! You can ask me for anything at all!" Issei answered being the stupid ass he was.

"Would you die for me?" 'Yumma' asked seductively.

"Could you say that again please? I think something is wrong with my ears." Issei said a bit wierded out.

"I asked you to die for me~" She said seductively while her mouth close to Issei's ear.

She then turned into a damn fallen angel. Issei thought she was a demon.

"Well, I have to admit. I had some fun today. Considering how naive and childish you are. Things could have been much, much worse. Thanks a lot for the gift too. Very sweet." The fallen angel said, her voice a bit deep.

"Y-Yumma, wait please..!" Issei said heart raising, sweating, and panicking.

"It's time to die!" She made a light spear, and it put it's mark on Issei's chest.

"I'm sorry, but you're far too great a risk to us. I have no choice but to dispose of you. If you're looking for someone to blame, why not blame 'Him'? He was the one who gave you a 'Sacred Ge-" She stopped as lots blue objects, shaped like an arrow was surrounding her.

About 10 mana arrows surrounded 'Yumma'. She sensed lots of power from each on of them. Power she was not even familiar with..... Just like the human who was with Issei on the bridge... Wait.... No..... Impossible...!

'Yumma' told herself. She was terrified. An unknown being was here. Hiding in plain sight. Before she could fly away, the blue arrows flew toward her, leaving a half-dead crow.

She managed to fly away anyway. But Suho did not really aim to kill her anyway.

'Plot still needs her.' Suho thought.

That was the last thing he saw before his back connected to the ground, while he was coughing blood.

Issei was really dissapointed in himself. He was gonna die. And worse of all, he was GONNA DIE A VIRGIN!

He then thought about Rias, her red crimson hair, just like the blood in his hand right now.

Suddenly, a Red Magic Circle came out from thin air, and revealed a girl in a Kuoh Academy uniform, and has red crimson hair.

"I have come. You are the one who summoned me are you not?" The redhead asked Issei, who was on the verge of dying.

'Oh no! He not the fucking one. Of course he is! You tomato! He's the only fucker in the entire damn forest!' Suho thought.

'I'll give 'em a chance. Anime logic has saved your fucking sorry lives.'

"Since you are on the verge of death, I will gladly take you in. From this day forward, you will live your life for my sake." Rias told a dying, and confused Issei.

'Well, my job is done here. Gotta go home!' Suho said with a huge mental grin. He first made sure to check if his power is suppressed, and then if his disguise is still intact. 'Both, check. Now let's go home.'

(Timeskip next day, which is a Monday....)


'I have to remember. I DO NOT KNOW YUMMA. I DON'T KNOWN ANYONE NAMED THAT. I have to remember this, or I will screw the plot big time.'

'Time to go to school! Maybe I'll run into Issei."

(Timeskip to Suho walking to school....)

'Well again, the power of fucking anime logic. I will run into Issei magically.'

I was walking down the road, then I bumped into someone, who was of course is Issei. Issei was gonna ask something, but hesitated for the last second.

'Called it, fuckers.'

"What's wrong? Something happen to ya?" I asked, in my best to do a confused tone.

"U-uhhhh Suho, you are not going to believe this but.... Something happened yesterday."

"Go on...."

"I went on a date with the girl we met on the bridge, Yumma Amano. We had a date yesterday. Then, when it was sunset, she turned into a winger stripper, at attacked me with a spear! Then, some crazy thing happened, and there were these blue arrows that appeared out of nowhere, then it attacked Yumma." Issei told me, thinking if he made a good choice telling the story to me.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Then why are you alive then? And what do you mean a girl we met on the bridge? We never met anyone. Must have been a dream Issei. Or you're just watching too much porno again. That story in ridiculous. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed at him. Issei looked down.

"You really don't remember her?" He asked me.

"I don't remember. It told you. It must have been a dream." I told him reassuring it.

(Timeskip to end of class...........)


I got to go watch some DvDs with Motohama and Matsuda. Hmmmmm. This should be fun. At least I hope so.

(Timeskip to Issie and his friends arriving at their meeting place to watch some porno.)


"Wow! This is great!" Motohama said with a pervy grin on his face.

"Well, I HAD to pull some MAJOR strings." Matsuda told everyone proudly.

'It can't be a dream. This is so weird. This is crazy..'

"Hey Issei, you're a fan of this aren't you?" Matsuda asked Issei.

"Hey, let's turn off the lights. It's too bright in here!" Motohama said.

They proceeded on watching porno, while Issei was wondering on when they would turn off the lights. He is really wierded out by this.

"Hey guys, I thought you were gonna turn off the lights?" Issei asked them will the duo was having the time of their lives.

"Wait. What did you say?" Motohama asked confused.

"What are you talking about man?" Mastuda also asked him.

"U-uhhhmm, s-sorry. I'm going home." Issei told them.

Issei was now going out, and he heard a mother and her daughter argue. It may seem normal, but he was FAR AWAY from them.

'H-how can I hear them from so far away?!?' He asked himself, panicking. He went to the fountain when Yumma and him went to.

'No... This can't be a dream.....!' He told himself.

Then after that, the surroundings suddenly got dark. Then his skin crawled.

He detected a prescence. It came from a man, covered in all black, with a top hat covering his face.

"Well this really is unfortunate. Me running into you that is."

Issei backed up, but instead he jumped an unbelieveable distance.

He saw black feathers from above.

'Black feathers?!?! Yumma?!?'

The man caught up with him, and Issei noticed that he has the same wings as Yumma.

Little did they know, that somebody from the woods was watching. Watching on how this would turn out.

"Your friends and master are nowhere to be found. Or any signs of magic circles being deployed. So, I will assume that you are a stray am I correct?" He made a weapon just like how Yumma makes it.

Issei ran for his life. Then suddenly, the spear found it's mark. Of course, it is Issei.

It tore through his organs, and made him collapse. He attepts to touch the spear, but fails in touching it.

"Hurts dosen't it? Light a deadly weapon to your kind. It burns you from the inside." The man was about to make another spear, when something happened.

At the same time, a red magic circle appeared from thin air, and 10 mana arrows surrounded the fallen angel. There revealed Rias Gremory in all of her glory.

Issei meanwhile on the verge of death AGAIN, saw Rias and thought 'D-did Rais come to save me.....?' He then collapsed.

The fallen angel was angry that the devils surrounded him with objects like this. Sneaky shit.

"Hey devil! Get these arrows off me now! Are you afraid that I will kill you all?" The fallen angel asked them with a cocky grin.

The devil then noticed the objects, and told him.

"T-that's not o-ours..." The redhead told the fallen angel, which made him uneasy.

All of the devils who was in the area which include other members of Rias' Peerage also became uneasy.

There was A LOT of power stored those blue arrows. Who could have done it?

When the fallen angel charged, he was immediately cut down by the blue arrows. They were shocked that there were 10 of them.

Even with all of the demonic power of her peerage, with all of that, they can only produce like 5 of them.

When the smoke cleared, it reavealed a fallen angel, on the verge of death. It can barely breath.

"W-who did that?" His fear showing.

"Wait. That hair..... You're from the house of Gremory! So this town is controlled by the next heir to the great Gremory family! I assume he is part of your household?" The fallen angel pointing at Issei.

"If you bring harm to him, you will get no mercy from me."

"I-I apologize for the misunderstanding. It was unwise to let your servants run lose like this. The next time he will run for a stroll he might run into someone more powerful than myself. You're lucky you know?" He asked the redhead.

"What do you mean?" The redhead asked.

"Someone is protecting him. One of our own also got back from his encounter with him. She said that blue arrows surrounded her. Then when she tried to escape it almost killed her. He's lucky."

"I appreciate the friendly advice and information. But if this happens again, I will make you regret the day you cross paths with the house of Gremory, my friend." She told the fallen angel, with a serious look.

"No offence to your noble household but you should also know the same thing could be said to you. My name is Donasheek. I pray that you and I never meet again." The fallen angel tried to fly. Key word, TRY. He failed misserably for two times, until he did it in his third try.

'Well, time to go home. AGAIN.' Suho told himself after watching the Gremory Peerage discuss what would happen to Issei.

"Koneko, watch for this 'protector' of Issei. Same for you Akeno. We must know who he is, at all costs." Rias told them seriously.

"Yes, Rias!" They told her.

Suho heard it, and mentally laughed.

'Oh, you'll know soon who he is Gremory. You will know soon.' He thought to himself while walking back home.