
God's of Light

Gods are the ultimate race. They can create and destroy at their whims, without consequences. Fawn was born into the wealthiest family, the youngest and the only one to produce light. He hid everything from everyone until one man saw him for who he was. Levi didn’t mean to see into the creator's soul and turn his attention from his true mission. In his eyes, Fawn was the man for him and wanted to stop at nothing to make sure this god looked his way.

Luna_Pixie · 奇幻
5 Chs

To New Beginnings

The constant travelling was starting to make Fawn's butt sore. He knew he wasn't as bored as Ivana, who had been sitting beside him for most of the trip. A vacation of families is a tradition amongst gods. Two or three high royal families would travel together, hoping someone's child would kindle a relationship with another. Of course, Fawn's mother had told the group it would be a short trip, but they have been travelling at light speed for weeks now. Genevieve was hoping Levi Knight and her daughter, Ivana would start a relationship. She fails to realise, that Ivana has no care about having an intimate relationship with anyone.

"She's finished."


Ivana looked over Fawn's design, almost displeased with his final product. She was over the moon, that the project they secretly started was finally finished, but there was a hint of disappointment.

"But why a female?"

"What do you mean?"

Fawn's expression made Ivana shake her head slightly.

"Nothing. Is it ready to show everyone?'


Ivana tapped into the intercom, her sweet voice summoning the families down the steps, into the basement of the ship that Fawn had called his own. It was a big ship, but Fawn had to fight his older brother and Levi for this spot on the ship. Creators need a large space, to well, create. Fawn did not want to share a space with Revis, the thought of his brother overseeing his designs freaked him out.

The Silver's are a family of a long tradition, and Revis being a child from a previous marriage, believes he is immune to the traditions. He is a creator like his younger brother Fawn, but there is something twisted about him. He can take something sweet and turn it against its creator. There was one time in their early childhood. Fawn had found his powers and was playing in the backyard, a squirrel resting between his lap. Revis hated the thing and turned it into a large alligator, almost taking Fawn's head off.

Revis was the first to arrive at the basement, a smug look on his face. Fawn's eyes lit up with joy when that smug look dropped instantly when Revis caught sight of Fawn's creation. Genevieve was shocked and she wasn't sure if she could show the happiness on her face. All she wanted to do was take her baby in her arms and congratulate him on his hard work. But one look from Revis and she felt the happiness drop.

"What is this Fawn? Is this why you haven't been on the deck in months?"

"She is my creation. Introduce yourself."

"My lord has given me the name Amari, it is a pleasure to meet you, your majesty"

Ivana had made the suggestion that they dress Amari in one of her dresses. Before the family gathering, Fawn made Amari take a few practice bows and he saw his mother's face light up, knowing it was all worth it. Gods are still gods, no matter where in the universe they are. You could pray or bow to a god once and they would die for you. They are a silly race full of power and greed and love for stupid things.

"Can you make more?"

"Of course, I can."

"We should turn around. We passed an empty planet a few weeks ago. If no one objects to this, of course."

Revis went to buck up, only to get a swift hand to the back of the head.

"Alright, since there were no objections, I will discuss this with the other families."

Grabbing hold of one of Revis' ears, Genevieve pulled her oldest back into the family room. She knew if she had left him there unattended, he would have most certainly killed his brother. Ivana took Amari's hand and pulled her out of the basement as well, earning a startled cry from Fawn.

"Sorry Fawn, I will just show her around, I'm sure she has much to learn. I won't be long and I will make sure she is returned in one piece."

Amari dipped her head and ran after Ivana. Clearing his throat, Fawn started to clear up his workstation, under watchful eyes. Fawn had been avoiding Levi all week, ever since the incident, as he calls it. Fawn didn't know how to think straight around him anymore. His mind fills with desires and disgust. He thinks this is sinful thinking, wrong, something someone uses to have you framed.

The Knight's were a small tight-knit family that never left their houses unless for a royal occasion. So they were surprised when the invitation came in the mail. Of course, Fiona and Sylvesta thought that this trip would be a good chance to get the Knights married into a good family bloodline. Levi was given instructions, to seduce Ivana. But once Levi got her full intentions, his gaze accidentally wandered to Fawn.

Levi couldn't help but smile as he traced his lips against Fawn's ear, earning a strained groan. Levi could tell that he was trying too hard to keep everything hidden. Levi ran a hand down the sweater Fawn often donned, stopping at the waist of the boy's jeans.

Fawn didn't like the way his body was responding to Levi's touch. Last week, Levi had stumbled into the basement, a little drunk on wine, landing in Fawn's lap. Fawn couldn't help it, the sight of the boy in his lap made him hard. Levi also didn't expect a response from the other god, but happily put Fawn into his mouth. When Levi finished off Fawn and left the room, he had a hard time adjusting to everything. He thought if he rubbed himself off, everything would be fine. But after the way he felt inside Levi's mouth, not even Fawn's hand could make him cum.

Fawn closed his eyes as Levi started to undo the button of his jeans. Levi, grabbed hold of Fawn, squeezing him hard, pulling a chortled moan from his wet lips. Fawn wanted to think of anyone else doing this, but his nose was filled with the smell of Levi's arousal. Levi smiled before biting the tip of Fawn's ear and pulling his hand from his jeans.

"The first time was a fluke, the next time you will beg for me."

Fawn frowned as he watched Levi leave his workshop, leaving him to deal with the hard-on he caused all to himself. Fawn almost considered racing after the god and showing exactly who he was messing with, but the more the stayed rooted to his seat, the option of running after Levi, seemed less like a good idea. Levi better watch out, leaving a god scorned and horny was a deadly mix.

The full version will be released as a kindle book, so keep an eye out for the link.

Luna_Pixiecreators' thoughts