
Glory of the fallen

In a world where spiritual energy is the norm, Vladimir stands out as an anomaly. Despite being a genius spiritualist, mastering all aspects of it, he is viewed as a freak. Yet, Vladimir finds solace in his uniqueness, seeing the rejection as a perfect fit for him. As he embarks on adventures, he grapples with both the challenges of his extraordinary abilities and the societal perception of his difference.

Atomic8Purgartory · 奇幻
7 Chs


Elmund's POV

After Vlad quickly bathed, I ushered him to a seat, preparing to fill him in on what transpired while he slept.

"Okay, let's rewind a bit. So, there's this thing called Aetheric Legacy. It's like a special ability only a select few have. You can spot them by their colorful hair; normal folks just have plain old brown hair and eyes. If someone's got anything different, you bet they've got Aetheric Legacy. It's kind of a family thing, but not really. Like, there are more folks with black hair who have it, but they're not all related. Anyway, it's not as flashy for them as it is for us," I rambled to Vladimir, feeling antsy.

"Got it. So, that explains why I felt a weird vibe when you touched me earlier. Keep going," Vlad prodded.

Typical Vlad, only tuning in when it's about powers and stuff.

"Alright, so my Aetheric Legacy is tied to this kingdom. It's called 'Wonderland Bringer.' Basically, I can mess with people's heads. Make 'em trust me, feel all kinds of emotions. I'm like their personal reality bender," I summed up, feeling like I'd spilled way too much.

"So, that's why there was that crazy barrier around the village. But why could someone with just a quarter of their soul conjure something that strong?" Vlad smirked.

"Well, uh, beats me. I just suddenly could do it, okay? And trust me, having only a quarter of a normal soul? Weird stuff," I stumbled, wondering how Vlad knew about that. And why was I blabbing about my family secrets?

"Yeah, I won't pry for now. But spill about why Mr. Klaus looked at me like I was useless," Vlad raised an eyebrow, pushing for answers.

"Okay, so you're a big deal, but I didn't want to regret sacrificing you. So, I gave you some of my blood to cloak your core, make it seem like you're special too. Basically, whatever I say, people believe, no matter how badass they are in mystic arts," I confessed, feeling embarrassed as sweat trickled down my neck. The image of a blue-haired figure leaning on a knocked-out redhead flashed in my mind, making my cheeks burn.

'Wow, that's a seriously dangerous ability. What if she levels up? Good thing she's on my side, for now,' Vlad's thoughts echoed in my head.

"Okay, fine. But are there any drawbacks to using your Aetheric Legacy?" Vlad asked, getting serious.

"Yeah, my dad and brother can only use it once a day, but it drains their life force. I've got a restriction too, but I'm not telling," I declared firmly.

"Fair enough. But answer me this carefully: why are the people in this village and I constantly losing vitality? 'Celestial Heart' village has a nice ring to it," Vlad mused, scratching his chin.

"Maybe our vitality is fueling your 'Celestial Heart' thing. People here aren't stupid; they've probably noticed it but ignored it. And they're probably jealous of me because they think I'll outlive them. Hilarious, right? People drop dead here every day, so I've been wondering why. But everything in this world is straightforward, right? There I no sense of parables, so whatever one says is exactly as is. You said there was a drawback of using the mindweaver or whatever, right?" Asked Vlad sounding so cryptic.

I flinched, a sense of unease creeping over me.

"Bingo! That means the heart we're fueling is going to be used by your father! I bet you told the folks here something like 'there's a deadly disease outside, stay in here and you might live a bit longer. You don't want to catch it,' or else they would've fought back." His smirk spoke of a revelation long sought. That's exactly what we told them. Is he really just six years old? It's hard to believe.

"I bet that's not the only reason I was such a big catch. It might have been because I had the strongest soul, body, and mental power! It just keeps getting worse. So now you see why I never trusted catfish in the first place? It's all about intuition!" He declared with absolute certainty.

"Sigh, you're one crazy kid, you know?" I surrendered, realizing I couldn't keep up with his logic. You call that mere intuition? You are crazy.

* * * *

In a lavishly adorned chamber, fit for royalty, a grandiose bed served as the centerpiece. Its intricate carvings and plush fabrics spoke of luxury and opulence. An old man, his once vibrant blue hair now faded to a dull hue, lay upon the bed, his bluish eyes clouded with age. Each heavy cough echoed through the room, a stark reminder of his frailty.Standing vigil by the bedside was an aged butler, his posture stoic and dignified. In his hand, he held a delicate handkerchief, ready to attend to the needs of his master.

"So, you're saying the Umbral Cult is on the move?" inquired the old man.

"Yes, your majesty, but we have yet to ascertain their direct destination. The Information Bureau is being rather reluctant," replied the butler.

"Hmm, but they wouldn't dare harm us. They couldn't possibly know about the Celestial Heart. After all, I have trustworthy subordinates," the king grinned, revealing his rotten teeth.

"Indeed, your majesty! Hail the Dragon of Aurora Isle! There's not a soul unaware of your greatness!" The butler bellowed, bowing deeply at a ninety-degree angle.

"Plus, the Information Bureau owe us a lot of money. They wouldn't act fishy," added the King.

'You're just a simple-minded fool, your majesty,' thought the butler, keeping his true thoughts concealed.

"What about 'Elmund'? Is she still insane?" the king inquired.

"Oh, about that, she has escaped. We've yet to locate her. But since a quarter of her soul was separated, she won't act impulsively unless she wants to vanish into nothingness," the butler replied with a certain smirk.

"Sigh, you mustn't let the two meet, or else everything will be ruined. I need that heart to reclaim my throne! Find her immediately!" the king shouted at the top of his voice.

"Yes, your majesty. I've ensured her powers are sealed, so she can't pose a threat, even if she encounters her last piece," the butler said, smiling eerily. 'The pieces are in place; let the game begin,' thought the butler. 'Farewell, your majesty.'

With that, the butler departed, leaving the king to ponder the unfolding events and the looming game of power.

* * * *

Vladimir's Perspective:

We've made the decision to keep Mr. Klaus unaware of my awakening. They say it takes about six months of training on average for a Dwaner to fully awaken. It's a transformative process, refining your body to be sturdier, more flexible, and prepared for any path an Awakener might pursue. I think I might have been a little bit too fast. A little...

Maybe I won't brag about it?

Elmund's barrier adds another layer to the situation. Time inside moves faster than outside, yet it doesn't alter aging or physical development. It's an intriguing concept. Practicing within the barrier offers a unique opportunity to hone skills and gain experience at an accelerated rate.

Despite these advantages, a sense of unease gnaws at me. It feels like I'm treading on thin ice, living on borrowed time. Is it a premonition of trouble ahead? What if my instincts are leading me astray? Nevertheless, I must press on. The allure of the Celestial Heart is undeniable. It holds the potential to reshape the world, and perhaps a small part of me craves its power, especially considering how much of my vitality has been absorbed by it.

But still, it's clear to anyone with common sense that the Celestial Heart is a coveted prize, one that could ignite conflicts and bring chaos upon us. It's only a matter of time before others come charging in, driven by their desire to claim it. And while Elmund's barrier offers some protection, it's not infallible. There could be weaknesses and counters to her abilities that we haven't yet considered.

Moreover, the disruption of the barrier when Elmund took me out and then brought me back inside earlier is cause for concern. There are undoubtedly cunning and vigilant individuals out there, and it's likely they've already begun making their move. The threat is real, and I must remain vigilant and prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead.

* * * *

Mr. Klaus's POV:

It's confounding. How could a child with the strongest body, soul, and the greatest potential turn out to be a failure? It defies all logic. Yet, I can't shake the feeling that Elmund wouldn't lie about such matters. After all, she's been sealed by his majesty himself to only believe and listen to him alone. But perhaps it's only natural for him to fail. After all, he's always been too greedy for his own good.

This is a crushing blow, one that adds to the mounting losses we've faced. How am I supposed to explain this failure to his majesty? The weight of the responsibility feels heavy on my aging shoulders. Oh, the trials of age. I fear I may be too old for this task, but duty calls, and I must find a way to navigate these troubled waters.

As I approached the chief's residence, a heavy sigh escaped me, signaling my weariness with the situation. But just as I was about to step inside, there he stood, Vlad, his face contorted with determination."I won't give up! I can't just yet! No! I can't be a mystical abomination!" Vlad's voice echoed in the air as he threw feeble punches, sweat pouring down his brow. It was as if he couldn't grasp the gravity of our predicament, or perhaps he simply refused to acknowledge it. Did he truly believe the world revolved around his struggles? Did he comprehend the resources I made on his behalf? Should I just end him? It would be good riddance.

"Vlad, you can do it! Don't give up!" Seraphina's voice cut through the tension, her bright expression contrasting sharply with the somber atmosphere. Great another failure.

Sera! What are you doing with that failure? His disease will get you," Kai's words were laced with scorn, his disappointment palpable. Another one.

"My blessings have been depleted. Dear God, Vladimir, watch over this pitiful soul of yours. I am but innocent."