
Glory of the fallen

In a world where spiritual energy is the norm, Vladimir stands out as an anomaly. Despite being a genius spiritualist, mastering all aspects of it, he is viewed as a freak. Yet, Vladimir finds solace in his uniqueness, seeing the rejection as a perfect fit for him. As he embarks on adventures, he grapples with both the challenges of his extraordinary abilities and the societal perception of his difference.

Atomic8Purgartory · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The last guinea pig

Vladimir's POV

Some people might think that because I'm from a magical world, I can't use the same powers here. But I can. I've figured out how to use mana by incorporating it into my soul whenever I reincarnate. But in this new world, spiritual energy is stronger than mana, so my mana just disappears. It's like trying to hold onto water—it slips through my fingers.That was a theory that I failed consider.

When I almost died from lumina overload, it was probably because my soul's mana was being attacked. But that doesn't matter now. I know how to make mana, so if I need it, I can just make more.

Elmund and I have to act carefully so Catfish doesn't catch us. Right now, I'm not strong enough to protect us.

I'm trying to figure out my abilities. I was supposed to find out which element I'm connected to, but it's too risky. Coz you know, Catfish.

Becoming a mystic warrior is like unlocking a treasure trove of abilities. At the soul alchemy stage, known as being a dwaner, you gain enhancements in speed, strength, and the ability to recover quickly from injuries. It's like your body becomes finely tuned, allowing you to move faster, hit harder, and bounce back from wounds in no time.

But it doesn't stop there. As you progress to the soul and body merging level, these abilities are taken to the next level. Not only do you become even faster, stronger, and more resilient, but you also develop a heightened perception of the world around you. It's like your senses are dialed up to eleven, allowing you to detect even the slightest spiritual disturbances or anomalies. Some even gain a limited form of telekinesis, the ability to move objects with their mind, although not everyone can fully develop this skill.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to fully explore these abilities at the moment. The risk of getting caught by Catfish is too great, so I have to bide my time and wait for the right opportunity to put my newfound powers to the test. But when that time comes, I'll be ready to unleash the full extent of my abilities and show Catfish just what I'm capable of.

Dealing with Catfish gets on my nerves, but I have to put up with it to stay alive. Elmund said that before I awakened I was stronger than some of the awakened folks, which was a relief, considering our situation. Well I don't know how baddass I am now so, yeah. But I'm only at a mid-level awakening, so I can't really test out my abilities yet.

Awakeners, though, they're on a whole other level. They have all their powers boosted tenfold, plus they can control elemental stuff like water, wind, terra, and fire. It's like they're playing a different game altogether. And if that wasn't enough, there are also divine powers for healing and luck, and dark powers that can be pretty scary.

Figuring out your elemental thing is important, too. It's like knowing your superpower. But if you don't do this weird ritual, no one else will know what it is. So, yeah, that's a thing we gotta deal with too. In this world, knowing what you're capable of can mean the difference between life and death.

As I walk to my old shack, I remember the village I used to live in. My shack isn't much, but it's where I'll figure things out and get stronger. It's not fancy like the other houses, but it's mine.

* * * *

Bayford's POV

I couldn't comprehend how it had come to be, but it had happened nonetheless. I found myself in the clutches of a 6-year-old Vladimir, the Prince of Melancholy. They called him that, but I always brushed it off as the ramblings of the feeble-minded. Yet, perhaps there was truth to it. Vladimir might have been the rare gem that everyone envied—an enigma whose life force defied prediction. In a world where our fates were sealed by mortality, who wouldn't covet such an anomaly?

Just days ago, I witnessed my superior being torn apart before my very eyes, their screams of agony piercing the air as they pleaded for mercy. In that moment, I too found myself silently begging for the sweet release of death, unwilling to become the plaything of that maniac.

A creaking door interrupted my thoughts, and there he stood—the epitome of beauty personified in the form of a boy. Fairies and elves would curse the heavens for bestowing upon him a beauty that surpassed their own, a cruel twist of fate that mocked their existence.

His eye, bright yet piercing, seemed to scrutinize everything with a keen intensity. Its scarlet pupils held a captivating allure, drawing one in with their beauty. His long eyelashes brushed against his cheeks, a feature loved by those who admired the element of terra. Even though the other eye remained hidden, the beauty conveyed by just one was undeniable.

His lips were as red as strawberries, a striking contrast against his fair complexion. His nose, slightly elongated, added to the overall symmetry of his face. His scarlet hair shimmered in the light, matching the hue of his captivating eyes. His eyebrows, long and fair, framed his face elegantly.

With a combination of chiseled jaws and a subtly receding chin, his features exuded a sense of strength and allure. Each aspect of his appearance contributed to the undeniable charm and magnetism that surrounded him.

If it were me, the temptation to eliminate him repeatedly to claim his beauty for myself would be overwhelming. "I just wonder what you are thinking about?" His voice, even at such a young age, held a deceptive charm. Cold sweat trickled down my back. Could he be the embodiment of Malumvius, the Dark Sovereign?

"No, that wasn't a question, Bay. I want you to tell me exactly what's on your mind so I can be entertained. After all, I've gone through a lot of trouble—kidnapping, dissecting, bloodshed, screams—but it was all quite enjoyable. What are your thoughts? You should consider yourself lucky that your superior volunteered to take your place! He'll be remembered for his bravery." His words cut through me like a knife, leaving tears streaming down my face. He was worse than Beelzebub himself.

"You call that volunteering when you forced us to play your twisted game to choose the test subject?" My voice trembled as I spoke, the weight of his cruelty bearing down on me. He had indulged his desires to the fullest extent, surpassing even the depths of Beelzebub's depravity.



After Bayford and his superior, whose name was apparently Floyd, were kidnapped by Vlad.

"Okay, listen up, you guys. One of you will be my final test subject. Yay, all that hard work is about to pay off," Vlad said gleefully.

But Bayford and his boss just looked at him dumbfounded, speechless no less.

"Oh, I bet you're wondering how I kidnapped you? Well, it's quite simple. A few days ago, I was blessed with the royal blood of Aurora Isle. After studying their foreign blood for a day, I can now fully utilize their Aetheric Legacy without any drawbacks," Vlad explained cheerfully.

"So, lately, I've been able to kidnap even mystic warriors by using illusions and erasing every function in their minds that allows them to use lumina and move their bodies. So, you know what you should do, yet your body is not cooperating. Well, it's not your body, per se, but it's your mind. Funny, right?" Vlad seemed like a maniac to them, utterly unbelievable.

"So, you're the one responsible for all the disappearances in the village?" Floyd was caught off guard once again, in denial of this revelation.

"It can't be..." Bayford echoed his disbelief.

"Oh, how sad, but it's true. It wasn't entirely my fault, though. I was outed, which gave me the advantage since this place isn't visited all that much. But having friends like you is fun. Now, let's forget about the sad stuff and play a game," Vlad said with an eerie smile.

"What are you talking about? We're going..." Vlad cut through Bayford's words.

"Bay, how dense can you be? Even your boss knows he has no way out of here. Like I said, I only need one guinea pig, so one of you can be lucky now, okay?" Vlad sounded tired of the foolishness.

"Boss, please, we don't have to play this game. You can be free. We don't have to play this game, okay? I will die in your stead!" Bayford pleaded with his boss, tears running down his cheeks.

"Yes, you have to be the sacrifice. Did you think I would die for a scumbag like you?" Floyd flipped, but Vlad cut him off.

"Yes, yes, that's your true self, the one I wanted to see," Vlad's once beautiful, childlike face twisted into something horrid enough to question its originally impeccable appearance.

"Yes, Lord Vlad, from now on, I will worship you. Just say the word, and I will do as you command!" Floyd hit his head on the ground and even smiled creepily.

"Boss..." Bay was utterly shocked at the events that unfolded before him.

"Well, I hate that idea so much, and even if one surrenders, I want to have fun too, you know?" Vlad whined while pouting.

"What!? You...you can't be serious!" Sweat poured down Floyd's forehead as his eyes bulged out of his sockets.

"Shame, I am though. Now, enough chit-chat, let's start the game already. Now listen closely, it's not a hard game, it's simple. You play rock, paper, scissors. It's not in this world, but I will teach you. You will all have five slots for your points, and the one with the lowest loses. Sadly." Vlad explained the rules as everyone eagerly tried to hold onto life.

The game then started.

"Rock, paper, scissors," they chorused. Even though they didn't get it at first, Bayford ended up winning the game. But alas, Vlad had something else in mind as he watched him release a hearty cry, "I am going to live," relentlessly, accompanied by fresh tears.

Vladimir grinned, a sly grin.

"Actually, that was just the practice round. You can't possibly think that I would allow such unfairness when you both didn't understand the game. Sorry, but we shall start again, the real round. No take-backs this time. You refuse, then I won't give you a chance," Vlad said with a vivid grin. Floyd trembled at the thought of receiving a chance at life while Bay could only despair.

They played the game one last time, but this time Floyd won.

"Yes! Yes! In your face, you wuss! I win! I won't die now!" He cried tears of joy as he shouted for the world to hear.

"Yes, now let me announce the results of the winner of the game! According to my analysis, Bay seemed to have despaired after the first round, which led to him being predictable. Well, games are for fellowship, and as a fellow competitor, Floyd failed to realize that otherwise, he could have found a way to help him for a fair game. Otherwise, this game was rigged!" Vlad's sleepy eye revealed the results he held.

"You can't be..." Floyd tried to refute, while Bay was left speechless.

"Shut up! Why is some maggot trying to speak? Now, the truth is I had intended to have you as my guinea pig from the onset. This game was only just a formality. I only wish to see despair in the eyes of those who are strong-willed, or maybe I shall kill your family in front of your eyes? I wonder, nevertheless, it shall be fun," Vlad said, which made Floyd's eyes contort into pain, grief, and despair.

"Please, don't! Just kill me, they are innocent! Please!" Floyd groveled and begged.

"Tsk! Way to kill the mood. You're not even strong-willed. Well, no matter, I shan't change my plans for a mere insect," Vlad declared.

He did exactly what he had said he would do. He killed his children, wives, siblings, friends, and everyone tied to him right in front of his eyes. That wasn't the end since he proceeded to inflict physical pain, all without a care in the world. In fact, he enjoyed everything he saw. It reminded him of all the horror movies he had wanted to be a part of in his life on Earth. It thrilled him to see a man who was once respected, holding his head high, now begging for death, begging for the unknown.

End of flashback.


"Do you know, Bay, that the science of this world is unlike any other that I had seen in my previous worlds? Logic doesn't work here. It was an exhilarating discovery, indeed," the beautiful young boy remarked with a certain tone of fascination.

"Wait! You...you are not from this world?" I barely managed to utter, shocked at the realization. No wonder he acted like an older person beyond his age.

"You just noticed that? You truly are dense, and you are just so readable. Sheesh, what would I do with you, Bay? It's not true at all. Listen, in my previous lives, I had died at a young age on both worlds. First, it was called Earth; I died at ten, and in Eleceed, I died at eight, you dummy," he smiled.

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