
Gladiators of the Gridiron

Everyone wants to be the greatest, but for most people, that's nothing more than a pipe dream; for others, they feel like it's their destiny. Gladiators of the Gridiron is a story that follows two boys who are two sides of the same coin on their journey through their high school American Football careers to become the greatest of all time. Updated every Wednesday and Sunday

SeipoltMP · 竞技
133 Chs

Take Your Opportunity

Ty arrived at the Dons' home field during the halftime break of the JV game. The Dons currently held a comfortable lead of 13–3.

He found a seat in the near-empty stands. He sat a few rows back from the Dons' bench. During the break, he stared at the empty field with a quiet intensity.

There had been no warning from Ricky about this upcoming team. Did that mean there was nothing to worry about? Or was he trying to avoid putting any excess pressure on the Dons to save them from getting anxious about facing another tough challenge? With Stephen, Chris, and Deshaun missing did it even matter? Would they even be able to beat a "weak" team without those three?

When the game resumed play, his mind was taken away from any thoughts about what was to come and how strong the varsity team of the Peninsula Panthers might be, as the sloppy play from both JV teams gave him plenty of distractions.

"Horrid. Look at them, even… even that shitty Rabbit is looking good out there." It was disgusting to see.

Rabbit was getting plenty more action both offensively and defensively this game. It seemed that the Dons' JV team had a little less manpower with some of the regulars being held back to preserve their strength in case they were needed as backups in the varsity game later.

But Rabbit was shining under the spotlight put on him during this game. He stepped up big time and was having a breakout performance with plenty of solid runs. His defence was the most impressive (to all except Ty) part of his game that day. He was swatting balls aside the few times he was targeted, but mostly he kept his man in check and gave no room for any pass attempt.

Ty wasn't impressed. He didn't see any reason to give Rabbit credit for this performance, all he saw was that the Panthers had to be THAT bad that they even made someone like Rabbit look good.

'Pathetic,' he muttered, shaking his head.

Coach Hoang, having noticed the pervasive cloud of negativity that was exuding from Ty, looked back at him. 'Samuels. If you're just going to mope around back there, looking like you're at a funeral, you could go warm up and get yourself ready for your game instead.'

'Maybe I will, it's better than watching this shit.' Ty stood up, ignored the dirty look Coach Short gave him, and began to stretch his legs.

He'd sprint up and down the stands over and over as the game went on. Eventually, he'd stop, seeing JJ waiting for him at the bottom of the steps. 'Heeey, good work there. Don't you ever stop training?' JJ asked.

Ty caught his breath, walking back to his seat where he'd left his bag, getting a drink. 'I could work harder.'

JJ shook his head. 'You're crazy, Ty.' His smile faded, expression becoming more serious. 'But uh, you didn't see Dee at school, did you?'

'I don't even see you or anyone else at school.'

'Hm. I'm just asking 'cause I still haven't seen him at all this week. I mean, at least he started messaging me back, but it's weird, you know? Even if he's got family stuff going on, you'd think he'd come to school or practice at least once. Do you think he'll show up today?'

Ty sighed heavily, having checked out through most of JJ's rambling. 'I don't care. Even if he DID show up today, he's not going to be playing thanks to missing practice. So it doesn't change anything whether he turns up or not.'

JJ frowned. 'Hmmm. I mean I guess you're right. And it's still early now. Looks like we're the only ones here yet. We'll just have to wait and see if he shows.'


'Anyway, we're gonna have to pick up the slack, eh? Seeing as the others won't be playing, means we'll have to do a lot more of the work if we wanna win this one.'

Ty agreed with him on that at least. 'It's fine. We'll win. I'm not losing again.'

JJ slapped him on the shoulder. 'Of course. We won't lose.' With a grin, JJ settled into his own seat. Ty left to do another few laps up and down the stairs before he felt sufficiently pumped up for the game.

Throughout the rest of the JV game, the Dons would push their lead out to 17 points, keeping it that way for the majority of the game. However, the Panthers did make a late push in the final quarter. At this time, Rabbit was worn down from his intense double duty, his body not yet used to such responsibilities, and as such, wasn't able to impact the game as much.

But the Dons held on to the final seconds, and the Panthers ran out of time. The Dons won the game with a final score of 27–24.

Rabbit collapsed onto the bench after the game, drenched in sweat as he struggled to get his breathing under control.

'Good work out there today, Max,' Coach Long said, patting him on the back. Then he turned to Coach Short and hugged her. 'And good job to you, baby girl. That was a great call to have Max as the starter today with Trey and Harrison resting.

Bella blushed as she hugged back and then cleared her throat, putting on her "coaching voice" as she said: 'He's been putting in the work with practice, and while he might not've been ready to give it his all on both sides of the ball for a full game, I'm glad we still won. Good job, Rabbit.'

Rabbit gave them a thumbs up, but didn't raise his head off the bench.

Ty stood up from his seat. He HAD to win now, there was no way he was going to let Rabbit win when HE lost.

He made his way down the steps, where Meg met him just before he stepped down onto the field. 'Hey, big bro.'

'Oh. Hey, Meg.' He glanced back, there were plenty of places for her to sit today.

'Good luck, today.'

'Thanks.' He went to move by her but she took his hand and he stopped.

She looked into his eyes, hers showing concern. 'Please don't … don't get angry if you lose today.'

Ty gently pulled his hand from her grasp and she reacted as if it had physically pained her. 'I won't. …But I'm not going to lose today so there's nothing to worry about anyway.'

She masked her worries with a smile. 'Y-Yeah! Of course, you won't lose 'cause you're the best.'

'Exactly.' This time when he went to walk away, she didn't stop him. She watched him go as he walked across the field and entered the locker room.

Ty was already in a foul mood. The past two losses, Rabbit's performance, not finding anyone interesting in the few players from the Panthers that he'd seen so far, and then that conversation on top of it, all of it had pushed him into a highly agitated state.

"I need to break those fucking cunts. Whoever steps in front of me. I'll destroy them today." His teeth ground together, sounding like a machine rumbling to life.

He geared up. The coaches went over the game plan one last time, reminding everyone of what they needed to focus on today for their keys to success.

Then, as Coach Long got his usual pregame speech underway, Chris stepped up, still in his casual clothes, to give his own voice to motivate the rest of the team.

'Sorry I can't be out there today to help you all guys. I know we're one big family in here, so you'll all have to step up and fill my shoes today. And that goes the same for the other members of our family who can't play today.' He looked around.

Deshaun hadn't been seen that day, still yet to turn up if he ever was going to, and while Stephen wasn't down in the locker room with them right now, he had been seen in the stands and had talked with some of the boys.

'We've gotta get back on track today. Give it your all and then some. I know some of you,' Chris's eyes fell upon Benny, Cole, and then Cameron, 'are going to have to put in the extra effort, but this is your chance. Take it, and prove yourselves. Prove that you belong and that you should be given a bigger spotlight even in normal circumstances. Hah, maybe you'll give us horrible examples of leaders a good kick in the ass to get our shit together.'

'Christopher,' Coach Long said sternly.

'Haha, sorry about the language, Coach.' He grinned. 'Come on, bring it in, fam.' Chris raised his fist and the team gathered around him, pressing their fists against his. 'For family. One, two, three—'

'For family!'

The team cheered and hollered, making their way back out of the locker room and storming the field. They found their opposition already on the field, currently warming up.

As Ty jogged with the rest of the Dons, doing a lap of the field, he tuned out the cheers of the crowd and kept his attention solely focused on his enemies. He looked for anyone who stood out, anyone who sparked interest or had that special feel about them.

He found nothing.

He turned his head away, his mood only worsening.

Over with the Panthers, they were keeping things loose and carefree, warming up casually.

A trio in particular were grouped closely together, with a pair of them passing a ball between each other, while another stretched on the ground by them.

One of the pair passing the ball around stood six feet tall; had a white sleeve and glove over his right arm and hand, while his left was bare; had a high fade, with a zig-zag pattern shaved into the side of his head; and a naturally smug face as if he knew some great big secret that no one else did and was constantly amused by it.

'So, does this mean you're going to pass me the ball in game, Malik?' the other boy playing catch asked. This boy was a little shorter, but with large, gloved hands; had a mud-coloured mullet; his face hadn't quite lost its baby fat; and his thin lips looked as if they'd been pinched together.

'Fuck you, Sean. Maybe if you could catch I'd throw more often.' Malik threw the next pass with a lot more heat, almost overthrowing Sean, who bobbled the catch before reeling it in. 'See?'

'I caught that one! AND it was a shit pass.'

'Quit your bitchin', we'll pass when we need to, like we always do,' the boy on the ground said, his legs spread in a wide split. He was the same height as Sean; though he was the thickest of them all, whether it was his muscular arms or legs, or his barrel-chested torso, even his head was quite thick; and he wore a dark ski mask with his mouth uncovered, having just pulled a vape from his lips.

'Anthony, juul.' Malik clapped his hands.

Anthony tossed the vape over and stood up. Malik caught it and took a hit.

'That shit is so gay,' Sean said.

'Bitch, don't act like you're cool just 'cause you don't vape.'

'What? No, I don't give a fuck about that, and hey, don't act like you're cool just 'cause you guys vape. But like, that's gay, using the same one. You might as well just kiss each other.'

Malik and Anthony looked at one another, then back at Sean. 'Shut the fuck up,' they said in unison.

Sean shook his head, the vape soon passed back to Anthony. 'Oh, fuck, Coach's coming.' Malik whacked Anthony on the arm.

'Shit.' Anthony looked around. 'Yo, Billy.'

'Huh?' A younger, skinny kid who had been running on the spot looked over.

Anthony tossed the vape at him, and he caught it—right before the coach came up to them. 'William! You're the culprit, are you? How many times do I have to tell you all, you can't do this shit during games or practice!'

The older trio snickered as Billy gave them a disheartened look but didn't try to argue with the coach or confess that it wasn't really his.

Soon enough, it was time for the captains to come together for the coin toss in the middle of the field. With Deshaun and Stephen being out, Jay reluctantly had to get off his ass to take one of their places, and then, just as Coach Long was going to put Benny forward as the other replacement, Bella suggested Ty.

'He'll be a captain next year, right? It'll be good to give him a taste of the responsibility and see how he handles it, yeah?'

The men looked at each other and then back at her. 'Great idea. Tyrese! You get out there too,' Coach Long shouted.

Ty blinked but stood up. He was surprised, but at least this could give him a good opportunity to come face-to-face with the best players the Panthers had to offer, right?

He followed the others out there, Jay trudging along like he'd rather be anywhere else, and when they all made it to the centre of the field, they found Sean, Malik, and Anthony waiting for them.

The six boys looked each other over, taking the time to try and get a first impression of their opposing captains. Ty wasn't impressed by any of them.

JJ stepped forward with a bright smile and offered each opposing boy a handshake and they all accepted. 'Let's have a good game, tonight. Good luck to you and your team.'

'Yeah, thanks, same to you, I guess.' The others weren't as enthusiastic about the pleasantries and were quick to retract their hands.

The Dons won the toss, and Ty butted in when the officials asked whether they wanted to start with the ball or not. 'Let those fuckers start on offence,' he said.

'Excuse me?' The official's expression hardened and the other boys glared at Ty.

JJ laughed nervously, stepping between Ty and the others. He patted Ty on the chest and pushed him back a little. 'Sorry about him, sir. He's new; still got a lot to learn, you see. But, we'd like to defer the kick.'

'Hmm. Very well. I'll be sure to have a word with your coach about this, young man,' the official said, pointing a finger at Ty.

Ty shrugged and began walking away.

'Hey! Imma make you regret, that FUCKER. You're gonna look real fucking stupid when we score on you straight away,' Malik said.

Ty grinned but didn't say anything or even look back as he continued to the bench and sat down.

When JJ reported back what had happened, leaving out the part where Ty swore in front of the official, Coach Long seemed happy with the decision, after all, the defence was only missing one starter instead of two.

'Alright. It's up to you boys to make a statement. Hold the offence back and we'll take control of the game right from the start.'

JJ nodded. Ty was focused on the field, watching the special teams units prepare for the opening kickoff. When the whistle was blown, the game was underway, and everything else faded from Ty's mind.

Thanks for reading. As always, I hope you enjoyed it.

Is the losing streak gonna continue, or are the Dons gonna snap out of it with a big win? What do y'all think?

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Shoutout to my supporters: Howellsy.

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See you for the next chapter!

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