
Giratina in Marvel MCU AU

First time writing so constructive criticism is welcome. Cover, marvel, and pokémon are not mine I only own my OC's. If cover owner wants me to take it down I will. A guy is found in the void by the OAA and they make a deal. He is reincarnated as the new and improved Oblivion or Giratina now. How will he interact with his fellow cosmic entities, and what will he do with his favorite mortals?

Spectre_Ouroboros · 电影同人
39 Chs

I say, Asgardian Growth, and Trainers

Odin POV:

"What say you?" Those words repeated themselves in my mind like an echo.

The thought of a being even mightier than this Abstract, to the point of being referred to as the "only perfect being," is both baffling and haunting, and in the most primal way sobering.

Concentrating upon the situation at hand, and ignoring the previous sobering notion brings to mind a humbling thought.

'If a being of Spectre's might, can recognize someone is mightier than him, and not only that, but learn from his mistakes and apologize to a lesser being. Then what excuse does such a lesser being have to remain prideful, and obstinate?

As much as it disgusts me to admit, yet I am the lesser one in this situation and have been offered a new start..., though I refuse to treat him as a superior at least I can treat him as a Shield Brother.

Especially considering that my acceptance would include his blessing, which will clearly be extremely beneficial in future battles, as evidenced by my wife's increased might.'

Breaking free from my musings, I lock eyes with the serpent-, NO! Spectre, and smirk as I say.

"I say, I accept your apology and blessing yet do not even for a moment, entertain the thought of me referring to you as my superior or such regards.

I can consider you my Shield Brother, as your blessing has proven invaluable to my wife, and her recent growth, from which I can presume similar results. And above all, allowing me to meet with my daughter and raise her alongside my wife."

As I finished speaking, Spectre's eyes glowed brightly, and his smile widened, as I felt my mind and very spirit becoming like unbreakable bulwarks, as well as infinite energy flowing through my veins, body, and even my very spirit.

'This!? This is what my wife has been feeling all along!?!? No wonder I felt chills from her pressure, I feel omnipotent with this much power coursing through me.

Yet, this definitely is nowhere near Spectre's own power, and according to him, the being that surpasses even himself. Never forget Odin, Abstracts are just made differently.'

Spectre POV:

'Alright, Thanos is officially no longer a problem. HUMPH, seriously though I will probably have to ask Odin to let Thanos get to Midgard, and probably send his Space Gem down with Thor or someone else.

Well, who knows, the alien landscape is ever changing as is the future, he may just gain some form of power up, from a different source, but I can think about that later, now is Aldrif's training regimen cooking up time. He, he, he.'

Lady Death having had enough of the constant brooding, staring, and smirking of these men-children intervenes in my thought process.

"Returning to the reason for all of your presences here. Baby Aldrif has, quite literally, limitless potential and needs to make the most of it from early on, as the wise say. It is better to sweat and struggle early than to bleed and die in battle later."

My face, taking on a more serious demeanour, faces her, and I ask. "Who do you have available to train her? The final goal of the training is to make her the Ultimate Huntress, yet other developmental areas, should not be ignored."

Without a second thought, she replied. "Anyone you want. Do not forget the multiverse is infinite, and especially when you count the timelines, and how they split into different universes with each difference, essentially means that I have a nearly inexhaustible amount of the best of the best beings to ever live."

At that both Odin, and Freyja had their eyes widen in wonder, shock, and profound excitement. After all what parent would not want what is best for their children?

Organizing my thoughts, I then proceed to voice them. "Alright let's take into consideration her traits, advantages, and weaknesses or rather disadvantages.

First of all, what is her age, and second of all she is going to take quite a while to grow and develop, more or less what is the life cycle range for developing Asgardians until they start their prime Frigga?"

"My Lord Aldrif's age is 5 years old, and the Asgardian lifecycle until we start our prime is roughly sixty years of infancy, one hundred and twenty years of childhood, another one hundred and twenty years of adolescence, and two hundred years of young adulthood until they finally reach the start of their prime at the age of 500 years old.

Depending on the child it could take longer, but that is the standard."

Wow, 500 years to reach what humans take 30 years to reach! No wonder they live for millions of years if they take centuries to mature.

"Alright then, raising her will be your and Odin's full-time job.

Frigga teach Odin how to make a clone so that it can take care of matters for him while he is here with you.

I myself cannot think of anything I have to do during this time frame either, so I will also stay and help with her.

We can take care of her initial studies, physical development, and diet.

Now her main advantages are her Asgardian physiology, and above even that would be her Hunting, and Battle Divinity which were already activated by my blessing, and should prime her body for such activities, thus while she should not yet start other more specialized and skill-focused training.

Developmental, and physique refining training would only be beneficial for her growth even starting from right now. Other strengths would be my gifts and blessings, but those can be discussed later.

Along with us, having a version of Thor, whose divinity is strength specialize in training her physique and honour would be beneficial for her.

He would also not be just any Thor, but a version so powerful, that when he strikes it sounds like thunder, thus the title of the God of Thunder. It should be a version of him that through physical might alone, or rather his divinity and physical training reached the level of Herald of Thunder Thor, who in another multiverse is the strongest version of Thor.

Alongside Thor and all of us, taking into account that she will be my Champion, and I am duty-bound to maintain balance in the universe, we could have a reasonable and yet matching the strength Thor power-wise Thanos, help in her development and teach her balance beside honour.

The third and last physical trainer could actually be Luke. If you allow it Lady Death, as you have stated he has surpassed his father and is officially your personal messenger.

Which gives me the impression that he is nigh unmatched when it comes to speed. Besides that, being taught only selflessness by Thor, and Thanos will not be very balanced if she is not allowed options.

Thus, with the way he was caught, sentenced and traded with you, he would be perfect to teach her selfishness and the dangers of both impulsive and uninformed actions."

Odin and Frigga did not like the sound of these warriors raising their child with them but kept in mind that she would be a champion, and the more her upbringing encompassed, the better she would be able to accomplish her duties.

Lady Death arching her right brow at me answers. "Sure, I know exactly what Thor perfectly fits your description.

Thanos, I collect them like candies sweetheart, worry not, I definitely have one that would be a good father figure alongside this 'new' Odin.

Lastly concerning Luke, sure, he will not actually be leaving here and if he does for some reason, he could return faster than any attack could take place."

"Perfect, well then moving on..."



[Author Here: Welcome to the "Help the Author Improve Corner!"

- Would you say Odin's reaction to the apology and blessing was realistic, story-wise?

- What did you think of the Asgardian Growth Phases?

- If your daughter was to be trained as the Ultimate Huntress, who would you want to train her?

Thank you for your help, please check out my Discord and Patreon to contribute to the community, I really appreciate the advice you give me. Enjoy!]

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