
Gilgamesh in Re:Zero

What would happen if the one who got transported to the re zero world is Gilgamesh instead of Natsuki Subaru?

M_A_A · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Clash of Powers

The courtyard's serene atmosphere shattered as the duel between Gilgamesh and Roswaal commenced. The wind picked up, swirling around them as if nature itself sensed the imminent clash of two extraordinary beings. The onlookers—Emilia, Beatrice, Rem, and Ram—stood at the edge of the courtyard, their gazes locked on the two combatants.

Puck, ever vigilant, floated beside Emilia, his expression more serious than usual. "Keep your distance, Lia," he advised. "This is going to be intense."

Gilgamesh stood with an air of supreme confidence, his posture relaxed as if he considered this duel nothing more than a fleeting amusement. His crimson eyes gleamed with anticipation as he addressed Roswaal. "Do not disappoint me, mage. Show me the power that this world has to offer."

Roswaal, in contrast, maintained his usual flamboyant demeanor, but there was a glint of determination in his mismatched eyes. "Oh, I assure you, Your Majesty~! I shall give you a performance worthy of your status~!"

With a dramatic flourish, Roswaal raised his hands, and a surge of magical energy erupted from him. The ground beneath his feet cracked, and a multitude of elemental spells—fire, wind, lightning, and ice—formed around him in a brilliant display of power.

"Prepare yourself!" Roswaal called out, his voice echoing through the courtyard as he unleashed the full force of his magic.

The barrage of spells hurtled toward Gilgamesh, each element tearing through the air with devastating speed. Flames roared, winds howled, lightning crackled, and shards of ice sliced through the air, all converging on the King of Heroes.

But Gilgamesh remained unfazed. He extended his hand, and with a golden ripple, the Gate of Babylon opened behind him. A myriad of weapons emerged, shimmering in the sunlight, and with a mere thought, they launched forward to meet Roswaal's attack.

The clash of magic and steel was deafening. Gilgamesh's weapons sliced through the elemental spells with ease, neutralizing their destructive force. The courtyard trembled as the two forces collided, creating shockwaves that rippled through the air.

Beatrice observed the battle intently, her usually indifferent expression replaced by one of keen interest. "This man… I suppose he's not even trying, I suppose."

Puck nodded in agreement, his small form hovering close to Beatrice. "It's almost like he's toying with Roswaal. But still, Roswaal isn't backing down."

As the initial onslaught subsided, Roswaal reappeared a few feet away, having teleported to avoid the barrage of weapons. His expression remained playful, but there was a bead of sweat on his forehead. "Impressive~! Your treasures are indeed formidable~!"

Gilgamesh's smirk deepened. "Is that all you have, mage? You'll need more than that to impress me."

Undeterred, Roswaal began chanting an incantation, his voice low and melodic. The air around him grew heavy with magical energy as he prepared a more powerful spell. The ground beneath him glowed with arcane symbols, and a massive magical circle formed at his feet.

"Then allow me to show you something more grandiose~!" Roswaal declared, raising his arms as the circle pulsed with energy.

A massive construct of fire and ice began to form above Roswaal, a swirling vortex of opposing elements that defied the laws of nature. The sheer size and power of the spell made the air crackle with energy, and even Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow in mild interest.

The vortex surged forward, barreling toward Gilgamesh with a force that seemed capable of leveling the entire courtyard.

But Gilgamesh remained unshaken. He summoned a barrier from the Gate of Babylon, a shimmering golden shield that materialized in front of him. The vortex collided with the barrier, and for a brief moment, it seemed as if the spell would break through. However, the barrier held firm, and the vortex dissipated into harmless sparks and frost.

Roswaal's eyes widened in disbelief as his most powerful spell was effortlessly neutralized. He staggered back, his breath coming in short gasps as the realization of his defeat set in.

Gilgamesh lowered the barrier, his expression one of amusement mixed with disdain. "Is that all, Roswaal? I expected more from someone who claims to be the strongest magician in this world."

Roswaal managed a weak smile, his usual bravado faltering. "It seems I have been bested~! Your power is truly overwhelming, King of Heroes~!"

Gilgamesh dismissed the Gate of Babylon, the golden ripples fading away as he turned his back on Roswaal. "Remember this, mage. You are fortunate that I find this world intriguing. I have no need to annihilate those who are of no threat to me."

The courtyard fell silent as the battle came to an end. The others approached cautiously, their expressions a mix of awe and relief.

Emilia was the first to speak, her voice tinged with concern. "Thank you, Gilgamesh… for showing restraint."

Gilgamesh glanced at her, his crimson eyes softening slightly. "Consider it a favor. But remember, Emilia, I am not one to show mercy twice."

Beatrice walked closer as she studied Gilgamesh with a critical eye. "You're an anomaly, I suppose. This world hasn't seen power like yours in a long time."

Gilgamesh chuckled, his gaze drifting to the sky. "This world is full of mysteries, and I intend to uncover them all."

Rem and Ram, who had watched the duel with unwavering attention, now had a faint hint of fear in their eyes. Gilgamesh noticed this but said nothing, his expression unreadable.

Puck, still hovering nearby, floated over to Gilgamesh with a playful smile. "Now, now, Gilgamesh, you're quite the charmer, but don't go getting any ideas about taking Emilia away from me. She's my precious daughter, after all."

Emilia flushed a deep red at Puck's words, stammering in embarrassment. Gilgamesh turned his gaze to her, his expression softening slightly. "A precious daughter, you say? I must admit, she does have a certain charm… It's a possibility."

Puck's eyes widened in surprise, and even Emilia seemed shocked by the unexpected compliment. She struggled to maintain her composure as she glanced away, her cheeks still flushed.

Roswaal, who had recovered from the duel, chuckled softly. "How very intriguing, indeed~! I see you have an eye for quality, Your Majesty."

Gilgamesh, however, seemed uninterested in further banter. "Tell me, Roswaal. What exactly is this girl? She looks human but seems… different."

Roswaal's smile widened. "Ah, I see~! Lady Emilia is a half-elf, a rare and unique existence in this world~!"

Gilgamesh's crimson eyes narrowed. "An elf? I'm unfamiliar with that term… but I suppose it makes no difference."

Emilia's eyes widened in shock at Gilgamesh's casual dismissal. She hesitated, feeling a surge of emotions she had long kept buried. "No difference…?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. "You… don't know what it means to look like this… like the Witch of Envy."

Gilgamesh's gaze flicked back to her, curious but indifferent. Emilia continued, trying to find her words. "People… fear me. They hate me… because I resemble her. The one who nearly destroyed the world 400 years ago."

Puck floated closer, his usual playful demeanor tempered with seriousness. "That's right. The Witch of Envy, Satella, is a terrifying figure in this world. People can't help but see the resemblance and fear the worst."

Beatrice, who had been quietly observing, added in her calm, analytical tone, "It's true, I suppose. This appearance has caused her no end of trouble, in fact."

Gilgamesh listened, but his expression remained unchanged until, suddenly, he threw his head back and laughed—a deep, resonant sound that echoed through the courtyard. His laughter was so unexpected that everyone froze, unsure of what to make of it.

As Gilgamesh's laughter echoed through the garden, the others watched in a mix of surprise and unease. Emilia stood there, confused and slightly taken aback by his reaction. When his laughter finally subsided, he looked down at her with a more serious expression.

"You're telling me this world was nearly destroyed by a woman? Truly, there are no real men in this place if that's the case!" he declared, still chuckling to himself.

Emilia, shocked and slightly hurt by his words, hesitated before speaking. "It… it does matter to people here, Gilgamesh. They judge me because I look like the Witch of Envy, who nearly destroyed the world 400 years ago. That's why people fear and despise me."

Puck, resting on Beatrice's head, added, "It's a sad truth, but people often fear what they don't understand."

Beatrice nodded in agreement, her voice calm. "People judge Emilia without seeing who she truly is, I suppose. But she is more than just her appearance."

Gilgamesh's laughter faded, and his gaze softened. With a sudden, unexpected gentleness, he raised his hand and patted Emilia on the head. "Whether you are human, elf, or something else matters not to me. In my eyes, you are a pure and beautiful girl, Emilia. And as long as I stand by your side, no one will dare to regard you as anything less than a queen."

Emilia's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks turning pink at the unexpected compliment. The warmth of his hand on her head, combined with his earlier confidence, left her momentarily speechless.

Puck floated closer, looking at Gilgamesh with a hint of curiosity. "Well, well… That's quite the statement, Your Majesty. I suppose we can count on you to keep her safe, then?"

Gilgamesh continued, his voice firm and unwavering. "Remember this, Emilia: it is the heart and righteousness that define a person, never their appearance. Those who judge others based on such trivial matters are nothing but filthy mongrels, unworthy of life."

His words carried a weight that silenced the entire group. Even Roswaal's usual playful demeanor seemed to falter for a moment as he processed the seriousness in Gilgamesh's tone.

After a few moments of silence, the group began to disperse, each heading in their own direction as they returned to the routines of the mansion. Emilia, her expression thoughtful, excused herself to resume her royal selection studies, her mind still lingering on Gilgamesh's unexpected kindness. Beatrice, carrying a dozing Puck in her arms, made her way back to the library, no doubt to indulge in some quiet time while playing with her spirit companion. Rem and Ram resumed their duties as maids, their expressions a mix of lingering awe and caution after witnessing the power displayed during the duel.

Gilgamesh, on the other hand, retreated to his room. As he closed the door behind him, his thoughts began to shift from the events of the day to his next course of action. The duel had been a mild distraction, but his curiosity about this world was far from satisfied. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he contemplated his next move, his mind calculating as always.

Some time later, a soft knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. It was Ram, who informed him that dinner would take place in six hours. Gilgamesh acknowledged her with a nod, dismissing her with a wave of his hand.

Once alone again, a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Six hours, huh? Plenty of time."

Without hesitation, he activated one of his many treasures, the golden glow of teleportation magic surrounding him. In an instant, he was no longer in the mansion but back in the capital, standing in the very place where he had first arrived in this world. The bustling streets and vibrant energy of the city greeted him, and this time, he intended to explore it properly.

As Gilgamesh materialized in the heart of the capital, a few passersby gasped in shock, their eyes widening as they witnessed the golden ripples of his teleportation magic fade away. Whispers spread among those who had seen him appear out of nowhere, their surprise palpable. A man emerging from thin air was not a common sight, even in a world filled with magic.

Some people instinctively stepped back, their surprise turning to unease as they took in his regal bearing and the undeniable aura of power that surrounded him. Others stared in awe, captivated by his striking appearance—his golden armor, his crimson eyes, and the sheer presence that seemed to command the very air around him.

But Gilgamesh paid them no mind. Their reactions were of little consequence to him, mere distractions in his grander scheme. He began to stroll through the capital, his crimson eyes scanning the surroundings with keen interest. The architecture, the people, the markets—it was all foreign yet intriguing. He had been too preoccupied with Emilia and her insignia to truly appreciate the city's offerings before, but now, he would take his time to uncover what this world had to offer.

Each step he took carried the weight of a king, and as he walked, people instinctively moved out of his way, sensing his overwhelming presence. Gilgamesh reveled in the feeling of dominance, even as he remained focused on his goal. There was much to learn, and the capital would be his first step toward unraveling the mysteries of this new world.