
Gilgamesh in Re:Zero

What would happen if the one who got transported to the re zero world is Gilgamesh instead of Natsuki Subaru?

M_A_A · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A Royal Encounter in the Capital

Before Gilgamesh began his exploration of the capital, he decided to blend in—at least somewhat. With a flick of his finger, his regal armor vanished, replaced by a stylish, formal outfit. He wore a dark brown blazer with a sleek, tailored fit, paired with matching dark brown trousers and a light-colored dress shirt. A purple striped tie added a pop of color, and his stylish gold or tan-colored loafers completed the look. This attire still exuded an air of authority but was subtle enough not to draw unnecessary attention. (Pic)

Now dressed appropriately, Gilgamesh stepped into the bustling streets, his sharp eyes taking in the diverse population. He noticed the peculiar sight of people with animal heads and bodies—creatures that walked upright, conversed, and went about their business just like any human would. This strange blend of species intrigued him, and he couldn't help but observe them with a curious gaze.

As he continued his stroll, his attention was drawn to a small fruit stand, where a shopkeeper was busy arranging his wares. The shopkeeper had a humble demeanor, his face weathered from years of work, but what caught Gilgamesh's eye was the pile of unusual, apple-like fruits on display. He approached the stand, his regal presence causing the nearby customers to step aside instinctively.

The shopkeeper, sensing the aura of authority emanating from Gilgamesh, looked up in surprise. "Welcome, sir! Would you like to try one of our finest appas? Freshly picked this morning!"

Gilgamesh studied the appas for a moment, then reached out and picked one up. Without a word, he tossed a gleaming golden coin onto the counter, the weight of it making the shopkeeper's eyes widen in shock. The shopkeeper quickly picked up the coin, his hands trembling slightly as he examined it.

"Th-thank you, kind sir!" the shopkeeper stammered, bowing deeply in gratitude. "This… this is more than generous!"

Gilgamesh nodded, biting into the appa with an air of indifference. The taste was sweet and crisp, but it was the shopkeeper's reaction that interested him more. As he chewed thoughtfully, he decided to use the opportunity to gather some information.

"I am new to this land," Gilgamesh said casually, his tone commanding yet calm. "Tell me, shopkeeper, where is the best place for shopping in this kingdom? I seek something more refined."

The shopkeeper, still in awe of the golden coin, quickly responded, "Ah, for someone of your stature, I would recommend the Royal Capital's main market district! It's just a short walk from here, sir. Head down this street until you reach the large fountain in the town square. From there, take a left, and continue straight until you see the grand archway leading into the market district. You can't miss it—it's always bustling with merchants and customers alike. You'll find all manner of goods there—luxuries, rare items, and the finest craftsmanship in the kingdom."

He paused for a moment, then added, "If you're looking for something truly special, the stalls near the central plaza tend to have the rarest finds. Just follow the crowd, and you'll be there in no time."

Gilgamesh nodded in approval. "Very well. You have been useful, shopkeeper."

With that, he turned and continued on his way, leaving the shopkeeper staring after him in amazement.

Gilgamesh's walk through the capital led him to the market district as directed by the shopkeeper. The streets were crowded with elegantly dressed individuals, and the clatter of carriages filled the air as knights patrolled the area. Lavish shops lined the streets, their windows displaying ornate goods that sparkled in the sunlight. Restaurants, equally grand, tempted passersby with their fine decor and tantalizing aromas. Yet, despite the opulence, nothing truly caught Gilgamesh's attention. His vast treasures and riches far surpassed anything this world could offer.

As he wandered through the district, his gaze fell upon a bar with a grand exterior, standing out among the other establishments. Though the language of this world was unfamiliar to him, the appearance of the bar clearly indicated it was a place where the elite gathered. With a smirk, he decided to enter, his curiosity piqued.

Inside, the bar was relatively quiet, with only a few patrons scattered across the tables. The dim lighting and refined ambiance suited the wealthy clientele. Gilgamesh approached the main desk, his regal presence commanding immediate attention from the staff.

Without hesitation, he addressed the waiter behind the counter. "Bring me the most expensive and finest drink you have."

The waiter, initially taken aback by the directness of the request, quickly composed himself and informed Gilgamesh of the price. Unfazed, Gilgamesh placed ten gold coins on the counter—far more than required. The waiter's eyes widened in disbelief, but he swiftly bowed and went to prepare the drink.

When the drink was placed before him, Gilgamesh took a sip, expecting mediocrity. To his surprise, it was actually quite good. He nodded approvingly, offering the waiter a rare compliment. "This is better than most of the swill served in places like this."

As he continued to savor his drink, the door to the bar swung open, and a woman entered with a presence that instantly captured the room's attention. She had red-blonde hair that cascaded down her back, and she wore a striking red dress that accentuated her confident demeanor. With an air of authority, she approached the bar and ordered her usual drink from the waiter. After receiving her drink, she turned her attention to Gilgamesh, sitting next to him.

With a curious glance, she remarked, "I don't recognize your face from any of the noble families. It's surprising to see someone who isn't a noble drinking the most expensive drink in this place."

Gilgamesh smirked at her remark, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Noble, you say? I could buy this entire kingdom if I wished. Titles mean little to me."

The woman raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by his confidence. "Is that so? Then, who are you, exactly? Someone with such boldness must have a name that carries weight."

Gilgamesh's gaze turned sharp as he responded, "You ask who I am, yet you have not even identified yourself. Speak your name, woman. Only then will I consider sharing mine."

She chuckled softly before answering, "Priscilla Barielle, the rightful ruler of this kingdom. The sun itself favors me, and all who stand before me are mere shadows."

Gilgamesh gave a slight nod of acknowledgment. "Priscilla Barielle, you say? A grand title indeed. But I am Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. My wealth and power surpass anything you could imagine."

Priscilla's eyes gleamed with interest as she leaned closer. "Is that so? Words are one thing, Gilgamesh. But I find actions to be far more convincing. How much wealth are we talking about?"

With a smirk, Gilgamesh decided to indulge her curiosity. With a casual flick of his hand, five chests filled with gold, diamonds, and rare jewels of breathtaking colors appeared before them, materializing out of thin air from his Gate of Babylon. The lavish display immediately drew the attention of everyone in the bar.

Priscilla's eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of the treasure. She knew at that moment that what he showed was just a fraction of what he truly possessed. Gilgamesh chuckled, clearly amused by her reaction. "Impressed, are we? This is but a trinket compared to my true wealth."

Priscilla regained her composure, a sly smile forming on her lips. "Impressive indeed. Gilgamesh, you may be the first man to ever surprise me. And for that, I've decided—I want to marry you. After all, a woman of my caliber deserves nothing less than the best. And I don't take no for an answer."

As she wrapped her hand around his left arm, pressing herself against him, Gilgamesh glanced down at her, mildly annoyed by her forwardness. Priscilla began to speak of her greatness, boasting about how every man wished to be in the same room as her and how the world itself should kneel before her.

But as her incessant yapping continued, Gilgamesh's patience began to wear thin. He took another sip of his drink, his interest in the conversation rapidly fading. "Woman, you speak too much."

Priscilla, not noticing his growing irritation, continued her self-praise, proclaiming herself as the chosen one, blessed by the sun. Finally, Gilgamesh could take no more. He placed his cup down, the sound of it hitting the counter resonating in the quiet bar.

"Enough," he said coldly, his crimson eyes narrowing. "I tire of your voice. You speak of greatness, yet all I hear is empty arrogance. I have no desire to waste my time with someone who cannot even entertain me."

With that, Gilgamesh stood up, turning to leave the bar. Priscilla, stunned by his dismissal, quickly followed him outside. "How dare you ignore me!" she shouted, her voice filled with indignation.

Gilgamesh continued walking, not bothering to acknowledge her. His indifference only fueled her anger further, and she chased after him. "No one dares to ignore me! I am Priscilla Barielle!"

Finally, Gilgamesh stopped and turned to face her. His gaze was cold, and his voice was sharp as he spoke. "Woman, do you have a death wish?"

Priscilla froze, her eyes locking with his. For the first time, she felt a sense of unease as she realized the true extent of his power. Gilgamesh's presence was overwhelming, and she could feel the weight of his words pressing down on her.

Seeing her hesitation, Gilgamesh gave a dismissive wave. "You are fortunate that I am not in the mood for bloodshed today. Leave me be, and do not test my patience again."

With that, he turned and continued on his way, leaving Priscilla standing in the street, her pride wounded but her curiosity about this enigmatic man only deepening.

Gilgamesh, having grown bored with his exploration of the capital and its inhabitants, decided it was time to return to the mansion. With a thought, he activated his teleportation, vanishing from the crowded streets and reappearing in his room at the mansion. The familiar surroundings greeted him, unchanged since he had left.

He walked over to the window, gazing out into the garden below. There, he spotted Emilia and Puck, the two of them engaged in a lighthearted conversation. Emilia's laughter echoed faintly through the open window, and Puck floated around her, his playful nature evident as always.

Gilgamesh's gaze lingered on them for a moment. He had little regard for magic in his own world—he considered it mere parlor tricks, a crutch for those too weak to wield real power. But here, in this strange world, the rules were different. Puck had promised to teach him the magic of this land, and while Gilgamesh still viewed it with disdain, he saw an opportunity. If he could master this world's magic and elevate it to something worthy of his stature, it might prove useful after all.

With that thought in mind, Gilgamesh decided to make his way to the garden. As he stepped outside, the afternoon sun bathed the mansion grounds in a warm glow. Emilia noticed his approach and smiled, her previous embarrassment from their earlier interaction momentarily forgotten.

"Gilgamesh," she greeted him warmly.

He gave her a nod and replied, "Emilia." His gaze shifted to Puck, who was floating nearby. "Puck promised to teach me the magic of this world. I intend to hold him to that promise."

Puck, who had been lounging on a flower, perked up at the mention of his name. He floated over to Gilgamesh, his small form radiating excitement. "Oh, so you've decided to take me up on my offer, huh? I'm glad you're finally interested! Magic here is pretty different from what you're used to, I imagine. But I'm sure someone like you will pick it up quickly."

Gilgamesh crossed his arms, his expression skeptical. "Don't mistake my interest for eagerness. Magic is a tool—nothing more. But if this world has anything of value to offer, I'll take it."

Puck grinned mischievously. "I like your attitude! Alright, let's start with the basics. Magic in this world is tied to elemental spirits like me. We'll begin with your affinity, and then I'll teach you how to channel mana."

After exchanging a few more words, Puck floated closer to Gilgamesh, his playful demeanor replaced by a more serious expression. "Now, Gilgamesh, to determine your magical affinity, I'll need to touch your forehead. It's a simple process that helps me see which elements are naturally attuned to you."

Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical but curious enough to allow it. "Very well. Proceed."

With a nod, Puck gently placed his small hands on Gilgamesh's forehead. For a brief moment, a soft glow surrounded them, and Puck's eyes widened in astonishment as he sensed Gilgamesh's elemental affinities.

He pulled back, hovering in the air with a look of awe. "This… this is unbelievable! Gilgamesh, you have an affinity for all of the elements—fire, water, earth, wind, even the rare ones like light and shadow! I've never seen anything like it!"

Emilia, who had been quietly observing, gasped in surprise. "All the elements? That's incredible, Gilgamesh! I've never heard of anyone having such a powerful connection to magic."

Gilgamesh's lips curled into a satisfied smirk. "So, this world's magic recognizes my greatness as well. It seems there's more potential here than I initially thought."

Puck, still amazed, nodded enthusiastically. "With all these affinities, you could master any type of magic you choose! The possibilities are endless!"

Gilgamesh's eyes gleamed with ambition. "Then let us begin, Puck. Show me how to wield this power—and I will shape it into something truly worthy of a king."