
Ghost Rider Through the Multiverse

What would you do if you were betrayed? Would you wallow in self-pity or would you seek VENGEANCE? Vengeance is something so many innocents wish for but don't receive and so that's why our mc is going to deliver what is long overdue. .... Just thought that I would add; I dont have a schedule and this is purely for fun. I have a general idea of how I want the story to go, but I will still need to think of the events leading to those points and might take a while to do so. Planned Worlds: One Piece MHA ... DXD ??? (Probably a few randoms) ATG Disclaimer: I don't own any of the original works that appear.

PassiveAtom5140 · 奇幻
54 Chs

Ch 45 Family

(Forgot last time, but Carina had joined the harem. If it wasn't obvious.)

Since taking a break for the crew to train, a year and a half had passed.

In that year and half, not much interesting happened except for the plant Logia fruit he got. Leo spent the majority of his time with his girls, taking them on dates and stuff. They'd all finished learning what they wanted in their preferred field, so they were almost always on Amazon Lily.

While spending time with them or more specifically, Nami, he frequently went to visit Bellemere and Nojiko. And during a business trip to Alabasta near the beginning, he took Nami to visit Vivi, which resulted in a promise to return every week, and so they did.

In the end, after spending so much time with them, Leo gained four more girlfriends. Who is the fourth? Well, let's just say, Reiju calls him 'Daddy' for more than one reason.

Though, Leo did discover the answer to a mystery he had been very curious about. How the hell Robin seemingly got her skin bleached? The answer being that she awakened her Devil Fruit and the oils of her flower petals lightened her skin pigmentation.

Anyways, he helped train the girls in the usage of all three types of Haki and made them extremely strong while doing so. This was partially because Leo had given them more powers. Like giving Nami the Neko Neko no Mi, model: Byakko, while Robin requested the Hito Hito no Mi, model: Demon.

In hindsight, giving her the Demon powers, which included a Succubus aspect, was a poor idea. The little devil became ridiculously thirsty, despite already being so...

After her first time with Leo, Robin became far more aggressive in getting what she wanted. This was to the point where she would straight up pull his pants down and blow him. So long as there weren't other men or children, she had no reservations in dropping everything and getting him to fuck her...

The others weren't much better, as they all had their quirks and kinks. But then again, Leo had a sadistic streak and a few of the girls weren't exactly opposed to feeding his desires, though he was exceptionally careful even when he indulged.

In other words, they were perfect together.

Leo didn't just spend time with the girls obviously, he also visited the guys to see their progress. He mostly went to visit Zoro and sparred with him. While there, he also helped Perona and Kuina get closer to Zoro, 'accidentally' beating the shit out of him, so that they could take care of him.

His effort bore fruits when one day, he went to visit Zoro and he found the two girls hanging off him as he blushed.

Now, as much fun as he had in the world of One Piece, surrounded by loved ones, Leo had become bored. Without the modern entertainment that he was used to and no one to fight for awhile, he had been so bored that he decided to go to outer space and destroy a distant planet. Just because he could!

This lead to the current day, where he had gathered the girls and was sitting with them in the living room.

Taking a sip off juice and then placing his glass down, he relaxed in his chair while scratching Naga's chin, who had grown to quite some size and could completely wrap herself around Leo.

Coughing lightly, he began speaking. "So, I've been feeling bored with nothing to do lately, so I want to try going to another world for a little while and was wondering if any of you want to come with me?"

The girls expressions lit up at the prospect and they started discussing it with each other. Eventually though, they came to a consensus and decided. "No, we will wait!"

"Huh?" Hearing this, he looked at them in surprise and some disappointment. "Why?"

Nami saw his disappointment and giggled. She kissed his lips and explained. "Well, you told us that there should be some conclusion to our fate in this world, so we're going to wait until after Luffy's found the One Piece."

After receiving the explanation, Leo sighed in acceptance. Though, he began sulking, much to the amusement of the girls.

Sora, Reiju's mother, appeared behind Leo and hugged him with a close eyed smile, putting his head between her breasts. "Fufufu, that doesn't mean you can't go and have fun though, just don't forget to come and take us out for our dates"

Leo chuckled in response. "How could I possibly forget?" As he spoke, he made a hand form behind her and pinch her butt, resulting in a sultry moan.

Sora's moan set off a chain reaction in which all the girls gained a feverish expression with glazed over eyes, as they began closing in on Leo and stripping.

Seeing what he had started, Leo could only wryly smile and join them in removing his clothes. Wanting to protect his baby girls innocence, he made a portal to his room and moved her inside. He was completely unaware that she had long since lost her 'innocence' from watching them 'enjoy each others company'...


The next day, Leo said his farewells and opened a portal while intending to go to another world.

Hopping through the portal, he felt his body get pulled inside while the portal closed behind him. While being pulled through the space, he felt like he was flying through a kaleidoscope and was tripping out.

This continued for almost an hour and he had started to get annoyed. He considered sending out a punch with a Tremor infused into it, but before he actually did it, it occurred to him that he hadn't actually set a destination. He was just floating in a gap between all the dimensions!...

Realising this, Leo stopped his body, cancelling the pulling effect of the dimensional gap like space. Taking a sitting position, he put a hand on his chin while tapping in thought. "Where to go. Where to go..."

While he was thinking, the space around him began rapidly changing. He took notice of this and paid attention to what was happening.

Soon enough, the space around him became a perfect white, with himself being the only source of colour. This space was actually familiar to him, though it had been awhile since he'd been here.

He was in the same place he arrive at when he died, the place where God or Creator had given him his wishes.

Grinning happily, he turned around and saw the being he was expecting, the faceless Creator. Walking over and stopping in front of him, Leo did a small bow and gratefully spoke. "Creator, thank you very much for my new life!"

Creator lifted his hand casually, making Leo stand upright. "No need to bow child. I am glad to see that you have recovered from your trauma and didn't close off your heart."

Leo awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah... I was pretty close to losing it though..."

"Fortunately you didn't." Creator nodded in agreement. "Otherwise, I would have had to erase you. Or at least remove your Immortality and world travel. Can't be having an immortal psycho running around and killing everyone."

With nervous laugh, Leo nodded in return. "That's understandable..." He wasn't nervous about being erased, but rather the thought of having become murderous psychopath. Uh... An 'indiscriminate' murderous psychopath...

Creator chuckled slightly, before deciding to get down to business. "Anyways, this wasn't a social call. As you realised, you need to think of which world you want to go when making your portals. You can travel to random worlds if you want, but you are better of being more specific, by thinking about the time and place, or you could end up millions of years before the time you wanted. This isn't much of a problem, because you can always travel forward in time, but you can't go to the past without creating a new timeline or in other words, an AU."

Leo listened carefully, not wanting to make a major mistake by messing with time. "So, I can 'technically' go back in time, but I would create an AU. But, would I be stuck in that AU or be capable of moving between them? On that note, can I travel to multiple AU's?"

"You can move between AU's, but YOU can never exist with another version of you, hence why you create an AU when time travelling. For that matter, you will also never meet an alternate version of yourself, as all your other versions get consumed by your soul." Creator explained to him.

Looking down in thought, Leo had a sudden epiphany. "Wait... Is that at all related to why I was so unstable?"

"Yes, it was a calculated and necessary risk I'm afraid." Creator apologetically said, but Leo wasn't all that bothered by it, he was just curious.

Leo did have another query about the time travelling subject. "So, could I theoretically pull someone from the past during the moment of their death? Maybe replacing their body with a fake, technically interfering, but not changing the timeline?"

"You would have to time it just right, but yes, you could." Creator decided to clarify something however. "There is something you should know however. You can not go to the beginning of a universes existence, as it is impossible for any being to alter the core of the universe. To try will result in consequences that no being can escape, even the Divine."

Gulping, Leo nodded and noted never to try it. He figure that they had finished the important talk, so he got to his own matters. "Got it. Anyways, I wanted to look at another world because I was bored. Do you have any suggestions?"

"You are just bored, so how about a more modern world? A place you are more accustomed to and can simply relax in." Already predicting the answer, Creator made a portal off to the side.

Leo saw it and was going to enter, but wanted to check something. "Would it be a bad idea to use my powers or can I just be my usual self?"

"Well, there is a hidden supernatural world, so if you don't want to have to take over a second world and be worshipped, you should limit yourself at the very least. You will receive an identity once there, so don't worry about creating one." Knowing that it would be annoying, he helped out in that regard. "Just so you know, you can use your personal dimension as a quick go between and to control the time difference between the worlds you visit. Now, you can go whenever you want." Giving Leo the 'okay', Creator waved and disappeared, leaving Leo alone.

Shrugging nonchalantly, Leo walked through the portal and got hit with a burst of light, along with some info on his background.

Blinking his eyes and adjusting to the change, he found himself lying in a bed, so he sat up and looked around.

Looking over the info in his mind, he found that he was apparently recently orphaned and inherited a large amount of cash, so he was set for his stay in this world. He doesn't know where he is, but he does know that he is, unfortunately, a seventeen year old student and had just transferred schools... And today was his first day...

Leo sighed in annoyance at the thought of going to school again, but he felt that Creator must have a reason for it, so he got up while changing his clothes to boots, jeans, a red shirt and a leather jacket.

Looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand, he saw that school would start soon, so he went down stair and into the garage of his house, where he made himself a motorcycle, specifically a Triumph Bonneville T100.

He took his bike out and locked up the house, before beginning his journey to school.


When he got to the school, there wasn't anyone in the parking lot, so he guessed that he was late. He parked next to a red truck and got off his bike, leaving it there for show, he began making his way to the front office to pick up his timetable.

Once he had his timetable, he went to his first class, the dread of many... Math! Not that Leo was bothered, considering he had killed and taking the capability of quite a few geniuses at this point.

After being introduced to the class, he took his seat and sat through an hour of pure boredom. The only highlight being when he showed up the teacher, because he thought Leo wasn't paying attention, only for Leo to solve everything without looking.

Needless to say, the teacher didn't say anything after that. Leo had been tempted to fastforward time, just to get out of having to sit through the rest of class, but he stuck it out by listening to music.

Following mathematics, he had art, which he was mildly enthusiastic about. So, with a hop in his step, he went to his next class.

It was in this class that he figured out what world he was in. When he entered the class and got introduce, his teacher told him where to sit. "You will sit next to Miss Cullen. Miss Cullen, raise your hand please."

Leo swept over the class and saw a cute, short, brown haired girls with a pixiecut. She was sitting with her hand in the air and a small smile on her face.

'... It just had to be Twilight, didn't it...' internally sighing, he walked over and sat down next to the little Vampire, giving her a glance. 'I guess it could be worse. She has a surprisingly nice soul."

Sitting next to her, he gave a brief greeting and started sketching away. As he did this, the little vamp next to him was staring at him intently, a mix of caution and curiosity coming off her.

Leo wasn't sure what to do about it, she already knew that he wasn't human thanks to his unbeating heart. He could always make it beat, but that would just raise more suspicions. There was also the fact that his eyes were red, like a vampire that drank human blood would have, and he clearly wasn't albino, so there was no avoiding the suspicions.

He looked to the side, locking eyes with Alice, before turning back to his paper and he speaking. "Go ahead and ask your questions. And don't worry about drawing attention, no one can hear us."

Alice's eyes seemed to light up a bit. "What are you? Your heart isn't beating and your eyes are red, like vampires... But you are warm, hot even, even though I'm a..."

Leo smirked a little and momentarily showed her his GR form, using an illusion to hide it from the humans. "I'm a whole 'nother kind of being." Seeing the shock on her face, he sniggered to himself. "Though, in a sense, I am a vampire. Alongside a myriad of other things."

Excited by this discovery, she began bouncing in her seat. "This is so amazing! I've never heard of anything like you, what are you!?"

Laughing at her giddiness, he stroked her head lightly. "Calm down, I'll tell you." Seeing her settle down a little, he told her. "I'm a soul eating Demon with a penchant for destruction." As an extra bit of flare, he took on a Demon form that he gained when he ate the Mythical Zoan fruits. Basically, he just looked like a scarier Ghost Rider with black flames and ominous red orbs in his eye sockets.

When he saw the fright on her face, he was amused, but turned back to let her calm down.

Alice was in a state of pure shock now and simply kept staring at him, so he turned back to his drawing. This went on for the rest of the lesson and when the bell rang, Leo stood up and patted her back before leaving.

The rest of his school day was pretty uneventful and he managed to make it out without killing someone.

As he was leaving the school, Leo felt the stares of the Vampire family and smirked while making his way to his bike. He found it especially amusing when he felt the frustration of Edweird at being unable to read his mind. Just to mess with the mind reading douche, Leo blasted him with images of of Rick Astley.

He got to his bike, walking past a pretty brunette, who was standing at the red truck he parked next to. If he wasn't mistaken, then the girl was Bella, the mc of this world and a chick with serious mental health issues.

While he was thinking about the crazy girl that wandered into the woods with a vampire, a van came around the corner, but the icy roads caused the driver to lose control.

Leo looked at this and then turned to the Cullen family while smirking, just waiting for Edweird to do the stupid move of saving Bella and set her on a crusade to learn the truth.

However, Eddy-boy hesitated because of Leo's presence. Rolling his eyes, Leo ran at peak human speeds, grabbed Bella and leaped through the narrow gap between the van and her truck, just barely saving her from becoming a pancake, as funny as it might be to see...

Turning his body, Leo directed his back to the ground as he fell with Bella, protecting her as they made impact. They skidded a little bit, but soon stopped and were met with shouting from the surrounding teens.

Giving a fake groan, Leo let go of Bella and she quickly got off him, kneeling to the side of him. "Oh my god! Are you okay!?" Surprisingly, she was tearing up and worrying about his safety.

Leo waved her off disinterestedly and slowly got up off the ground, as if he was in pain. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine. Anyways, I've got things to do, see ya."

Not feeling like putting on a prolonged act of being injured, he made his way over to his bike, got on and started it up. But before he left, he said something that the vampires would hear. "See you later, sparkles."

With that said, he began driving away and went back to his house, where he just sat in front of the TV watching movies.


Leo was sitting in his living room watching 'Ben 10' and thinking of going there some day, when he was disturbed by a knock on his door.

Standing up with a sigh, he went and answered the door, where he was met by a middle aged man with a mustache, dressed in a police uniform. Leo raised any eyebrow curiously. "Can I help you officer?"

"Uh, yeah... I'm the Chief of Police, Charlie Swan. I just came by to thank you." Charlie said, kind of feeling awkward at conversing with Leo.

Leo knew why he was thanking him, but he decided to play the game. "Thank me? For what?"

"Uh, well... My daughter, Bella. You stopped her from getting hurt earlier today and I just wanted to thank you, so uh... Thank you." Awkwardly nodding his head, Charlie put his hand out to shake Leo's hand.

Leo shook his hand, slightly amused by the situation. "Don't mention it. Wouldn't want to leave someone in danger when I can help them?"

Charlie nodded again, appreciating the young man in front of him. "Right. Good to know. Anyways, I'll leave you to your business then."

Releasing their shake, Charlie began to leave, awkwardly stopping and waving, before leaving again.

Leo chuckled and closed the door, returning to his cartoons.


During the night, Leo made it so that one year in Twilight is six months in One Piece, making sure that he wouldn't go too long without visiting.

When morning came, he change to a black shirt and left for school. He was welcomed with a few welcoming cheers and shouts, making him cringe, but he powered through it without creating an earthquake and destroying the school.

Anyways, his first class was gym, so he headed to the locker room and got changed. Fortunately, he was in the actual gym, so he didn't have to be careful of hurting the puny mortals.

It was quite funny seeing how everyone thought he was some sort of superhuman, but he wasn't even using 1% of his strength.

After gym, time passed relatively quickly and lunch came around, so he decided to keep up appearances and mess with the vamps by eating something.

He went into the lunch hall and bought something to eat, then he sat down and began eating. When the Cullen family arrived and saw him actually eating, they were pretty shocked, making Leo snigger.

Seen as he'd had his fun, Leo quickly finished up and decided to get going to his next class.

As he was leaving, a girl with her head down was entering, so he held the door open and let them in. While the girl was passing, Leo felt some depression from her and gave a brief glance to the back of her head, before looking away and assuming it was just teen problems. Though, he did momentarily stop to admire her curled long black hair that seemed familiar to him somehow.

He started to leave, but his steps were brought to a stop when he heard Alice's cheery voice. "Vanessa! C'mon, hurry and sit with us!"

Hearing the name, 'Vanessa', and combine with the girls familiar curled black hair, Leo was suddenly flooded with memories of someone he had avoided thinking about for more than a year, having borderline repressed them.

Turning around somewhat rigidly, Leo stared at the girl, but only saw her back as she sat down. This led him to thinking. 'Turn around.'

As if the girl heard his thoughts, she looked around with some confusion on her face, letting Leo see her features. Pale triangular face, high cheek bones, a high nose, full pink lips, with a small mole on the left side of her mouth and something that held no small amount of importance to him, her beautiful violet eyes...

She looked like a perfected version of Yennefer of Vengerberg. Especially when considering that, on her long and slender neck, was a black choker with a pendant depicting a star made of obsidian sparkling with a multitude of tiny diamonds embedded in it and a single heart shaped amethyst in the centre. This caught his attention more than anything and pretty much confirmed his thoughts. This was HIS Vanessa.

The reason for this thought process, was that he had given her that choker and commissioned for the amethyst to be added. All starting as a joke about how she looked like Yennefer. He had worked an entire summer saving up, doing everything his parents wanted from him, just so he could afford to give her that as gift on her birthday. Though, his parent gave him more than he worked for, knowing why he was doing it.

Although, he didn't give it to her until a month after he had gotten with the bitch, which is enough to make one wonder how things could have turned out if he had waited that month more...

All of this was too much for him to bare, as he took a step towards her and his Conquerors Haki burst out, barely being contained to the school, knocking out all those inside.

Vanessa and the Cullens remained conscious. Vanessa, because he didn't want to harm her. The Cullens, because they couldn't sleep or be knocked out. This didn't stop them from feeling the passive pressure he exuded though.

Feeling the pressure, most of the Cullens saw this as a sign of aggression and jumped out of their seats, before charging to attack Leo.

Leo didn't take his eyes off of Vanessa for even a second and continued to take steps towards her. The first to arrive, the fastest, was Edward as he went to punch Leo in the chest, only for his arm to shatter and make him fall over in pain.

Continuing his walk, Leo was met by the blonde male, Jasper, who tried to judo throw Leo, but was instead, thrown across the hall and embedded into the wall.

Next came the jock type male, Emmet, who charged right through Leo in an attempt to tackle him. But, Leo simply made himself intangible and bound the guy in chains.

And finally, the last obstacle was a beautiful blonde female, Rosalie, who Leo trapped in darkness as he took his last few steps towards the confused, yet hopeful Vanessa.

Stopping in front of her, he stared at her with his emotions roiling and showing in his eyes. He shakily lifted his hand and gingerly touched her face, almost fearing that it was all an illusion and she would disappear if touched.

"V-Vanessa..." Touching her cheek, knowing that she's real and wasn't about to disappear, Leo felt the words get stuck in his throat. So, he did the only thing he could think of and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and hugging her tightly. "I've missed... So, so much..."

Like she had had her prayers answer, Vanessa similarly wrapped her arms around Leo and cried into his chest with relief. "Me too... Leo..."

After a few seconds that felt like forever, Leo quietly muttered, mostly to himself. "I'm so happy you're real. I thought I'd never see you again..."

Vanessa didn't say anything and simply tightened her hold on him.

Leo loosened his grasp on her from, placing his hands on her shoulders and staring into her eyes. "Can we leave so we can talk?"

Nodding her head, Vanessa wanted to go as soon as possible, but looked at the Cullen family. "Can you help them first?"

Not wanting to waste time, Leo simply rewound time around the school area, fixing the damage he made, healing Edward and Jasper while unbinding Emmet and Rosalie, and awakening the students. He then manipulated the minds of all the humans, so that they didn't think anything happened.

With that done, he held onto Vanessa and sped them both over to his house. What he hadn't realised due to his shock, was that Bella had witnessed everything that had just occurred, this being because of her shield ability protecting her and the fact Leo hadn't targeted her at all.


The moment Leo got to his house with Vanessa, he hugged her again, overjoyed at being with her once more. "It's so good to see you again!"

Giggling, she snuggled into his chest. "I know. I feel the same way!... After you- After you died, it destroyed me..." Thinking about his death made her begin to cry, but now that he was with her again, even if he looked different, it eased her mind.

Being reminded of his death, Leo just had to ask. "Vanessa... How are you here? What happened?"

Remaining silent for a moment, she looked up at him. "Why don't we sit down..."

Leo nodded and let go of her, then they both sat down and she began explaining while they held hands.

- Past. Leo and Vanessa's Original World -

After Leo's death, his friends had all been depressed, but none so as much as Vanessa.

Losing the person she loved had taken a toll on her. She'd took a month off work and completely sunk into depression, never leaving her house and barely eating. For the whole month, she had been contemplating sùicide, seeing no reason to live anymore.

This wasn't something that only just occurred, as she had suffered from anxiety and depression for years, almost committing sùicide at one point... After the untimely death of her parents and neglectful care of her aunt, she just couldn't bare it.

The only reason she hadn't, was because she was stopped by someone. Leo. Her love. Her rock that supported her and the one that pulled her from her darkness.

But now, with him gone, she had nothing. Her other friends tried to help, but none of them could fill the void left by him.

The only thing keeping her going at all was the choker that Leo had given her as a present. Playing with the pendant and looking at the amethyst heart in the middle, it kept her alive, knowing that Leo wouldn't want for her to die.

Unfortunately, as much as she wanted to remain in the confines of her home, she had to return to work. She had nearly run out of money and had no other choice.

So, after taking a much needed shower and getting dressed, she left and made her way to the train station. As she waited for the train, she was receiving concerned stares, due to the fact that she looked half dead, having barely eaten or slept.

Soon enough, her train was insight and coming closer. Looking at it and then down at the tracks, a thought appeared in her mind. 'Why don't I just...' She started to take a step forwards, but all of a sudden the world froze and so did her body.

Vanessa was scared and confused, but quickly had her attention caught by a man in a white suit, with no visible face in front of her.

The figure stood in front of her and silently watched her, before sighing sadly. "You really don't want to live with Leonardo, do you..." This wasn't a question, but rather a statement.

Vanessa couldn't do anything other than lifelessly stare at the figure and think one simple thought. 'No...'

The figure sighed again and waved his hand. Suddenly, Vanessa felt an invisible force pull her and she saw her own body from a third person's perspective.

As she was confused over what was happening, time started again and she saw her body fall down to the tracks, before being hit by the train. She was then swept away and appeared in a white void, floating in front of the same figure she'd just seen.

Without bothering to get her opinion, the figure began talking. "Seeing as you can't live with out him and I don't wish to have to tell him of your fate when he'll ask, I will transfer you to another world, where you can meet him again, along with giving you some powers to protect yourself."

The figure then waved his hand again and sent her to another world. The world of Twilight.

Upon arriving, she was found by the Cullen family, who she decided to stick with, figuring that Leo would be more likely to come across her that way.

Then, a few months passed by.

- Back to the current time -

Leo listened to her explanation and felt dreadful. He had worried that she would become depressed after his death and he was right. The fact that she had tried to kill herself because of him just made it worse.

He hugged her again. "I'm sorry... If only I wasn't such an idiot, then-"

Vanessa put her hand over his mouth to silence him. "Don't say anything. We can't do anything about the past, so just forget about it..." Leo nodded and settled for hugging her tighter. This didn't stop her from spitefully commenting however. "I just wish that slut hadn't OD'd on drugs, so that I could have killed her myself."

This caught Leo's attention for obvious reasons. "OD'd? She didn't OD, I killed herr-Oh... I guess Creator altered it to fit the scene..."

Confused by what he was saying, Vanessa looked up at him. "Creator? Who's that?"

"Creator is the one that sent us to different worlds and empowered us. He is a God, but he told me that other Divine beings call him Creator." He explained simply. "Did he not tell you anything about what happened?"

She shook her head in response. "No. Other than the fact that I would meet you again, he said nothing..."

Looking down at her, Leo had a bit anxiety pop up within him. "So... He hasn't said anything about me... or what I've done..." Vanessa looked at him with confusion, making him sigh and decide to bite the bullet. "Vanessa... I've... changed, a lot..."

"That doesn't matter to me." Vanessa didn't care and simply buried her head in his chest.

Leo just felt terrible from this however and removed her, making a bit of distance between them, so that he could tell her what he's done and let her decide afterwards. "Vanessa, I'm not like how I used to be... I've done a lot of terrible stuff and become a literal monster... When I died and met Creator, he gave me power of my choosing. I choose the powers of a Ghost Rider that grows stronger by eating souls and become extremely sadistic impart to it. I've killed and torture hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. They have been bad people, but I still did it nonetheless. I don't feel regretful or guilty about what I've done either. If anything, I've enjoyed it-"

"I don't care!" Vanessa loudly proclaimed, having listened carefully, but been unaffected. "I don't care what you've done or will do. I just want you. I want you in my life, I want to be with you! You can kill everyone on earth, just don't push me away." She grabbed his face and intensely stared into his eyes, longing and a bit of obsession present in her gaze.

He wasn't bothered by her obsession, but was rather happy that she still didn't see him as a monster like he'd feared. However, there was one more thing she had to know. "And what if I told you I'm seeing multiple women...?"

Suddenly, like something had snapped, Vanessa burst with a purple, magical aura and sprouted black feathery wings as she smiled. Though there was something seriously off about that smile...

She pushed her face right in front of his and with her voice cracking, spoke. "And who might they be...!?!?"

Seeing her going yandere, Leo grabbed onto her shoulders and began draining her power, while also manipulating her emotions to calm her down.

When she was calm and somewhat drained of energy, Leo began stroking her hair. "Are you feeling better?..."

She pouted in response. "Tell me who they are and I might stop being angry..."

Leo was fairly sure she was coming up with murder plans, but he decided to just tell her. "Well, when I got my powers, I requested a world hopping ability. Before coming here, I was in the One Piece universe, in the middle of the two year time skip and decided to take a vacation because I was bored from doing nothing..."

Hearing which universe he was in, Vanessa scowled, having figured out at least two of the women he was with.

Leo then continued. "It wasn't immediate, but I got with Nami a while after getting to the the Grandline, roughly a month and a half after my arrival. This was mostly brought on by the fact that I was on the verge of a mental breakdown, which probably would have turned me into a murderous psychopath, if not for the fact that she had helped me through it..."

Hearing that Nami had help 'her' Leo when he needed it, Vanessa somewhat calmed down and saw her favourably.

But, Leo had more to introduce. "Next was Robin, who I'd developed good bond with, due to the fact that she reminded me of our friends to some degree. She'd fallen for me and was prompted by Nami to say something. Then there is Mary and Anna-"

Hearing the two unknown names, she had to stop him. "Wait, who's Mary and Anna? There was no one by those names even after the timeskip-"

"No spoilers!" Leo covered her mouth. "You know I was waiting for it to be finished before I watched it all together..."

Having his hand over her mouth, Vanessa blushed and breathed in through her nose, before grabbing his hand and holding it, not wanting to seem like a weirdo...

Leo ignored her yandere actions, knowing that he's not much different... "Anyways, Mary is the spirit of the Going Merry, who I brought to life. While Anna, is something of a twin sister to Mary, made because I fused them with a Devil Fruit and that they were hit with some Divine Lightning when I was bringing them to life. The main cause behind my relationship with them, is because of the Devil Fruit I used... A Zoan which made it so that, when they fall for someone, they will only ever love that one person. Which I didn't know about beforehand..."

Frowning, she grumbled about how unfair it was, but then sighed. "So, is that it? If you're in the timeskip, then there can't be many more..."

"... Not exactly..." Awkwardly looking away, Leo could feel Vanessa tightening her grip on his hand. "I kind of met Boa Hancock and healed the marks on her and her sisters backs, causing them to fall for me... And you know how that love sickness works..."

Vanessa's eyebrow began twitching.

He kept going. "Then there is Reiju..."

"..." Vanessa was barely containing herself as she listened. "Sanji's sister...?"

"... And their mother, Sora... Who I revived when asked..." Right now, Leo was never more glad to be indestructible. At this point, he figured it would be best to just rapid fire the rest of the names, so he did. "Then there is Carina, Nojiko, Bellemere and Vivi..."

Leo looked at Vanessa and saw her with her head down, while her whole body trembled. Expecting her to explode and destroy his house, he got ready to rewind time. This ended up being unneeded however, as she did infact explode, just not in the way he expected...

She threw herself at him and began wailing as she hit his chest like a certain useless goddess... "WAAHHHHH!!! It's not fair!!! I loved you way before anyone else! Why don't I get to have you!!? Waaahhhhhh!!"

Seeing her act like this for the first time in his life, Leo was astonished, but that astonishment quickly turned into fond amusement, as he laughed hugged her closely while lying down on the sofa.

Being wrapped in his arms, she was unable to hit him anymore, but she felt undeniably happy. Though, hearing him laugh at her, she pouted.

Leo settled down after a good laugh and lovingly smiled at her. "I love you as well."

Without a seconds thought, he kissed her lovely lips, not worrying about how the girls will feel, as they knew how he still loved Vanessa even when she wasn't there.

Vanessa was surprised and overjoyed by the sudden kiss and proclamation of love, sinking into it and feeling as though she would melt from happiness.

After kissing, they lay together on the sofa and fell asleep.


The next day, Leo and Vanessa had been awake for quite a while, having exchanged details about what they'd done in their time apart and eaten some breakfast, despite neither of them requiring it.

Leo had been curious about how Vanessa didn't need it and she told him that she had been turned into a Dark Fay. Her abilities consisted of Immortality, Magic, Enhanced Physical abilities and Transformation.

Before Leo came to their current world, she was the strongest being on the planet. Vanessa didn't really care about any of that though.

The only thing on Vanessa's mind was Leo, she showed it by clinging to him and refusing to release him. Not that he minded, as he didn't want to release her either.

Leo was hugging Venessa and now that he had adjusted to the reality of having her next to him, he was able to think more clearly and stroked her beautiful hair. "Vanessa, would you come see Nami and the others, I want to introduce you to them."

"But I want to spend more time with just us..." She pouted with discontent, but she wasn't acting like a yandere anymore, so that was a good sign.

He chuckled a little and kissed her head. "I just want you to get to know each other, then I plan on coming back here for a year. Plus, I have my own dimension in which I can change the time dilation, so we can spend a lot of time together, whenever we want."

"Okay, let's go." With a distracted expression, she nodded. 'If we don't have to worry about the time, then I can finally do 'that' with Leo for as long as we want..." She gained a light blush and rubbed her legs together.

Leo simply transported them both into the his dimension, where he stopped time in Twilight-verse, before moving them into the One Piece universe, where a day and a half had passed

He went to Amazon Lily, as it was basically his home at this point. All the girls, were currently sitting together, so he went straight to where they were.

Not wanting to frighten or upset them by suddenly appearing with an unknown woman hugging him, he appeared outside the room and then walked inside while Vanessa trailed behind him. He called to them excitedly. "Girls! I'm back!"

"Leo!" Although Leo had only been gone for a day, the girls were excited that he was back. Especially Naga, who'd missed her Daddy.

Naga shot through the air, into Leo's arms, wrapping the rest of her body around him and rubbing her head again him. {Papa! Papa!}

Leo laughed and hugged her. "How's my little girl doing!?"

{Hehehe! Papa!} She kept rubbing her head against him, her tail flickering against the floor.

Behind Leo, Vanessa heard the large, strange looking snake calling him 'Papa'. She leaned to the side of Leo with a curious gaze. "Leo, why is this snake calling you her Papa?"

When the girls saw Vanessa, they first gasped a little because of her beauty and then looked at Leo for answers. They were just exasperated by how girls were always drawn to him.

As the only one to have seen a picture of Vanessa, Robin was different however. She was looking at him in shock. "Leo, is she...?"

Leo nodded to her with a beaming smile, surprising all of them, as they didn't think they'd seen him so happy. "Yes. Everyone, this is Vanessa, the other girl that I loved that I told you about!"

Seeing how happy Leo was, the girls couldn't feeling a little jealous, but they understood why and didn't want to ruin it for him.

Vanessa looked at the girls and had stars in her eyes from excitement. "Ohmygod! OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod!!!" Despite her displeasure at having 'her' Leo taken from her, again... She couldn't help fangirling over the ladies of the One Piece world.

Looking at her weebing out, Leo smiled wryly and watched as she ran over to them, bouncing all around and checking them out. While checking them out, she was, well... She was very enthusiastic and thorough...

She didn't shy away from asking a bunch of questions and occasionally touching them.

Leo felt a bit bad for the flustered girls, but with Vanessa like this, he didn't think she'd calm down until she'd had her fill. So, he walked over to the sofa and sat down, just cuddling with Naga.

While he sat with Naga, he had an idea and felt like a complete idiot. He pulled a fruit from his inventory and enchanted it, before feeding it to Naga.

After eating the fruit, Naga immediately knew what the ability was and excitedly used it. Her body began changing shape, as her scales disappeared, being replaced with white skin. Her body shrunk as she grew appendages and lost her tail. Her head changed from a serpents into a human child's, while she grew long black hair with a dark green tint.

She became a cute little girl, around the age of three years old and when she opened her eyes, the were like a pair of beautiful emeralds.

Smiling brightly, she leaped at Leo while shouting. "PAPA!!!"

Leo caught her, covering her with warm flames and dressing her in a bright green dress, as she was kind of nude after transforming.

Now with a human form, Naga hugged her adoptive father and began giggling nonstop. The girls all heard the shout of a little girl, followed by angelic giggling, and looked over to see an adorable girl hugging Leo, who was returning the hug with a soft gaze that enamoured them and made their hearts flutter.

Seeing Leo with the cute little girl claiming him as her father, Vanessa ran and snatched her up while squealing excitedly. "Eeeeek!! She's SO CUTE!!!!"

Having be taken away from her beloved father and squeezed by an unknown lady, Naga flailed her arms and legs frantically. "Papa! Save me!"

Laughing affectionately, Leo got up and took Naga away from Vanessa. "There, there, sweetie. I've got you."

"Yay!" With a happy cheer, she clamped her arms around him and snuggled into him.

Vanessa looked at him and pouted. "Leo~! Why did you take her away from me!? And since when did you have a daughter!!?"

Leo looked at her with a calm smile. "My baby girl didn't want to be taken away from me, so I had to save her, clearly." His words produced cute giggles out of the little lady. "And I adopted my little snakey more than a year ago."

Vanessa appeared confused for a moment, before gaining a look of understanding and shock. "Did she eat a Devil Fruit even as a baby!?"

He shook his head however. "No. She is an honest to goodness Basilisk. I hatched her with my Haki and she saw me as her father, so I accepted her as my daughter." With slight embarrassment, he turn his sight away. "I only just thought to give her the ability to transform though..."

Suddenly, Nami walked up to him and grabbed him by his cloths, then began shaking him back and forth as she shouted. "You mean we could have had this little cutie with us this whole time!!?"

"Mama Nami!!! AhhaHHAhhH..." Because she was in Leo's arms, Naga was being shaken as well and began feeling dizzy.

Hearing Naga, Nami quickly stopped shaking Leo and let go. "Oops- Sorry, sweetie."

Nami then snatched Naga away and hugged her aggressively, shoving her little head into her now grown breasts.

"Nami! No fair, let us hug her as well!!" Seeing Nami monopolising the little snake, the rest of the girls shouted and began clamouring for their turn. The most intense one being Robin, who had spent the most time with Naga after Leo.

Leo watched this with a happy, yet relaxed smile on his face as he stood next to Vanessa, who had begun hugging his arm as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Vanessa also felt happy, no longer having the will to fight against what had happened and just wanting to join in being a part of this moment. "I love you, Leo."

"I love you too, Vanessa." He replied and they continued to watch as Naga was smothered with affection from the girls.