
Ghost Rider in Twilight

Jack Mikaelson was not so ordinary teenager. He had a secret which he hid from his family. He has an ability that lets him know who has sinned. Since a young age, there has been a voice ringing in his ears, 'Kill the sinners!' It wasn't bad at first— he thought it was only his imagination. But the older he got, the louder the voice became. Soon he started finding out any sins people had done. He thought it was his hallucination and that he was going crazy, but he kept it secret until the voice became so loud that he couldn't stay sane anymore. One night, he walked in the streets, trying to get his mind out of the voice. But then, he saw a crime happening nearby; a man was assaulting a woman. The voice became even louder in his mind, and without thinking twice, Jack attacked the man who was assaulting the defenseless woman. But then, the voice became unbearable, he saw every crime that man had done, and there were hundreds of them! He lost control and killed the man in front of him. But that wasn't the end— the man's corpse was lit in flames! With a horror-filled gaze, Jack looked at the corpse as it vanished into ashes, but then... The same fate happened to Jack. His body was lit in flames, and without even being able to cry for help, his body vanished into flames. But that wasn't the end of Jack... No... It was only the beginning. ___________________________ Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. Ghost Rider and Twilight isn't mine, only the MC and a few OC's. I won't update regularly. I tried this fanfic out of boredom.

Alekzi · 电影同人
39 Chs


(A/N: Bonus chapter for my lovely readers - I have no idea how this story is in top 10 of Power Rankings, this is unreal, but this is all because of you, my readers! And I am grateful, so here is bonus chapter for you all! It was painful to write two chapters, because I have been writing 8 hours without stopping xD First my original novels, and now two chapters for this, ah the pain! But I hope I can keep doing the daily chapters, and I might do more bonus chapters if this fanfic is doing good in the future)

''Excuse me.'' Jack said and stood up.

''Is everything alright?'' Alice asked with worry.

Jack smiled and nodded, ''I might have forgotten my wallet in the clothing store— I will be back soon.''

He turned around and left the restaurant.

Alice's gaze lingered in his direction long time.

Jessica sighed and decided to give advice, ''Alice... Small advice... It is not good to be clingy— otherwise, he might lose his interest in you.''

''R-Really?'' Alice gasped.

Jessica nodded, ''Even though I like him... It is painfully obvious... But he likes you, so I decided to give up.''

Alice nodded and then thought about her advice.

'Am I too clingy...?'

Jasper was about to open his mouth, but then Edythe shook her head.

''Let her figure it out by herself.''

Jasper somehow heard her voice, even though Edythe didn't even open her mouth.

This is her unique ability.

Alice has her visions.

Jasper can control emotions.

And Edward has his mind-reading powers.

Edythe has Telepathy, which lets her talk with everyone through her mind.

Jasper nodded.

It was Alice's first love, and she must learn by herself that she doesn't need to change.

She is already perfect the way she is.

They couldn't fix her low self-esteem, but with the help of Jack, she will get over it.

But it needs time, and this is a good chance for Alice to find out that Jack doesn't want her to change.


Jack walked in the streets in a specific direction.

His instincts tell him to go that way.

''Raaahh!'' He cried out in pain— his flesh was already melting away.

''Control... Control...'' Jack kept muttering, and he tried to keep his rationality.

Closer he was getting to the full transformation.

More his control was slipping away.

He doesn't want Ghost Rider to take complete control— otherwise, it can end badly.

He entered a dark alleyway and leaned on the wall.

Half of his flesh has melted away.

His other side of the face was the skeleton, which was on fire!

And another side was still his human self.

But soon, the rest of the flesh disappeared, and only the flaming skull was left.


He slightly tapped at the wall behind him, but that alone made the wall crack.

Soon rest of his body became a skeleton.

Ghost Rider stood straight, and he smelled sinners nearby.

He started walking towards the smell— his every step melted the asphalt road underneath him.


Edward glared at the group of drunken men, which caused them to retreat a few steps.

''Grr...'' Edward growled like a wild animal, which made the drunken men even more fearful of this individual.

He turned around and entered the car.


He drove the car forwards, almost crashing with the drunken men.

''Woah!'' The drunken men fell on their butts, fear filling their faces.

Edward snorted and was about to leave.

But then...


Bella looked outside of the window and widened her eyes in horror.

The drunken men rubbed their heads, and after seeing that it was not a hallucination.

They slowly stained the ground underneath them with their urine.

Edward looked in the direction where everyone else was looking and widened his eyes in shock.

A man with a flaming skull exited the alleyway and stomped towards the drunken men.

''W-What...'' Bella couldn't believe her eyes.

'Is he the one... Why is he here?!' Edward thought anxiously.

He remembered his discussion with Carlisle, and he said that a man with a flaming skull killed two vampires who were trespassing their property.

Edward tried to read his thoughts but only heard a fire crackling.

The same noise... He remembered from a black-haired young man.

'Is he...' Edward looked shocked, but seeing the skeleton approaching, he instantly turned his car around and left the area.

They passed the flaming skeleton, but he didn't seem to care about them.

His gaze was on the drunken men.

Ghost Rider cracked his knuckles, which made a terrifying sound.

He stopped in front of the drunken men and chuckled, ''You cannot impress the Spirit Of Vengeance... This is very... Disappointing... The first time in a week, I could unleash my Vengeance, and this is what I get... How utterly disappointing.''

He grabbed the first man and looked him in the eye.

The drunk man gulped— his eyes were shaking in absolute terror.

The drunk man looked at his eyes and started seeing every bad thing he had done.

He remembered every victim of his bullying.

He felt their anger and sadness.

He felt how much they wanted to make him suffer, but they couldn't do anything because he was with his group of friends.

But then... All his victims of bullying appeared in front of him.

''Aa... Aahh!'' The drunk man started crying in agony because his victims of bullying, robbing, and everyone he had ever assaulted... Started tearing off his flesh.

They started with his face, ripping his skin off until his skeleton was the only thing remaining.

They did the same with the rest of his body.

He felt everything they did to him.

But in the outside world.

His friends only saw as his eyes went pure black, and he fell lifelessly on the ground.

Ghost Rider turned his gaze towards other drunken men, ''Say hello to Mephisto for me!''

After those words, the same fate happened to the other drunken men.


Edward and Bella reached a restaurant where others were waiting.

Bella was still pale white.

She couldn't comprehend the things she saw.

The door of the restaurant opened, and a group of 5 came.

''Edward?'' Edythe, Jasper, and Alice were surprised.

But then they saw Bella next to him, looking pale like she had seen a ghost.

''Bella, is everything alright?'' Angela asked with worry.

Bella shakily nodded her head.

''What is wrong with her?'' Edythe asked Edward with her Telepathy.

'We saw him...' Edward said in his mind.


'The flaming monster Carlisle talked about!'

Edythe gasped.

Jasper and Alice looked at them, and Edythe told both of them.

Jasper's body started trembling.

'Jack...' Alice thought with worry.

Edward looked at Alice and heard her thoughts.

Usually, he doesn't like to read his siblings' thoughts, but he had to be sure.

A certain image formed in Alice's head, which showed Jack's face being turned into Ghost Rider.

'So it was him...' Edward thought with a conflicted look.