
Getting a rewrite kinda

A 10 old child confined to a hospital room for all most of his life dies when his illness takes him from the world,he loved to read fantasy stories with swords and magic, oh how he especially loves the hero’s he would dream about exploring his own fantasy world. Until he was reincarnated into a new story his own story This is my first attempt at writing a story. so if by some grace of god I get good enough at writing a story I’ll probably try to re write this I don’t know how often I write maybe once a week or two also any suggestions/advice would be appreciated also this will probably suck just letting ya know I don’t own dragon age, only my oc I guess Also this will be an AU as a I have a final enemy worked out already I just don’t know if this is in the direction they’ll take the games or series I also dont own the cover Not a harem If someone else already did this then i dont know i havent read any dragon age fanfic that goes in the direction mines gonna go The free rein over mana power wont make him overpowered instantly or anything like that he won’t even have the willpower to use it all this power does is work like life in vains rudeas im saying his because its the only iteration of that anime or manga I’ve read or watched but basically with his willpower he can use mana to create or control his own creations and others with free will so he’s only limited by his imagination and willpower

Zeinex · 游戏衍生
13 Chs

Training and the move

<9:30 Dragon fifth annum of the new year>

(Jackson Revas)

"Jackson focus you aren't staying calm."

"I know wisdom I'm just distracted thats all."

"Remember you can't be distracted while using magic it may come as easy to you as breathing but, that doesn't mean it will save you from a stab in the back boy."

"I know justice it's just with the move thats coming up and leaving behind Ferleden it's just been my home you know all I've know I'm excited but, I'll also miss the Hawke family."

"Thats fine but, you shouldn't have all these stray thoughts while practicing if your going to practice with me practice like your going to die. Now get your stance right boy."

"All right."

"Now begin."

Ever since I got my birthday present from my father justice was adamant about actually teaching me how to wield a sword and fight bare handed.

As slashed his sword towards my left I slightly turned to my right and used my sword to go for a cut across his abdomen, but I missed and he immediately went for a overhead strike which I counter by parrying his sword to the left.

Which he recovered from instantly with a strike towards my ankles to which I Parried up instantly.

"I think I'm getting better justice."

"Don't get cocky Jackson."

As he said that I did an overhead slash just for him to parry and rest the his blade against my throat

"Hah not again justice this is the tenth time in a row and I haven't even hit you once and why can't I use my magic during our spars. You scared to lose justice."

"Cut it out Jackson."

"Sorry wisdom it's just tough it feels like i'm not getting any better at this and it disturbs me."

"We all know that Jackson, its just we all think you could benefit from hanging out with serenity a little more."

"Serenity just makes me meditate and its calming but it doesn't work for me."

"It's because you have know discipline Jackson."

"Dammit Justice I don't need discipline I just need patience."

"Exactly why we think you should spend more time with serenity."

"Fine I'll go meditate with him for a little while but,I want you to teach me more magic when I get back."

"Jackson I don't teach you magic I teach you to control it your probably the most dangerous being on the planet as your magic is only limited by imagination and willpower.Do you even know how remarkable that is."

"I know but, both you and dad said that I shouldn't use it outside of the fade which means I can't help anyone right now."

"Oh maker save me please tell me you still aren't hung up on that hero shit still."

"Whats so bad about wanting to be a hero."

"That's a story for another time but remember this Jackson even hero to the many will be a villain to the few especially these day's."

"I'll think on it I'll go to talk to serenity see you wisdom, and justice."

"See you Jackson."X2

As I walked to the guest room of our house that serenity likes to hang out at I was constantly rethinking the fight about what I did wrong and what I could've done better

Once I entered serenity's room I had a feeling of peace one so profound like all the worries in the world slipped away. Arrgh this is why I don't like being here but whatever I need to work on having a calmer mind

"Welcome back Jackson are you going to stay longer than two minutes this time."

"I'll try my best whats where those instruction's you gave me last time again."

"Just think of something that puts you at peace then calm your head then stay in that state as long as you can."

"Ok I'll do it."

As I drifted into meditation the first thing I thought of to put my mind at peace was my family and then I thought of my old mother I miss her yes but all I hope is she lives a good life now better than when she had to take care of me every day.

Once I felt at total peace I started drift into a state of consciousness and unconscious and I stayed in that state for 2 hours longer than I could on my first attempt at least, but I best not keep going lest I become tranquil.

"I think thats enough for me today serenity I'll see you next time."

"Ok Jackson just remember to have a calm mind."

"Yes serenity I know. Im gonna go ahead and wake up now."

As I woke up I heard the sounds of wheels turning and birds chirping on our way to Denerim the capital of Ferelden and what's going to be our new home for the remainder of the blight thanks to my families good name thanks to my father merchant group which has only grown thanks to my fathers hard work. We'll be able to live in the nobility district.

"Are you awake Jackson."

"Yes mom I'm awake you need help with anything."

"No just checking on you. You've been asleep for awhile now."

"I know mom I was just training with justice and wisdom again."

"While you should spend some more time in this world Jackson you do know you'll be helping with your sister every now and then."

"Of course mom I know I'm gonna go sit with dad."

"Ok just make sure to ask him how much longer were on the road for."

"Mom we've already been on the road for 6 days so there should only be about one more left."

"Ok son I'm gonna get some rest go talk to your father."

I opened up the carriage door and ran up to my fathers carriage and hopped in.

"Hey dad hows the work going."

"Its going good Jackson you just wake up again."

"Yeah I was training again. Got to be ready to protect my lil sis."

"Hah we shouldn't have told you about that huh."

"What of course you should have it's inspired me to work harder so good job dad."

"Heh, so what have you been learning with them besides to control your magic wisdom keeps stressing that point."

"I've been sparring justice with a sword and hand to hand fighting most of the time."

"Well you win any yet."

"No justice is a lot better then me but, I've been getting better."

"Thats good and Jackson."

"Yes dad."

"Your going to see a lot of not so good stuff in denerim."

"I know dad wisdom's history lessons make it a little hard to be scared by mistreatment compared to some of the lessons I've learned from him."

"Wait he's been teaching you about stuff like that."

"Yeah he keeps saying I can be great and he want me to be a good ruler instead of a tyrant."

"Well thats good."

"Huh I thought you would be mad about that."

"No wisdoms taught you a lot of lessons I couldn't well working."

"You don't have to beat yourself up over that dad and have you written to uncle Dorian about the move yet."

"Yes I have Dorian said he would visit when we move in."

"Hey dad I was wondering why don't we ever talk about Tevinter that much even though uncle dorians family is a major family."

"Its not a conversation for now me and your mom we'll tell you about it when your older."

"Ok I'm gonna go back to mom's carriage."

"You do that just don't wake your mother."

"Oh I wouldn't dare father."

"Oh jeez you've been hanging out with dorian to much."

"See ya."

This is my very first attempt at even writing a fight scene and I’ll try to make it the best I can but again suggestions please on how to improve

Also Jackson at most right now is able to fight and win against 20 men by himself with magic and Maybe fight two decently trained fighters

Zeinexcreators' thoughts