
Getting a rewrite kinda

A 10 old child confined to a hospital room for all most of his life dies when his illness takes him from the world,he loved to read fantasy stories with swords and magic, oh how he especially loves the hero’s he would dream about exploring his own fantasy world. Until he was reincarnated into a new story his own story This is my first attempt at writing a story. so if by some grace of god I get good enough at writing a story I’ll probably try to re write this I don’t know how often I write maybe once a week or two also any suggestions/advice would be appreciated also this will probably suck just letting ya know I don’t own dragon age, only my oc I guess Also this will be an AU as a I have a final enemy worked out already I just don’t know if this is in the direction they’ll take the games or series I also dont own the cover Not a harem If someone else already did this then i dont know i havent read any dragon age fanfic that goes in the direction mines gonna go The free rein over mana power wont make him overpowered instantly or anything like that he won’t even have the willpower to use it all this power does is work like life in vains rudeas im saying his because its the only iteration of that anime or manga I’ve read or watched but basically with his willpower he can use mana to create or control his own creations and others with free will so he’s only limited by his imagination and willpower

Zeinex · Video Games
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13 Chs

Second chance

<9:29 Dragon 25th of Frumentum>

(Jackson Revas)

Life so far has been a dream to say the very least going from living in a hospital bed all my life to having a new life, a new family, and friends though I didn't really have any back then I have a decent amount now.

My mother has been amazingly caring and kind to me but, she's a mage so she can be scary when she wants to be.

Then theres my dad I didn't really have one growing up in my past life because he ran when he found out my mom was pregnant but, my father this time's amazing he's nice,caring,and surprisingly calm at most times when he's doing business, but i've come to notice that that's just a mask he wears when he needs too,and genuinely cares about his workers and me and mom.

Theres also the Hawke family they've been good to me especially Garret and Carver though they haven't really been the same since malcom's passing. But, we took them in my father had already started a pretty influential merchant group that thrived on secrecy, and my mom is usually taking care of me or spending her time practicing her magic and going to the chantry when she has time because she likes the quiet there.

The Hawke family and mine became good friends because of my mom and miss Amell or Leandra as she likes me to call her, when they met at the chantry then hung out and eventually my mother invited them over for dinner which is where I became decent buds with Carver and Garret then theres Bethany she treats me well but doesn't enjoy hanging out with us girl thing I guess.

Then theres my best buds compassion,wisdom,justice,and serenity. See compassion is always caring and fun to hang out with, wisdom teaches me magic and history, justice teaches me his version of right from wrong,and serenity the one who taught me the many benefits of having a calm mind.

As I walked into my house I smelled Ferelden stew my mothers been obsessed with cooking as a pass time and hobby which has caused her to try cooking while everything with Ferelden stew so far being her favorite out of many attempts.

"Mom I'm home."

"Ok honey your father is in his office working on some last minute jobs go take a bath before dinners done and make sure to-"

"I know mom I'll go do that be right back."

"Hah, that kid we'll be the end of me someday I swear it who learns to be a mage and warrior at the same time at least he isn't as bad as Titus with his business endeavors and the assassinations attempts so far have been horrible thank god Jackson hasn't noticed yet."

"Lisa we can't talk about that while he's in the house his mana sense is a lot more advanced then mine it's a miracle we've even been able to keep it a secret from him."

"I know Titus I'm just worried what if we don't catch on to it fast enough sometime, what if-"

"Lisa it hasn't happened yet and you and me both know we won't allow that to happen and with those weird abilities of his he'll be fine."

"Are you talking about his friends of his you and me both know they've been great teachers,protector's, and friends to him."

"I know honey I'm just worried thats all, and Jackson dinners done!"

"Coming, and dad how was work."

"The usual how was practicing the sword with Carver and Hawke today."

"It was fun i've already beaten carver and I think I'm getting closer to beating Garret."

"Oh really Jackson thats surprising, but don't be getting cocky being cocky gets you killed."

"Titus don't talk to our son like that."

"What it's his fifth nameday and we need to start preparing them we already know the blight is here."

"Its ok mom, dads just looking out for me and did you get me a present father."

"Yes and with your recent obsession with swords I've taken the liberty to get you one with some of the best steel in all of Ferelden just don't cut yourself if you do your mother we'll kill me."

"Its ok I heal really quick anyways."

"I know that Jackson, but don't go cutting yourself on accident and acting like its not a big deal remember your friend wisdom said practice makes progress."

"I know father, thanks for the soup mom and I think I'll go to sleep now."

As I walked into my room to fall asleep I couldn't help but think back to wisdoms lessons on the blight and what he's found out about it. I swear he comes in handy the second you think he taught you something useless.But, back to the blight a blight happens when darkspawn find and corrupt one of the Tevinter Imperiums old gods and it becomes an arch demon it starts a new blight which usually causes a high amount of casualties.I get chilly just thinking about how many people died just in the first one alone before the grey wardens came along.

As I fell asleep I decided I would take extra magic lessons with wisdom, and fighting lessons with justice tonight.



"Lisa how's the baby."

"She's fine or at least feels ok,and when are we gonna tell Jackson about his little sister on the way if she's anything like him she'll be huge, and I'll look huge in a week or two."

"That's good,and we'll tell him soon he'll probably take it well more responsibility might be good for him anyways he keeps asking me to let him help out at work but, I don't want to show him that side of the world yet."

"It's ok Titus but we can't protect him forever and besides we already agreed to tell him about our past when he turns ten remember."

"Yes I remember, and Lisa what's that name of the elven organization again agents of Fen'Harel right."

"Yes and I haven't heard anything since being invited their very secretive like many of the other organizations of Thedas but I think its a widespread organization."

"Hah thats not fun you told me harel meant rebellion and withe blight coming up now would be a horrible time."

"I know honey but lets talk about this tomorrow while Jacksons out and we can have a proper discussion without worrying about waking him up."

"Ok you go on first honey I need to think a bit."

"Ok goodnight honey."


Once I actually got to thinking the only conclusion I could come up with was that we needed to leave and get away from the chaos to come with the blight we can even offer to take the Hawkes with us and his spirit friends we'll follow anyways.

Thankfully my merchants group has been getting a lot of business so we'll have enough money for the move that's for sure.

Then theres also a cover story for Jackson that i'll need but I'll probably just make it up as I go it works out, usually


As I walked up the stairs to go to bed I checked again to make sure Jackson's asleep then I went into my bedroom to fall asleep, maker knows I need it.

Sorry about the last chapter i just didn’t set it up right at all so i’ll be putting my up most effort into this one

Also as always and suggestions or corrections just go for it and I appreciate it thank you guys

Also the fade is the world of dreams and spirits influence every person in thedas besides the dwarves because they don’t dream

Zeinexcreators' thoughts