
Genshin: New Life, New Hype

I died by a missile, which is very strange. I was transported in Genshin Impact but the world is not what I expected it to be. The world is bigger than the game. So I decided to live in this New Life. _________________ Support me on patrêon.com/KyuNova Buymêacoffēe.com/kyuto If you want to access all advanced chapters.

Kyu_To · 游戏衍生
72 Chs


"Why do the adventurers look different?" I asked Lumine beside me.

"They are. The adventurer you described sounds like a fairytale. You are correct about their outfits; they do look special. The adventurers here hunt monsters while exploring new places, like adventurers should. Lumine turned her head as she watched a group of adventurers set out. A small smile crept onto her face. "Despite being weak, having no power to face a monster alone, adventurers group up themselves to hunt down a lone monster. Humans are amazing."

"Right! It's also thanks to the adventurers for helping the city stay safe. Lumine and Ronan, the two of you should become adventurers. Right now, we don't have Mora, and the easiest way to earn is the Adventurer Guild." Paimon suddenly appeared.

The people around were surprised by her presence. Just as I was thinking it would make people suspicious of us, they were looking at Paimon with intrigue instead. They don't bother pointing it out.

It seems some things never change. I mean, Paimon looked suspicious, as one would think deeply about it. However, if you think deeply, you'll just ignore your suspicions and get along with it.

Shaking my head, Paimon's matter is not something I could solve.

"That's a great idea. We will do so," I said with a big smile. Lumine also nodded in affirmation.

After a few minutes of waiting, the gate guard asked some questions.

"Please put your hands on this pedestal," he pointed at the magical-looking box with a height above my waist.

I placed my hands on the box, and it lit up.

"You can pass," the guard watched for a few moments and said.

Lumine and Paimon successfully entered. We asked some locals where the Adventurer guild was located. We also asked about some things that will help us with necessities.

After some questions here and there and seeing the person getting annoyed, we stopped asking.

Along the way to the Adventurer Guild, we found some food stalls. The smell was so attractive that Paimon's mouth watered.

"Let's eat first," Lumine said. I nodded.

"Aiyo! Come, we have some fresh grilled chicken mushroom skewer!" A shopkeeper shouted.

"Young lady, would you like to buy?" Seeing Lumine and me approaching, the shopkeeper's eyes lit up.

"Yes, I would like 30 servings, please," Lumine said without hesitation.

"Aiyo! 30 servings coming right up!" The shopkeeper was shocked. He couldn't believe such a petite young lady would have such a large appetite.

Lumine did not notice the shopkeeper's face twitching. I already knew why Lumine bought so much food. It's better this way than cooking along the way. The dishes in her storage will not rot, and the time inside the space is halted.

After waiting for all 30 servings of chicken mushroom skewer, we went to the next stall. It was Calla City's specialty, Calla lily seafood fish soup. Lumine also bought 12 servings. After that, we bought a total of a hundred or more servings.

"You are rich, Lumine," I said to her. If calculated, the total would be half a million Mora! Didn't Paimon said they don't have mora? What the hell.

I didn't ask what kind of no mora are rhey talking about.

"We found some treasures along the way," Lumine nodded as she explained. Lumine found a treasure chest with a huge amount of Mora, Artifacts, and some kind of gem.

She took out the gem. She also asked Paimon what this gem is.

"Paimon doesn't know what this gem is," Paimon shrugged.

But I know what this gem is, of course! This is what gamers became crazy for; it's primogem! Now the question is, there is no Wish here to summon characters or use them to buy in the mysterious shop.

"How many of these gems do you have? Can I take a look?" I asked, feeling my throat parched. I don't know why, but I feel a force trying to attract me to that gem. It's unexplainable, but I, for sure, know there will be a great change in me if I have these gems.

"I have about hundreds of this. Here. It's not much use to me. I could not feel any Starlight despite this thing looking like a bright star," Lumine passed the gem to me. "If you want, you can have it all."

I took the gem carefully as I felt the force very clearly. As the gem landed in my hand, I could feel a sucking force deep inside me, when I willed it, the gem disintegrated for a few seconds. Seeing that, Lumine and Paimon were shocked.

"What? How did that happen?" Paimon's eyes widened in surprise. The unknown gem that they don't know was reacting to their companion.

"I don't know, but I can feel something awakening inside me. I also feel I have become stronger." I closed my eyes and touched my chest; my heart was beating wildly.

"That's an amazing discovery!" Paimon celebrated.

Lumine stayed silent as her eyes glowed. "Hmm, you do. Your strength increases."

"Is that the status appraisal skill?" I asked. I want to learn this skill too.

"Yes, your level goes up, from level 1 to 2," she said. "For your information, I'm level 44."

What? So fast! In the game, the level cap is 90, but seeing how fast Lumine leveled up, it seems there is no cap.

"Here, use them all." Lumine passed all the primogems to me.

The gems did not disintegrate, but when I willed it, a total of 121 gems disappeared. It appears there is no danger in taking them all. I feel abundant power welling inside me. I want to release this power soon, my heart beating furiously. I was so excited that when I took a step, the ground shook with small cracks, and I flew like a kite, literally. My body slammed against the wall.

"Eh!" I was stumped.

"Are you okay, Ronan!" Paimon flew to me, who was sticking to the wall.

Lumine brought her fair hand over her lips and was chuckling. I stared at her. "Lumine, you knew?"

"Un, it was hilarious, Ronan," Lumine answered with a big smile. But I was dumbfounded yet became speechless.

"I never knew you were also naughty, Lumine." I sighed. The corner of my mouth twitched.

"I'll seal your strength until you get used to it. Those gems are amazing. Your level jumped up from 2 to 36." Lumine crouched down; I was already lying on the ground, not daring to move any further.

The passersby were gathering around and asking if we were okay. Paimon answered that we were okay, and the crowds dispersed.

Lumine placed her hand on my forehead; it was soft. As she was crouching down, I was able to glance at something I shouldn't be. It was silky white.

Lumine noticed my face blushing. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing," I said nervously. My lips parched. I closed my eyes.

I didn't notice Lumine glancing at where I was looking. This time her face became red. She mumbled. "Pervert!"

She became silent as she continued to place her hand on my forehead. My heart shook; I hurriedly said. "I'm sorry!"

"..." She did not answer.

Come on, didn't I touch your mound earlier? You were unfazed, but why are you reacting now? Women are not easy to understand.

I also did not explain further that would make me look desperate. For your information, I'm no virgin, but I only had one girlfriend, and the relationship was short-lived.

Paimon flew between us and asked, her expression looking confused. "What's wrong the two of you? Why are your faces so red like a tomato?"

"..." Lumine and I stayed silent.

"Oi! Answer me!" Seeing we are ignoring her, Paimon stomped her feet cutely mid-air. Her adorable face pouted.

Are you guys okay with fast-paced romance or slow-paced?

Kyu_Tocreators' thoughts