
Want to be my looter ?

Now his Earth team was created, both the name and the logo sounded and looked cool but to other people they had no meaning, even Tom didn't understand it until Thomas explained it to him

"Earth is the name of my old planet and the logo is what it looks like from the space."

"Wait, wait, wait ! You told me that there was no magicians in your world ! How come you can see a planet from space ?"

"The technology on Earth was advanced enough for us to go to space without using any mana."

"Technology? What is that ?"

"Long story, it's something we created ourselves that can take us to space or permit us to speak with someone that is at the other side of the planet... it can be lots of things."

"This looks so cool ! Can you create it again ?"

"I can't ! I'll try someday maybe, we don't have time to waste now and it's really time taxing."

"Fine but I want to see this planet from space, you got to show it to me someday !"

"By the way can't you go that high since you are a ghost ? You have no physical body what is restraining you ?"

"I can't, the reincarnation book states that if I went further than 1km away from my body I'd die, I gotta stay near you."

"That's too bad, maybe using that book wasn't worth it..."

"It will be worth it, soon..."

Just with small talk like this they were already in front of the 2 sided forest, this time it was only him and Tom, he had left Rouge in the inn to avoid making it experience danger. Even though it was probably a magical beast he wanted to raise it like a normal pet, a cute doggy.

In front of the forest were still as much people as the first time they were here, lots of them waiting with sometimes one or two groups going in through the cool side of the forest, nobody got close to the blazing side.

When they saw a young man not even 18 walking in the forest alone through the blazing side most people's brain stopped working, the worse part was that the boy didn't seem to feel any pain going in that flaming hell.

"Hey boy !! Are you insane ?! Come back here !"

Said a man around 30 years old, he was dressed in a full body armor, he had no hair and pretty big nose.

Thomas turned around and looked at him,

Since he came right after registration most people didn't know him here, except some that he saw riding horses had arrived earlier and were looking at him with the same amount of awe as earlier.

"Don't worry about me I'm fine."

He was slightly smiling, after the show of strength earlier he looked just like a kind young man now.

"Wait wait, did you lose your way ? This is the twin forest and it's packed with monsters, you shouldn't risk your life there !"

Thomas knew that this guy was only being kind to him but still felt annoyed, he was being treated like a kid so he said

"I need people to carry my loot, are you interested ? I'll give you 20%."

Saying that a golden ring of blades appeared behind his back, it was shining even more now that there was no shade from the trees to hide it from the sun. He showed the ring so that the guy wouldn't feel insulted, he imagined the scene and he would probably have been angry if he was in the other guy's shoes.

He guy looked at him incredulously, then he started laughing. The situation was pretty funny, because of his young age he had underestimated a man way stronger than him, he was only a rank D mercenary, above him were still 6 ranks and magicians weren't included in this ranking but it was common knowledge amongst mercenaries that 1 ringed magicians were around a rank B mercenary, of course Thomas was a genius so that might not apply to him.

The guy then said

"Hahah I'm sorry mister, I judged you on your appearance even though I know that it shouldn't be done. How about coming back here to discuss your offer ? I feel really uncomfortable in that place you are standing on."

"Hahah my bad."

Saying that he went out of the blazing forest and walked toward a place with less people, he didn't mind them but their constant eyes on him were annoying.

"Here is the thing, I'm going solo but I can't carry my loot so I need someone to do it. Are you willing to ?"

"You said 20% earlier right ? I want 25, what do you think ?"

"Let me think... I'll be hunting for awhile, let's keep it to 20% but I'll chose you for the job every time you are here and you can."

"Not just for today ? Why don't you join a team then ?"

"Don't worry about that, I don't want to be held back by a team, just a looter is enough."

"I see, I'll let my team know that I won't be free this week and I'll be waiting here for you everyday."

This was the power of a magician, even being his looter was better than being in a full team of rank C or lower mercenaries. If his calculations weren't wrong he would make at least 50% more benefice than he usually did, he did those calculations by imagining Thomas being a normal one ringed magician so in the end he was wrong, he would probably make way more.

After that the guy went to speak with his team, Thomas could see from where he was jealousy on most of their faces, not the kind of bad jealousy but the friendly kind of, these guys were probably old friends that had worked together for awhile already.

Except that guy that was probably the tank, his team was made of a guy holding a spear dressed pretty lightly, another guy was holding a bow, this one didn't even have a bit of armor and finally the last one was a middle aged lady with a huge backpack, she was probably the looter of the team.

Minutes later they were already going back inside the forest, this time not through the Fiery side but through the cool one, the man was wearing a gigantic backpack, it was his team's looter's. He had borrowed it in exchange for 5 percent of today's loot, tomorrow he could bring his own after going back in the city, he just didn't want to lose time so he made the promise.

"What is your name?"

It was Thomas that asked this, he couldn't spend a few days working with a guy without knowing his name.

"I'm Hull, you are ?"

"My name is Thomas."

"You look very young mister Thomas..."

"Yeah I'm 16 years old, is it surprising?"

"Yeah it is, usually people join de mercenaries around 24 years old."

"I need money fast, it's just that this is the best option."

"No wonder, with your skill you'll probably make a hundred gold coins in less than a month."




After awhile of walking and small talk they heard a noise, looking at their right it was a salamander, a black shell covered its body and it had a red horn going out from its forehead, it's size was almost like a cat from Earth but it looked more vicious than a cute kitty."

"Grade 1 black salamander, this one is nearing the grade 2 as its horn is a deeper shade of red."

Hull said, after years in this field of work he could guess that much from a single glance.

"I think it has fought another group and ran in our direction, it's limping... it think the injury is on he back of its right back leg."

Not only could he recognize what kind of monster it was he could even tell if it was injured, he didn't do it on purpose but choosing an experienced guy was definitely a good thing.

Hey guys without your advices I can’t know if it is good or bad, please leave me a comment on what you think about the chapter

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