
“Earth” team

Thomas looked at the guy calmly, there was no emotion in his eyes. Slowly he raised his right hand, all the eyes in that place were attracted to that hand slowly going up. Only one person realized what was going to happen when he saw the mana starting to gather, when it was at his chest's height a small flame appeared in the same time a golden ring of blades appeared behind his back. The small flame became bigger and bigger until it was a raging ball of flame the size of a basketball ball, by now the big hall the size of a gymnasium was already hotter by at least 5 Celsius degrees, near the flaming ball was worse, it was at least 20 degrees hotter. The guy was feeling his face burning and tens of beads of sweat were rolling down his face

"I-I-I didn't k-know you were an exalted magician, I'm really sorry I wouldn't dare provoke you if I had known earlier."

Saying that he ran right out of the hall, people around were gloating at his unlucky meeting, this guy was famous for bullying rookies and women. He wasn't very strong so he only bullied weaker people, bad luck the weak looking Thomas wasn't an easy target.

Thomas looked at him leaving in a hurry with a mocking smile on his mouth, he didn't understand the action of bullying and even the less the people that did it so he didn't mind doing the same to them, he remembered the guy's face, if he met him again he would do the same to him.

At the same time everybody was looking at him in awe, all the magicians in the guild were either already in closed groups or were freelancers but weren't very strong, amongst them the guy that Thomas felt mana on, he was looking at him with a scared face. Magicians didn't care about the heat of the flame like ordinary people but looked at the mana, what he saw scared him like nothing else in his life. The mana was so concentrated in Thomas's hand that if he lost control of it it might just explode and blow half the small town. Actually he had never seen such an accumulation of mana so it was all his imagination, that fireball might have burned that hall but was nowhere near blowing the town.

Now everybody in that hall was waiting for one thing only, to know what this guy came for, if he came to register as a mercenary they would have to be fast to make him join their team. If he didn't they would just go back to their occupations after an interesting show, so right now the hall was dead silent and all the eyes were on Thomas.

Even he felt some pressure, his objective was accomplished as now he was sure he would have a team right after registering, only all those eyes on him made him feel uncomfortable. In his previous life on earth he wasn't what was called an "alpha male" he was chubby, pretty short and a virgin. You can probably guess that in all his 20 years of life there he was never confronted to so many eyes...

He walked in front of the counter where was sitting a middle aged woman, she looked around 45 years old and didn't have anything special to describe about her except the motherly feeling she had.

"Hi I'd like to join the mercenaries."

"Hello there, you are more than welcome with that show you gave us."

She replied with a smile and pushed a piece of paper in front of him.

He understood and picked a feather in front of him and dipped it in black ink.

[Name : Thomas Young

Age : 16

Height : 187 centimeters

Weight : 71kg

Fill in case you are a magician :

Speciality : Fire

Rings : 1

Sign : Thomas Young.]

For some informations he had to ask Tom as he didn't know the height and weight of this body, they weren't his until weeks ago...

There were also a part for warriors to fill, he left it empty as it didn't concern him.

The middle aged lady was chocked when she saw the age he wrote, usually in this town one out of a thousand youths awakened a ring and it was somewhere around 25 years old, this kid was already a first ring magician at 16 years old

'The team that get the kid will be the strongest from now on... I don't think this kind of genius will stay long here though.'

What she didn't know is that he kid lied in the form, if she knew that he actually had two rings of different elements how would she react ? Usually people don't lie about that as the stronger you are the stronger the teams will be inviting you so she didn't suspect even one second that he might be lying.

"You are registered, please drip a drop of blood here and everything will be ready."

She said while pulling out a black card out of a drawer, he first looked at Tom to see if it was part of the normal procedure and he nodded to say yes, you were never careful enough.

The drop of blood started separating in lots of pathways very similar to veins, when it reached the edges of the card the veins stopped flowing and started pumping, like a heart beat. It was Thomas's heartbeat that his blood was reproducing, this card was similar to an ID card on earth and each one was unique, either the pathway drew by the blood or the pumping rhythm there were no 2 same cards in the world.

When he got his card on hand and was done with the registration a flood of people started coming at him, all speaking at the same time

"Hey what's your name ?"

"Hey wanna join our team ?"

"Hello there, would you like to spend time with this older sister ?"

"Who would like to spend time with such an abomination of nature ?! Come and join us, we are ranked 4th team in this guild !"

"Don't bother with these guys they are weak ! What about joining us ? We are ranked 5th but we are actually stronger than them !"

"What did you say ? Do you think I'll let you speak like that about my team ?!"

"I can say whatever I want since I'm stronger than you, what are you gonna do ? Fight me ? I'm waiting for you !"

He was expecting to do a sensation showing his ring but not such a big one... he didn't know what criteria to use to chose his team. Actually it wasn't important as he had joined the guild only for the advantages of the mercenaries, he could probably be stronger than most teams here by himself. Thinking about that he came up with an idea, he looked back at the middle aged woman and said

"Aunty, is it possible to be a team by myself ?"

"It is, often the strongest don't like to meddle with weaklings so they prefer being a team by themselves."

"Then I'll do that, what is the procedure to create a team ?"

Hearing that most of the people left dejectedly but some annoying didn't give up

"Don't do that, you know having partners is very important ! Especially for magicians that can't fight in close combat, we have a tank to take the agro for you if you join our team !"

"Sorry not interested, I can take care of myself."

Saying that he kept doing his thing with the lady and was done with the team création processus minutes later, now he had a team called "Earth" and he drew their logo on a sheet of paper, the logo was just a minimal representation of earth. Then the lady took his mercenary card and did something he didn't understand, when she gave it back to him there was written Earth and the logo was also printed on the back of it.

Now the only annoying thing he must think of a solution was who would carry his loot... maybe he could hire some people for that, he could do it alone but if he killed another beast the size of the Silver Great Wolf he won't be able to carry it, that thing must have weighted at least a ton or two as it was the size of a car...

Getting no comment actually make it feel like nobody is reading it, I feel lonely ??

Hahahshhscreators' thoughts