

While happily and enjoying his fly Mariner is going forward to the world of Jinns he saw a bright golden colored light coming towards him.

The bright golden light became more and more brighter as Mariner get closer to it.

When Mariner reached at some point deep inside the light he saw that a golden colored door is there in which some artistic designs are carved.

Then Mariner get close to the door and then he moved his hand towards the door and pushed the door slightly.

With this slight push of him the door opened without any problem and inside it Mariner only saw everything completely white and nothing else.

Seeing this Mariner just a bright smile on his face and just moved inside the door without thinking twice.

After he has entered the door completely... the door got closed on its own and then it disappeared from there with thr bright golden light and everything came to normal.

Meanwhile Mariner who had stepped inside the door saw himself standing in a garden which has lots of beautiful flowers it them.

Then he saw many animals there roaming freely in the garden without any fear or worry of their life.

Then he saw and heard many voices around him which belonged to the males and females who were there beside him.

Seeing all of this Mariner became very happy and then he closed his eyes and sniffed some air of that place and muttered to himself.

Mariner: "SNIFF. This place is still thr same. Even after so many years nothing has changed here. I really missed my home world thr World of Jinns."

Through that door Mariner has now entered into the world of the Jinns. And he has came back to his own home world after like millions of years.

Because in those millions of years he was entrapped in his own magical lamp and was just waiting inside thr cave of wonders waiting for someone to come and wish for his own freedom.

And now finally Aladdin has done that for which he is now free from the shackles of the magical lamp.

After this he is now standing inside his own world where he has not come in for millions of years.

So being all excited to be back in his one world Mariner started to explore the world of Jinns on his own.

As he was exploring all the places in thr World of Jinns he forgot that he was there to meet the Queen of Jinns.

Mariner became very immersed in his exploration because and this thing is quite understandable because he has returned to his home for the first time after millions of years.

It would have been mostly fifteen minutes since Mariner has started his exploration that suddenly two male Jinns approached him.

They approached Mariner from his behind and Mariner also felt their presence so he turned back and saw that two men are behind him.

He saw that these two men are wearing the clothes different from the other Jinns there. They were wearing the clothes of soldiers.

Then one of the soldier Jinn told him,

Soldier Jinn #1: "Grettings Lord Mariner we are the soldiers of the queen. We have come to you to bring you to the queen. The queen is waiting for you in her palace."

Hearing about the queen being mentioned by the soldiers for the first time by the soldiers made Mariner remember that he has come to the Jinn world to meet the queen.

Then Mariner told them,

Mariner: "I am really very sorry my fellow Jinns after coming her for millions of years and seeing the beauty of this place I forgot about my meeting with the queen. But now I have remembered everything so please take me to our queen."

Hearing these words of Mariner thr solder Jinns also became happy and both of the soldiers nodded their heads and soon they started to escort Mariner to the queen.

While on their to the palace of the queen Mariner saw many things which captivated him. But he didn't let himself get distracted by this and just moved towards the palace of the queen.

Soon the two soldier Jinns who were escorting Mariner stopped at a certain point and seeing that Mariner also stopped.

Then the two soldier Jinns turned towards Mariner and Marnier asked them.

Mariner: "Brothers why have you stopped here ?"

Soldier Jinn #1: "Lord Mariner we have reached at the royal palace of her highness The Queen of Jinns."

Hearing this Mariner looked at everywhere around him and he find himself standing in a field full of roses and sunflowers fields.

Then he saw that in the middle of these flowers field is standing a tall, magnificent and beautiful palace cladded with golden and silver works in it.

Then he saw that many bottles are coming out of the palace and many male and female Jinns are also coming out of the palace and also going in the palace.

Then the soldiers took Mariner to the gates of the palace where two soldiers are guarding it.

Then one of the soldier Jinn who was with Mariner went to thr two of the guard Jinn and told them something and then they opened the gate of the palace and told Mariner that he can go inside.

Hearing this Mariner also nodded his head and went inside the palace. As Mariner entered the palace a female maid Jinn greeted him and told him.

Maid Jinn: "Greetings Lord Mariner. Her highness is waiting for you."

Mariner: "Thank you. Can you so me the way ?"

Maid Jinn: "Please this way. Come with me."

After saying this the maid Jinn took Mariner to the room where The Queen of the Jinns is present.

After reaching in front of the room the maid Jinn told Mariner.

Main Jinn: "Lord Mariner her highness is inside. Please wait here for a moment and I will go and told her highness that you have arrived."

Hearing this Mariner just nodded his head and then the maid Jinn went into the room.

Then after few seconds the maid Jinn returned and told Mariner.

Maid Jinn: "Lord Mariner you can go inside the room."

Mariner: "Thank you so much."

After this the maid Jinn opened the door of the room and Mariner entered the room. After Mariner had entered the room thr maid Jinn closed it and stood right next to the door from the outside.

Then Mariner looked around that room and saw that on one side there are many books and scrolls are kept in shelves.

Then on one side a big bed is placed and in one side a big tub is placed and then in one side a big throne like chair is placed with many chairs placed in it's right and left sides.

At that place Mariner saw that a beautiful, tall and slender figured women who has straight and wavey hairs which is let loose and not tied sitting on the throne like chair.

Seeing her Mariner went near her and asked her.

Mariner: "Excuse me, I am looking for The Queen can you tell me where is she ?"

Hearing his question the woman opened her eyes and at that time Mariner saw that this woman has very beautiful blue eyes.

Mariner has also sniffed the sweet fragrance coming from her body and all of these things began an internal change in his heart which he himself didn't know about at this moment.

After opening her eyes the woman looked at the Jinn standing in front of her and told him.

Lady: "Greetings Lord Mariner. I am Mariyam the current Queen of the world of Jinns. I am the one who has summoned you here."

(A/N - character image of Mariyam is in thr chapter comment.)

Hearing the words of the woman Mariner greeted her in the Arabic manner and then asked her.

Mariner: "Greetings My Queen. But where is Queen Raqila ?"

Mariyam: "Oh you are asking about my mother. Well it's been thousands of years since mother had made the Queen and she herself had attained salvation."

Mariner: "Oh I see. So the she was your mother. Anyway tell me My Queen why have you summoned me here ?"

Mariyam: "As you know now Lord Mariner my mother had attained salvation and before that she made me The Queen. When she made the queen she has given me a final work of hers which is related to you."

Mariner: "Tell me what is it ?"


Hearing this Mariyam clapped hands twice and out of thin air two pouches appeared floating in the air. Then those two pouches came in front of Mariner floating in the air and seeing those Mariner asked her,

Mariner: "My Queen what are these pouches for ?"

Mariyam: "Lord Mariner these two pouches are the two choices for you that my mother had left in hopes for when you will be freed from the lamp to come here and choose one of these. So let me tell you what are the two choices for you. In blue pouch a potion is there which will take all your magical powers away and made you a normal human while the red pouch has a potion which will grant you the ability to switch between human form and Jinn form without shapeshifting and it will also give you some more powers. So Lord Mariner tell me what is your choice ?"

Hearing this Mariner looked at both the pouches and started to think about his choice when he heard a voice inside of his head which told him,


These words just echoed in his head and thinking that it is good sign he moved his hand towards the red pouch and then he grabbed the red pouch.

Seeing this Mariyam told him.

Mariyam: "Congratulations Lord Mariner you have made a very wise choice. You don't mind then can you tell me why have you choose this pouch and made this choice ?"

Mariner: "My Queen my intentions are very clear when I made choice and chosed this pouch. I want my powers to be with me so that I can help many people in the world which I can't do in the human form without my powers."


Hearing The reason of Mariner for his choice Mariyam just gave a beautiful smile to him and clapped for him. Then she told him.

Mariyam: "Now Lord Mariner please open the pouch and drink the magical potion which is inside it."

Hearing this Mariner opened the pouch and took out the vial which contained the magical potion in it. Then he opened the vial and drank the entire the potion in one go.