
The ruler of the kingdom (part 2)

Dennis was still explaining what was an ns to his friends along the way. They understood what he said but it was hard to believe it. Among the group, only Paige was able to give Dennis an wallaby since she fought one with him the other day. By the time Dennis finished explaining. They already got to Dahlia's house.

They all heard a bit of a commotion coming from inside. By coincidence, Dennis was standing in the front. When he opened the door, he got hit in the face by a pie that it then exploded short after Dennis tried to get it off.

"You ok?" Paige asked.

"Explosive blubbery pie..."

Dennis stood up to clean his face from the pie. Once he was done, he pointed his hand at over by the kitchen that was to their left. As they entered, they noticed that Dahlia and P we're in the middle of a pie food war.

"You two, come on. If I'm going to even see Selest I need everyone at the capital. So can you two do me a favor and get everyone at the house by the forest?" Dennis asked.

"Yea, we can both get them. But are you sure you will be alright?" P asked.

"Yea, you have been passing out a lot lately..." Dahlia said.

Everyone was worried for Dennis that he might pass out on his way to the capital.

"Ill be fine, besides... I wanted to find the person that found me." Dennis said.

"Do you want me to take you to her?" Nix asked.

Dennis looked at her and was wondering if he should take the offer. But he knew away or two to find his way around.

"Ill pass, ill see you guys at the capital later."

Dennis headed out to find the person that found him when he was younger. He still had no memories completed and was still connecting the pieces together. Then he resorted to locate the person with his left eye again. He felt something nearby, like it was almost familiar as if it was Dj. When he turned around, the only that he could see was a horse going at full speed towards him.

"Wow, wow! Calm down!"

Dennis pointed both of his at the horse. Telling it to stop its movement but it was already to late. The horse collided with Dennis and sent him flying. He got way up that he could see the entire town. But in the direction that he was heading was towards a hospital.

"This day cant get even worse..."

Dennis saw that he about to go thru an entire window. So he embraced for impact by trying to protect his body by placing both his arms. As Dennis crashed thru the window. He couldn't help the feeling that he got stabbed in the chest by one of the glass shards.

"Ow... that's going o leave a mark for a week..."

Dennis took out the glass shard from his chest and saw no blood coming out. Dennis took of his coat then his shirt to inspect his chest. He didn't found no injurie marks nor a stab wound. But he wasn't alone until he looked to his left side.


Dennis stood silent at a girl on a nurse outfit, she had light pink hair that was resembling a lot like Flora.

"Umm... this kind of an awkward way to meet again... Dennis."

The girl said. Dennis was trying to remember who she was but he was having a weird time. But he slowly waved at her trying to keep it cool.

"You don't remember me do you?" The girl asked.

"You see... I'm trying to remember some stuff about what happen in the past. Its been a train wreck in only three days..."

Dennis was putting on back his clothing to be more formal. The girl smiled at him and started to look for something in the nearest medicine cabinet. She looked at Dennis and noticed that he was in a bad condition.

"I want you to take this medications before you go to sleep. This should help you with stress, headache and muscular pain." The girl said.

"Wait how did you..."

Dennis got confused at the moment. Then he remembered what Nix told him about when he got found. Once he realized it, his left eye started to glow.


"Come, I know it was so hard for you this entire time..."

Sara was welcoming Dennis with open arms. Dennis broke in tears into Sara's arms. He started to remember a few things. He remembered his friends. All of the places he has visited in this world. Including a few things that he could use later on the fights.

"How could I have forgotten you... This shouldn't be happening like this..."

"Its ok... Just be glad that you are here. Also you have grown since the last time I saw you years ago."

Sara had a good hold on Dennis. But for Dennis it felt like if he was reunited to his family.

"There's something that I wanted to tell you Dennis... You have a sister..."

"Wait what?"

Dennis got confused for a moment. He didn't understood if she meant it as in blood related or not.

"You see... Before you showed up. I sent my daughter to study in one of the cities that you visited back in the old days... She went missing a couple of months since she didn't replied one of my letters..."

Sara said to Dennis. He was trying to remember something. Like he knew who she was talking about but he somehow saw her before.

"Oh... I think I know where she may be at... But we need Selest's help."


Dennis explained Sara why they needed Selest's help. If Selest agrees to what Dennis want, everyone ends up wining and it can improve the odds in battle. Because in this world every ruler of their kingdom possesses magic. They have access to high tier spells that it as well includes a spell to travel to another world.

"So that's why you need her help" Sara said.

"Yea and I have a situation that I need to solve with her... So ima need you to be me a favor. I want you to help me convince Silvia and Zach."

Silvia and Zach are friends with the others. Dennis said their names since he remembers them and didn't wanted to waste any more time dealing with the past until he confronts Selest.

"Alright but they aren't in town today." Sara said.

"Then where did they go on a day like this?" Dennis asked.

Sara was thinking on where did they go but she got interrupted when one of the other nurses opened the door to allow a medical team in the room. They had an injured person that seemed as they got attacked by an animal.

"What happened to him!?" Sara said.

"People are saying that a giant bird attacked him!"

One of the medical teams mentioned. Dennis had to step in to see the injured man. As he giant mark on his chest that was still fresh.

"Tell me... Was this bird colored black and seemed like it was a shadow?" Dennis asked.

"Y-yes..." The man said then he fainted.

Dennis extended his left arm. He wanted to do something to ease the injured man's pain so he used a healing spell on him. As a green light came out of Dennis hand. It made contact with the injurie and stopped the bleeding.

"Get this man ready for operation. He will wake up soon due to the pain." Dennis said.

The medical team took the poor guy to the operation room to help him. While Dennis already had something in mind of what he needs to do now.

"Sara, we wont have much time. The thing that attacked that man was sending a message..." Dennis said.

"What do you mean?" Sara asked.

"I mean that... Who ever did this is going to target Silvia and Zach since they are not accounted for today." Dennis said.

Sara stood still while realizing that her friends are next. She didn't know what to do in a time like this.

"Can you tell the others about this? I need to go after that thing before its to late." Dennis said.

"Then I'm coming with you! Ill meet you by the entrance in a few minutes I need to get changed."

Sara left the room to get changed to help out Dennis. He knew that having extra help wont be bad but he would be wasting time if he waited. Dennis went down to the entrance and pulled out his phone.

"Here goes nothing..."

Dennis started to contact X but he didn't had signal while Sara just got out of the hospital. She grabbed Dennis hand started to move. They where both on their on this one but they had no lead.

"Give me a moment."

Dennis activated his left eye. He took a look at the sky and saw an elemental trace that was heading to the mountains. But by small glance he saw the capital passing the mountains. As thus, they both started to run at the mountains to look for their friends before it could be to late.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts