
Chapter Two

December 2008, in orbit around earth

I woke up on a hard metallic floor, my body felt stiff and unfamiliar. I sit up and it seems like I'm on a circular platform inside a small room.

As I look around the small room on one side of the room it has a large window that shows the stars and what looks like earth, the other has two desks and what looks like a short hall that looks like it ends in a dead end, but if this is what I think this is that should go down in a ramp to the larger chamber.

After looking a little longer I confirm that I am definitely on the orbiter from warframe,I finally get up with unsteady steps, with a hoarse voice I say "Ordis". Immediately after I said that I hear "Greetings operator, I'm glad to see you awake"

As soon as I hear Ordis I smile brightly I'm about to ask Ordis something until I see a blue semi-transparent box in front of my face.

[System Download: 0%]

'ah so this is the system that the voice got me from my first wish' I look at the blue box curiously and try to touch it, but my hand just go right through it.

[System Download: 50%]

I start to walk around the ship and see which things work or not, but I'm not sure if the ship can work without a warframe, I ask Ordis and he agrees with me saying that nothing will work yet, so I decided that I'd just wait till the System finished downloading.

[System Download: 100%]

[System Download: Completed]

[Welcome host, I am the Gamer System Of Energy And Gene Assimilation.]

[Would You Like To Open You're Welcome Package?]

I being to look confused "I thought I asked for a normal gamer system, and that it was only energy that I could use, not genetics as well"

[The System Has Evolved Since God Decided That He'd Add In Genetics As Well As Energy, Because He Said And I Quote We Both Know That Being A Super Soldier Is The Bomb Diggity, And Then He Proceeded To Eat Hot Wings.]

"Well can't complain it's just how it is, System can you open the welcome gift for me please?" I ask the system nicely, since it'll be with me for the rest of my life I don't want to be on it's bad side.

[Affirmative Host, Thank You For Asking Nicely.]

[Received:1x Letter From God, 1x Warframe Ticket, 1x Basic Armor Set Ticket, 1x Melee Weapon Ticket, 1x Ranged Weapon Ticket, 1x AI Change Token, 10,000x Shop Coins]

I take a look at the items and I freeze when I see the Warframe Ticket, but I stop myself and I ask the system to show me the letter. A folded piece of paper appears in front of me and I grab it before it falls on the floor. I unfold the letter and when I finish I start to read.

*Dear Arthur, if you are reading this letter then congratulations on becoming alive again, since I like you I decided that I'd change some things for you, you can now use the Warframes from that game you wanted to play all unlocked Warframes and be used on that fancy watch I put on you,it kinda works like nanotechnology that iron man uses, also you don't have to worry about the enemies of warframe coming for you since they don't exist in this universe, anyway have fun enjoy you're new life!*

I look at my wrist and there is a watch on my wrist, it looks completely normal and inexpensive, so I won't have to worry about it being stolen. I'm about to put the letter away when I noticed that there was some more writing on the back, I flip it over and read what's left.

*PS:So you don't have a identity in this world, since you just popped into this universe, so have fun with that, also you can decorate the orbiter once for free, other times cost money, and mods don't exist here so don't think about enhancing the suit and weapons to op levels*

All I can do is mutter about how rude he his for not giving me a identity on earth and making things hard for me. I ask to use the armor set ticket and the weapon tickets and the system complies showing me some of the armors and weapons.

For the Melee Weapon I picked a 5'5 foot long straight one sided katana, the blade is colored black with neon blue lines running up and down the it and it is made out of an unknown metal, while the hilt has a dark blue wrap, the system says that the wrap is lightning dragon leather, that's crazy but whatever it's awesome.

For the ranged weapon, I picked a magic magnum revolver, it has six chambers and each chamber is connected to an element Fire,Earth,Ice, Lightning, Light,and Dark. I can't use the revolver yet since I don't have those energies but I just think it looks cool, its white and blue with a gold trim that looks like it glows in the night.

As I'm checking out my weapons, I hear Ordis say to me "As much as those weapons look amazing can you *bzz* get some fu..*bzz* dress yourself, please sir" I look up and then look down then I realized that I'm completely nude. I quickly pick my clothes and I press the equip button and my clothes appear on me in a flash of blue light.

Authors thoughts: So I haven't added the status screen yet since I'm still crunching the numbers for the armor and weapons and everyone's statuses, but I will be putting it in next chapter.