truck-kun forgot to check my name and mistook me for someone else, so he killed me. As an apology god gave me some wishes. (disclaimer: I do not own any marvel, or any other owned characters, only my original characters.) (disclaimer 2: I might not get everything correct on this story, so if I ever mess up I'd be glad to hear you're thoughts on it. this is my first novel so bear with me.)
Arthur springs off the public transit, he's just finished work and has to walk the rest of the way home.
As he is walking his way home thinking about the new game about Space Ninja's he recently started playing, he hears a strange horn sound from above him. Arthur looks up and strangely enough he can see a semi truck, the truck is bigger than his house that's all he sees before everything goes black.
Arthur regains consciousness but he can't see, everything is dark. Arthur tries to yell out for help, but he has no voice. Even his hearing seemed like it didn't work that was until he heard a deep and majestic voice.
"Well this is troublesome" The voice says with a sigh. Arthur tries to speak again, and the voice seems to realize that he can't speak now.
"Oh I'm sorry let me help you with that, not everyone can suddenly speak as a soul it seems" The voice says in disinterest. Arthur feels that he can speak now even though he doesn't have a body "Hello, can you hear me now" Arthur asks the voice.
"Yes I can hear you now before you say anything I need to explain some things to you" the voice says with authority and Arthur just nods his head." first you're dead if you couldn't already understand that, second you weren't supposed to die truck-kun got the names wrong"
Arthur stays silent for a little to think about this then says "so what now am I going to heaven or hell". The voice then laughs loudly "haha that always makes me laugh when someone asks that, no boy you will not be going to either you've been given a second chance at life".
Arthur starts to get excited and asks "do I get like wishes and a system and get to choose where I go" the voice looks at the soul in amusement as it jumps around in excitement. "yes you get five wishes from me and you get to pick where you go, but to get the system it counts as a wish, now tell me what are you're wishes"
Arthur starts to think about what he wants and the soul brightened up as he figured out what he wanted "okay so for my first wish I definitely want a system I want it to be like the one from the gamer cause that one was awesome and the skills are nice, I want an AI helper with it so I won't be lonely and I also want a shop function"
The voice is silent for a second "this is possible the system seems a little over powered but I like you so I'll let it slide this one time with you, and I'll let you change the ai whenever you get out of here, I'll even add in some special things for the system for you, think of it as a welcome gift when you wake up"
Arthur shakes in excitement to see the gift "okay so for my second wish I want to be able to absorb any energy and stabilize it no matter how chaotic it is, my third one is to be able to have some shop coins, the fourth one is to be able to change how I look and I don't know maybe protagonist luck for the last one"
The voice is stunned for a second "what that's it? the second one I understand and maybe the fourth one, but the other two are lame and you already have protagonist luck now anyway"
Arthur just shrugs his non-existent shoulders "eh I couldn't think of anything better let's just get on with it now" The voice sighs and waves his hand and a screen appears in Arthur's mind,It's a character customization menu.
Arthur makes it so that he is a 6 feet tall, with a regular but muscular physique, blue and gold eyes that slightly glow and blue green medium length hair, he also put a bright red dragon tattoo on his chest and back.
Arthur looks at the menu and is extremely pleased with what he sees so he presses confirm. The voice then says "so I'm about to send you off what universe do you want to go to" Arthur replies " I want to go to the MCU around the start of iron man"
the voice laughs and claps his hands"Okay we can do that, by the way when you go into the MCU don't freak out when you wake up, open the welcome package and then you'll understand, have fun enjoy you're second life" all arthur can hear is a snap then things go black again.
Author thoughts: so this is my first fanfiction, and I'm just trying it out to see how it goes. I was wondering how should I do the system should it be ( or [ what are you're thoughts on it?