
Chapter 53: Semester Break (2)

~Albus POV~

With that done with I already texted Blake to wait up for me as I went ahead to meet up with Ozpin as I already bought the coordinates to the Merlot Island location is already location as I began to use the elevator.


Entering inside his office was certainly something.

The office of Headmaster Ozpin was situated at the top of Vale's Cross Continental Transmit System, also known as Beacon Tower. As the highest point at Beacon as well as in Vale, it sat high above the clouds and afforded an impressive view of the surrounding area.

Ozpin's chair was positioned to face away from the main room window which was also a large clock The main window behind Ozpin's desk was circular and functioned as a clock face.

The office had two elevators that both featured Ozpin's Emblem above. The elevators lead down to the CCTS terminals, the entrance to the tower, and even lower into the Beacon Vault beneath the school.

Ozpin's office was a circular room in grey-green tones below the tower's tip which housed green spheres, likely the CCTS technology.

The chair, table, walls, and ceiling all featured intricate clockwork mechanisms consisting of many interlocking cogs and gears. Despite Ozpin's desk looking old, it was capable of interfacing with scrolls through touch and could project holograms across the room.

But as I enter inside I didn't expect to see another person there as well.


Blinking in a surprise at this I saw him turn at me as I cleared my voice as I began to talk to them I guess, "Ahem! Sorry if I was interrupting between you two?"

Ironwood shakes his head as Ozpin began to smile if only briefly as he replied to my question, "Why of course not. In fact, we were done talking now then mister Goodwitch what would be my pleasure of the visit?"

Clearing my throat as I was a bit embarrassed by the situation.

But Ironwood's eyes widen a bit surprised by this as he mumbles to himself about my appearance as he spoke to me directly, "Goodwitch? Ah! You must be Glynda's relative huh? Nice to meet you, young man."

As he introduced me I began to talk back but also begin to talk to Ozpin about the island, "Uh… Sure nice to meet you General Ironwood sir. Ozpin I can guess you know about my… living predicament right?"

Ozpin nods at this as he began to get to the point of my issue, "Ah right… I may have forgotten that you have no place to live. Although why not ask Glynda to help you."

That would make it very uncomfortable.

Considering my situation I would very much like to avoid such a scenario.

Shaking my head I began to reason with the old wizard I began to reply to Ozpin about an alternative as I speak, "No thanks, Headmaster. But first I have a request is it possible to own an island?"

Blinking in surprise at the question Ozpin then replies to me with some interest in mind, "Oh. Is that all? Well, I'm afraid that isn't possible Albus. Mostly for the fact they are owned by some regions of the Kingdom."

At this, I gave it some thought till I asked Ozpin again about another way as I spoke, "In that case what if the case that the island in question was isolated and hasn't been part of the kingdoms. Would I be eligible to have the island not owned by the Kingdoms if that were not part with them?"

Ozpin glances at me with some amusement but still replied at the answer I wanted to hear, "If that were the case… then it should be possible if one of the legal heads of the Vale Council or Headmaster agrees to the terms."

Nodding my head at this I then began to reply to Ozpin in a thankful tone, "In that case, Ozpin is it possible to request a Huntsman to help me clear out the island of Grimm if possible?"

Now this time he remained silent as Ironwood was glancing at the conversation as Ozpin was pretty adamant of his answer, "While that is possible… it would require a whole group of them to be available. But… having some huntsman come here to exterminate Grimm-filled island is too risky."

Figured as much.

Ozpin wouldn't want to lose their life if it doesn't value him or risk the lives of others.

In that case, time to play out the trump card. Clearing my voice a bit I then gave Ozpin a reason why as I asked, "I see… In that case, Ozpin would you reconsider if the island in question was occupied by a wanted criminal if that was the case?"

His eyes narrowed a bit before he gestures his hand at me to continue as I began to reply with the info I had in hopes of convincing him, "The reason why I wanted the island is because it's already a functional area ready to be moved in and best for my growth. After all, the island is occupied by a mad Scientist for the main reason and cause for the Down Fall of Mountain Glenn."

Ozpin holds his hand as he began to piece it together who I was referring to.

I mean, after all, he was the reason why the loss of life had happened in Vale watch and Ozpin watch.

Ozpin began to voice his concerns as he narrows his eyes remembering who it was, "Merlot… Is this the person you are referring to Albus?"

Nodding my head I began to show the chart on the map of my Scroll as I managed to show it to Ozpin about it as he thinks about the offer, "Hmm… and you say would you like to request this to a Huntsman to take care of this or… escort mission to this island perhaps?"

Nodding my head again I need this to grind.

After all, Ozpin has been aware of my predicament as I need to level up.

Next, he began to talk to me in a more professional tone of voice as he spoke, "And Albus are you inviting your team members to this or…"

Shaking my head as a no I began to reply who do I have on I began to reply and blurt out Ironwood's secret, "No I only have Blake from team RWBY. But I was hoping to recruit some huntsman for the job along with Blake and maybe the cutie android with a soul Penny along?"


At this Ironwood reacted as he looked shocked as did Ozpin glancing at his friend as he replied with a questioning gaze, "James? What exactly is mister Goodwitch referring to about an android with a soul?"

Now it was James' turn to sweat a bit from Ozpin's gaze about it as he tries to hold off the conversation but then questions me about how I knew, "Uh… sorry Ozpin but I promise to explain this later. But tell me young man how – "

Interrupting the General I began to reply as if it was easy to answer, "I merely knew from her name nothing more."

Ironwood just grew confused but Ozpin grins at this as he began to reply to me about what I meant, "I see that your skills have been improving that much mister Goodwitch? I can see that being in Beacon has done wonders for you yes?"

Again I do have to agree with Ozpin as being in Beacon has been a good choice to come.

Even if my level-ups are restricting but my skills levels up aren't.

Thanks to the Title Teacher has been really been a boon for me to level up my skills.

Ozpin then began to speak to me about the mission at hand returning to the situation as he began to reply, "Now about your request. While it would be bad to have random Huntsman around I would like to personally pick the people to help you. But a question though how will you reward them?"

Now, this was something simple as I replied what it was but not too direct of the answer, "Something that might prove useful to them. But for the time being, I can't say what it is at this time but if you choose people you trust I'll reward them graciously for it."

Ozpin tilts his head as I was dismissed as he began to speak in a curious tone of voice, "Very well young man. I'll be sure to pick the right people for the job. I'll send you the request to Blake and you Scrolls."

Thanking the headmaster I began to return down the elevator as I already knew what I plan to reward the people joining.

That is simple to reward them with a Skill Book of their choice and if it's with who Ozpin trusts then I just will give them a basic but useful skill.

Maybe be cheap but I don't want to reveal all my cards just yet.

Better to prepare for what's to come and after this show of trust, I can then go ahead and tell him about the Maiden mission I have.

For now, I have to prepare for the island fight.

Game on.