
Chapter 52: Semester Break (1)

~Albus POV~



Fucking finally this semester is fucking over.

After the events that followed along with me catching up with my grinding my skills for the longest time here, I was glad this was the end of it.

Penny coming over was a surprise a pleasant one but not a bad one.

Although the near-death rates of my having a normal body would've killed me with Ruby then Penny in that order thank god for Gamer Body people.

Glancing over to professor Bartholomew Oobleck he began to give us a proper farewell towards his class also known as us in a sincere tone, "Welp! Look at the time class I hope you all do well during your semester break. I know you will do a lot in the future, but I hope you take this time to relax and enjoy yourself with your loved ones. Now then gooooood byyyyyyyeeeee!!!!!"


I swear I will never get what that crazy quack is up to these days as I have a hard time understanding that guy.

Seriously though what does he add in his coffee a good dose of cocaine or something or what?




Oobleck Coffee:

You are too weak to know the importance of coffee that comes from the lands of hell that the sweetness but bitterness is too…


The fuck?

Blinking and clearing my eyes from the text shown I checked again to see it return to normal?

Note to self-question what the literal hell do these people use to have that description of their coffees.

Glancing around I see the students are finally leaving for this time as we have only a few weeks off for this glorious time of events.

That was when Nora was especially happy the moment as she grins happily at the news holding Ren, "YIPPIE!!! FINALLY, FREEDOM REN!!!"

Yeah, that would be how I expected it to be…


For that Nora dragged Ren as they have plans during this semester break while I don't have much honestly considering my situation really.

Seeing as the two are gone with a dust cloud of their shapes I asked Pyrrha honestly what is her plans were as I spoke catching her by surprise, "Say Pyrrha what exactly are you doing during semester break? Just asking to be curious."

She grins at this as she clasps her hands together in joy as she began to explain to me what she'll do once she gets back home at Mistral, "Oh! I'm so glad you asked Al I was planning to have some family time with my mother oh but…"

Quickly dismissing her attempts to calm me I waved it off as I have been busy with something other events happening lately as I replied to her happily for her, "That must sound great Pyrrha! I hope everything goes well for you once you get back home. As for me, I have plans of my own to do."

That and plenty of things to do behind the scenes that are going to help me out in the long run of things or so.

But I have some plans I need to be doing like finding myself my own territory for me to use to get the benefits for myself and a place to escape to when volumes 4 through 8 starts.

A Gamer needs his gaming space and remembering a bit wasn't there an island isolated to anyone except for a crazy scientist?

Sounds like grinding time to me~

With SHOP finding the remote would actually be more or less easy just dealing with the Grimm would be the main issue.

Pyrrha looks sad at me remembering what we talked about those few weeks ago in the nurse's room, but I waved it off her as I commented on how she should spend it, "No worries Pyrrha. Just have fun let loose and be yourself. Plus I need to actually find a place to live anyway."

Next was Ruby as she spoke up with her voice raised in my direction quite excitedly, "Really? What place would that be? Somewhere in Patch or Vale?"

Shrugging at her while I raised my finger at my lips I playfully replied to Ruby my question, "Oh nothing much. Just going to find an isolated island to live completely by myself."

Her eyes shined in excitement at that as Pyrrha's eyes widened in surprise.

But I have important behind the plans of the curtain I have to make as it's too important to stop this getting my own territory.

Ruby gets near me as she is excited about a new adventure it seems as she responded to me, "Oh! I so want in to – Ack!"

That was before Yang managed to grab her by her little red hood she smirks at this as replied to me, "Nu-uh Rubes. We promised Dad to come by for semester break. Sorry Albus but you know – "

Holding my hands up I nodded my head at this as I began to reply to Yang's worry as I responded to her concerns, "No worries. I never intended to let Ruby come. I was actually planning to tell Headmaster Ozpin about this issue anyway."

Yang nods at this as she began to take Ruby away as she whines wanting in on the action but fails to get any help, "What! But Yang adventure! Thrills and – Ack!"



She went ahead and silenced Ruby with a bonk on the head…

Truly the most dangerous technique I have ever seen.

Laughing aside seeing the comedic relief I see Weiss and Blake come over to us as Pyrrha stood by me Weiss was the first to ask, "Albus. I see that you are planning to stay in Vale perhaps? How would you like a tour of Atlas? After all, I still owe you for saving us after that horrible… predicament. Would you… like to come with me to Atlas to have a look around during your break?"


I need a place to live and coconuts to drink off of.

Shaking my head to her she looks disappointed as I glanced towards Blake what her plan was I asked curiously, "Say Blake what are your plans are anyway for Spring Break? Planning to meet your folks perhaps? Seems like everyone is doing it."

To my question, she replied with her own with a shake of her head as she began to reply, "No. I… have issues that I caused and don't know how to handle… I was thinking of returning the favor by helping you out. You did risk your life for us I would like to return the favor."


I could always use the eye candy of the Bella booty and some help with Level Ups.

Been busy grinding my Skills and haven't leveled up for a while but I certainly need to see how much I got it down.

Nodding my head I began to stand up as I glanced at Pyrrha's direction as I talked to her declining her offer as I have something else to do, "Sorry Pyrrha but I can't come. Maybe after I get the island and some furniture in order I could. For now, though I can't."

Pyrrha nods her head at this as she began to get up and leave but not before saying to me and Blake along with Weiss leaving, "I see… in that case I hope you do well. Although if you need help don't hesitate to call your friends ok? See yah, Al Dusty."

Nodding at this I waved goodbye to team GRNN for the time being as Blake next to me began to ask the next question, "Ok then what was that about the island you asked earlier? You found a place here in Vale?"

Well sort of.

But shaking my headfirst I began to get my stuff as I replied to Blake with a smirk on my face as she gets her stuff as well, "Kind of…? But the main thing is I need Ozpin's help to get there and I would certainly think he would help. If it means taking down a crazy scientist."

Blake only got confused but I didn't.

A free island and I'm homeless and an evil scientist to take down?

Sign me the hell up for free tax-evading places and machines at the ready!


A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while here have been getting writer's block but still do but having a nice distraction arc during the semester break is nice.

Also New Fanfic in my author named called the "Just Sample Ideas" are out with some previous samples here would like your input about it if I should create it or edit some things out.

Next chapter