A Gameresque Fic based on ASOIAF/GOT and related fandoms. It will contain a few elements of Assassins Creed (Not a crossover fic). Cross-posted in FFN. AU. Worldbuilding Jon Snow gains some help from an unexpected source to help him find his origin and purpose in life. Some characters may appear OOC. Contains elements from the novels and the show.
Jon almost tripped over his own feet when he got out of his room. Wherever his eyes went, he could see the same colored screens (albeit smaller) over people's heads. He was so out of it that he almost knocked down Robb by running into him.
"What's the matter, Snow? Sleep hasn't left you yet?"
Jon wrestled with his focus and tried his best to ignore all those flashing green-red signs. He noticed that like others, Robb had his sign too.
Name: Robb Stark
Title: Lord, Heir to Winterfell
Age: 10 years
Lvl. – 3
Jon stumbled yet again. Robb and he were of the same age; they partake almost the same lessons or same drills in the yard. Then how come Robb's level is higher than his? Was the Champion's System taking the piss at his expense?
He was about to retort when suddenly a chime sounded out of nowhere. Robb was standing there looking increasingly worried that Jon suddenly appeared to become a lackwit.
"Are you feeling okay, Jon?" Robb's sincere tone put a smile on his face.
"Aye, brother. I just seemed to have woken up rather slow this morning."
A snort sounded from behind Jon, Theon was passing them on his way to the Great Hall to break his fast.
"Don't blame this morning, Snow, you are slow all the mornings."
Robb put a hand on Jon's shoulder to stop him, "That's enough, Theon."
He just smirked and continued on his way. Jon noticed Theon's sign above his head.
Name: Theon Greyjoy
Title: Lord (Prince), Heir to Pyke
Age: 15 years
Lvl. – 8
"Don't mind him, brother. Come, let's go break our fast, shall we?" Robb clapped Jon's shoulder.
Jon followed him to the Great Hall, keeping a tight leash on his focus to not be distracted by the signs now hovering above every person's head. The head table was empty save Lord Stark, who was always among the first of the Lord's family to arrive at the Great Hall in the mornings. Jon looked at his sign –
Name: Eddard Stark
Title: Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North
Age: 32 years
Lvl. - ?
Jon was taken aback by the description of Lord Stark's level. How come his level isn't showing? Another chime pinged in his ears, he jolted back to reality, afraid others may have heard the sound. But a glance around assured him that nobody heard anything. He continued to his place and bid morning to the Lord. While eating, he noticed that a mark "!" flashing near his left hand! Pretending to reach for his goblet of milk, Jon touched the mark and a few screens popped up before him.
Growing from the Roots
You are the Gods' Champion. Hence, they have returned you to your most basic level. You are tasked to work hard and build up every aspect of your being to their optimum level. Do not be disheartened by your lack of progress in comparison to others. For you are given the tools to overcome your shortfalls much swifter than the others. Be true to your diligence and perseverance and you will become a legend among men by the Gods' graces. Always remember, Young Champion, Winter is Coming.
Jon let out a small sigh of relief. He was not lacking, he had to prove his mettle. Something he had been doing since the day he realized the meaning of the term "Bastard". He closed his eyes and sent a prayer to the Gods and promised them that he will do all he can to become worthy of the blessing they'd put upon him.
But how to dispel this screen? He couldn't go on waving his hands all the time or people are sure to lock him up in his room. He desperately wished for the screen to "Go Away!" To his immense surprise, that screen blinked out of existence, only for another to take up its place.
Descriptions of characters or items display their most basic information. You are to use the "Observation" skill to garner further and sometimes hidden information about them. Continual use of the skill will power it up which will also affect the Perception attribute and level up the same.
Delighted to learn about that useful skill, Jon dispelled the screen and controlled his focus on Lord Stark while mentally commanding "Observe!" He was rewarded by a much longer description of the man.
Name: Eddard Stark (Ned)
Title: Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, The Quiet Wolf
Age: 32 years
Lvl. - ?
Health: ?
Stamina: ?
Mana: ?
Str: ?
End: ?
Per: ?
Dex: ?
Int: ?
Wil: ?
Cha: ?
Luc: ?
Description: Lord Eddard Stark (Ned) is the second son of Late Lord Rickard and Late Lady Lyarra Stark of Winterfell. He is a formidable warrior with great renown, proved his mettle during King Robert's rebellion and the Greyjoy rebellion. He is wed to Catelyn Stark and raising 5 trueborn children Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon along with his ? ? ?(Jon Snow). His only living sibling Benjen is the First Ranger of the Night's Watch. Eddard Stark is well respected among his subordinate Lords.
Reputation: 65/100
Dispelling the screen Jon let out a small sigh. Again those infernal '?' marks, and what was with the Reputation score, if Lord Stark was revered among his men, why did his reputation scored so low? Jon's musing cut short by a series of pings. Discreetly looking around the table, Jon tried the mental command once again! "Messages"
Obscured Facts!
In your journey, you will come across descriptions which will be hidden from you by the '?' mark. It could mean that you are not yet ready to receive the information or your level is not high enough to see the information. The latter is true when in concern of people much higher level than you. Often, information will become clear when you complete certain quests.
Reputation describes the level of your acceptance with the concerned person. The higher the count, the more the person will have goodwill, trust, friendship, love towards you. The negative count means the concerned person's derision or hatred towards you.
Champion's System
You, the Champion, are the only one to be blessed by the Gods by the way of acquiring the System. Hence, only you'll be privy to the information. No one else shall see the screens or hear the alerts for incoming messages. Fear not, Champion. The System shall take care of you so that you can carry out Gods' will unhindered.
Jon could dance a number; it was too good to be true. Dispelling the latest set of messages he concentrated on his plate when a whirlwind named Arya made her presence known to the mere mortals at the Great Hall. She banged open the doors and ran inside, took a moment to see who else was present, then she took a running jump in his father's arms.
"Morning, Father." Arya chirped happily.
Lord Stark chuckled at his daughter's antics, "Morning, My sweet."
She sprang from his father's arms and latched onto Jon's neck next, "Morning, Brother."
Jon laughed and mussed her hair much to her annoyance, "Morning, Little sister."
She shoved and elbowed Robb aside and took a seat next to Jon. Robb disgruntled looked at her and asked, "What am I? Some unwanted pet? Where is my morning wish?"
Arya blew him a raspberry and retorted, "Aye, that you are, and that's why you don't get any."
"Arya!" Lord Stark's chiding voice rang out and Arya dropped her head, mumbling an apology.
She hugged Robb one-armed and said, "Good morning to you too, stupid."
Lord Stark sighed and shook his head in exasperation. Slowly the other members of the Stark household gathered in the hall. Lady Catelyn came in carrying baby Rickon in her arms, followed by Sansa, a miniature copy of her Lady mother. Bran came in skipping and started to regale everyone about the bird's nest he found on top of some building. Lord and Lady Stark having their conversation in low voice, Sansa feeding Rickon and telling him stories about Knights and Princes, Arya having a debate with Bran about something or other, Robb conspiring about something with Theon…a rather typical morning for the members of the house Stark.
Jon kept his head down and his eyes focused on his plate. A little while later, he chanced a glance and saw that everyone was lost in their little bubbles. He decided to test his Observation skill.
Name: Arya Stark
Title: Lady, Underfoot
Age: 7 years
Lvl. - 3
Health: 30/30
Stamina: 40/40
Mana: 30/30
Str: 1
End: 2
Per: 2
Dex: 4
Int: 2
Wil: 2
Cha: 3
Luc: 2
Description: Arya is the second and younger daughter of Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn Stark. Arya loves her family very much, but her most favourites are her father Lord Eddard and her '?' Jon. Arya wants to become a warrior princess like Princess Nymeria. She hates sewing, stitching, dancing, singing or everything that Sansa loves to do. Arya wants to learn how to wield a sword properly and become a great marksman with a bow.
Reputation: 80/100
Jon had to hide his smirk, that was so typical Arya! He averted his eyes from her.
Name: Robb Stark
Title: Lord, Heir to Winterfell
Age: 10 years
Lvl. - 3
Health: 60/60
Stamina: 65/65
Mana: 40/40
Str: 5
End: 4
Per: 2
Dex: 2
Int: 3
Wil: 4
Cha: 5
Luc: 2
Description: As the eldest male child of Lord and Lady Stark, Robb is the future Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Robb loves all of his siblings and his '?' Jon very much. He idolizes his father and tries to emulate him. Robb's innermost fear is that he will not be as good a Lord as his father. He is afraid of disappointing him. Robb is secretly jealous of the relationship that Jon and Arya have. He wished he could have the same kind of loving brother/sister relationship with Sansa, since Jon and Arya look alike, he hoped their alikeness would make him and Sansa likewise inseparable. But to his dismay, Sansa doesn't care about any of that.
Reputation: 75/100
Reading about Robb's attributes, Jon felt a spike of jealousy surging up. But he suppressed that, he now knew that he could surpass Robb quite easily now. He was surprised to know about Robb's fear though. He always appeared so confident. Jon felt bad about how he saw his and Arya's shenanigans. He cannot approach Sansa and change her ways, but he can surely include Robb when he and Arya next try to do something idiotic. It brought a tear to his eyes to know that Robb thinks so highly about him.
Name: Theon Greyjoy
Title: Lord (Prince), Heir to Pyke
Age: 15 years
Lvl. - 8
Health: 80/80
Stamina: 90/90
Mana: 30/30
Str: 8
End: 7
Per: 5
Dex: 5
Int: 3
Wil: 2
Cha: 6
Luc: 2
Description: Last remaining son of Lord Balon Greyjoy. Theon hated the fact that he had to come to Winterfell whereas his sister Asha was allowed to remain at their home. Theon wants to become a figure that will someday demand respect from his homeland. Theon is quite attached to Robb, he sees him as a young brother. He hates Jon for the basic fact that he is Robb's '?' that Robb loves very much.
Reputation: -20/100
Jon was yet again surprised, who would've thought that Theon hated him because Robb loved him. What kind of weird, crazy thought is that?
Name: Rickon Stark
Title: Lord, Baby
Age: 3 years
Lvl. - 2
Health: 20/20
Stamina: 20/20
Mana: 30/30
Str: 2
End: 2
Per: 1
Dex: 1
Int: 1
Wil: 2
Cha: 3
Luc: 2
Description: As the youngest child of Lord and Lady Stark, Rickon's only goal in life is to have as much fun as he could.
Reputation: 50/100
Jon smiled a little, Baby Rickon indeed.
Name: Sansa Stark
Title: Lady
Age: 9 years
Lvl. - 3
Health: 30/30
Stamina: 30/30
Mana: 40/40
Str: 2
End: 2
Per: 1
Dex: 1
Int: 3
Wil: 2
Cha: 7
Luc: 2
Description: Sansa loves her singing, dancing, silks and laces very much. She dreams about having a love story as great as Florian and Jonquil. She hopes to offer her favour to a dashing prince who is also a brave knight, who will go to war and win accolades. The prince of her dreams often looks like Jon, that's why she always pretended to be the Princess of the Tower whenever they played in their childhood so Jon could rescue her. Although, her mother forbade her to do so anymore saying that Jon was a bastard. She still doesn't understand it quite clearly, she just wants to please her mother. She loves all her siblings, except mayhaps Arya.
Reputation: 20/100
Jon nearly spat out the mouthful of milk he just drank. It was true that it hurt Jon when Sansa stopped playing with them and snootily said that she wasn't supposed to play with a bastard. He realized it correctly that Lady Stark made her stop playing with them. Jon made a promise to himself that he will try to protect Sansa in real.
Name: Brandon Stark
Title: Lord
Age: 5 years
Lvl. - 2
Health: 30/30
Stamina: 45/45
Mana: 60/60
Str: 3
End: 3
Per: 4
Dex: 3
Int: 4
Wil: 4
Cha: 5
Luc: 2
Description: Bran just want to be free. He doesn't like the stuffy lessons his parents make him take from the Maester. He wants to climb the tallest towers to watch the birds fly. He wants to travel far in the world. His deepest desire is to become a fearsome and renowned knight of the realm like Ser Arthur Dayne or Ser Barristan Selmy. He thinks Robb and Jon are the best big brother/ '?' anyone can ever have.
Reputation: 70/100
Jon was glad that Bran thinks that about him. He will have to teach him the way of swords the next year when he would start his training in the yard.
Name: Catelyn Stark (Tully)
Title: Lady of Winterfell
Age: 26 years
Lvl. - ?
Health: ?
Stamina: ?
Mana: ?
Str: ?
End: ?
Per: ?
Dex: ?
Int: ?
Wil: ?
Cha: ?
Luc: ?
Description: Family, Duty, Honour! Lady Stark tried to live by her house words all her life. She had been a dutiful wife since she wed to Eddard Stark. Though it was true that she loved her original betrothed Brandon the Wild Wolf very much, she came to love her husband, the Quiet Wolf. After a decade of blissful married life, she had gifted her husband five healthy and beautiful children. Her only complaint is her husband's '?' Jon Snow. She fears that someday the boy's mother will come back and her husband will set her aside for her. She doesn't know who that woman was, and she also knows that she cannot condemn a child for their parents' deeds, still, her fear for that unknown woman stops her from showing any shred of affection towards the boy.
Reputation: -40/100
Jon wanted to shout at her that her fear was baseless. If his mother ever showed up, he will persuade her to leave again, both mother and son would leave Winterfell behind and try their luck out in the vast world. Winterfell belonged to his brother Robb. He would never do that to him. Morosely he finished his meal and excused himself from the table. As he was leaving, he could hear the derisive sniff from Lady Stark. Head bowed down, he left the hall. Just who was his mother? Why wouldn't Lord Stark tell him about her? Was she even alive? He discreetly tried to wipe his tears when he heard the tell-tale ping of another alert. Absent-minded he brought up the screen.
Quest Alert!
Find out about the identities of your parent!
Reward: ?
Failure: You will never learn their identities.
Accept: Y / N
Determination surged through Jon. He accepted the quest, he will find about his mother even if it was the last thing he did. With renewed vigour, he made his way out to the practice yard.
"Ah, Snow. Finally decided to show your face, have you?" A voice boomed from the yard.
Startled out of his reverie, Jon looked around to find Ser Rodrick Cassel striding towards him.
Name: Ser Rodrick Cassel
Title: Master-at-arms of Winterfell
Lvl. - ?
"What are you standing there for, boy? You are late for your session. For that, you will run around the yard ten times and I will not hear any complaints from you…is that clear?" Ser Rodrick thundered.
"Yes, Sir!" Jon squeaked out.
"What are you waiting for then? GO!"
Jon went, very quickly. After the fifth circle around the yard, his muscles started to protest. He stopped to catch his breath but another roar came from Ser Rodrick made him jump and continue. The Health, Stamina and Mana Bars flashed into existence at the top-left corner of his view. He could see that his stamina was draining rapidly. He tried to ignore it and continued to run. His legs felt like they were tied with the biggest boulder anyone could find. His lungs felt like the bellows in Mikken's forge. His heart was beating so fast that he was afraid that it will come ripping out of his chest. With the last ounce of his strength, he crossed the yard mark from where he started his run and collapsed on the ground. Mud and water sprayed all around from his fall. He could hear the chuckling of the guards who were also present at the training yard to sharpen their skill. But Jon didn't care. He was just glad to lay there. Mayhaps they will allow him to lie there quietly and die.
That infernal alert again. Grumbling, Jon slowly raised his head to bring out the screen.
Quest Complete!
A stroll around the yard!
Run ten circles around the Practice Yard!
Reward: +5 Reputation with Ser Rodrick Cassel
10 exp
+1 End
+1 Wil
What in the name of Seven Hells?! When did he accept that quest? And that was a stroll? He would hate to see a rigorous run then. Wiping his face off the mud, he gingerly got to his feet.
"Had a nice, little nap there, Snow? That'll teach you to not come down to practice late, boy. Now go and get ready at the armoury!" Barked Ser Rodrick.
Jon limped on his way towards the armoury. He spotted Robb and Theon coming down towards the yard laughing and japing. Another boom sounded from Ser Rodrick. Snickering about their fate, Jon started to put on the practice armours. While taking up the leather arm bracers, he thought that he had to get the mysterious bracers off his hands, but to his surprise, the bracers morphed and became leather wristbands.
Sighing, Jon brought out the message screen again.
Champion's Bracers!
These are magical devices. They will act as indestructible bracers in their normal form with a few surprises. When the Champion, that means you, needs to put on other armours, they will morph into leather wristbands and will again retain their form when the armours are off.
That was quite helpful, wondered Jon. He finished putting on his armours and chose a suitable blade. He always preferred hand and a half bastard swords or long swords to greatswords. The sword and shield combination or only sword fitted well with his style of fighting. He was fleet on his feet, he used his speed and flurry of attacks to overwhelm his opponents.
Coming out of the armoury, he couldn't help but snort when he saw Robb and Theon struggling to run circles around the yard. Seeing the smirk on his face, Robb shot him a poisonous glare and Theon sneered at him and showed him the bird.
"Stop dallying, Snow! We are not getting any younger here!" Barked the Master.
Jon ran into the yard and took his stance. "Good, go through your basic stances for 20 counts, then practice the swings you were taught on the straw dummy. Get on with it!"
Quest Alert!
Sword of the North: Part 1
Practice the basic stances for 20 counts
Swing the proper way at the dummy
Last 5 minutes with your sparring partner
Bonus Objective: Swing the proper way at the dummy for the same amount of time with your non-sword arm
Beat your sparring partner
Reward: ?
40 exp
Accept: Y / N
The bonus objective amazed Jon, swinging the sword with his left arm? If he can manage to properly do that, he will be slowly able to build up enough strength in his left arm to use it in a battle. Mayhaps he will even be able to dual wield like Ser Arthur. He was determined to achieve the objectives of this quest.
Jon took special care when he was performing his basic stances. He managed to do the stances twice, once as a right-handed swordsman, next, as a left-handed one. After completing the stances, he took to the dummy. The world soon fell out of his notice, it was only him, his sword and the dummy. He kept swinging at the dummy, trying out all the combos Ser Rodrick taught him. When he finished his moves by thrusting the blade deep in the dummy's belly. He took a step back and had a deep breath. Again, he started to swing the sword, this time, with his left hand. His arm began to tire as he never before used it to swing the sword. But Jon was determined that he will finish the combo. He gritted his teeth and carried on, swinging the sword as accurately as he could by his non-dominant hand, finishing it again with a thrust.
Jon bent over with his hands over his knees, taking in large gulps of air. His left arm felt like it will fall off from his shoulder. Sweat ran freely from his brow, his tunic clinging to his body. He shook his head and stood back up. Jon looked around the yard to find Robb and Theon had finished their run by then and were going through their stances. He looked for Ser Rodrick to find the man was staring at him intently. He looked down to the ground as he approached him.
"Who told you to swing with your non-sword arm, boy?"
"No one, Ser, I thought if I practice enough, I could mayhaps use both my arms."
"And the stances…"
"I did them twice, once as a right-handed. Then next as a left-handed."
Ser Rodrick grunted in reply. He kept peering at Jon with narrowed eyes. Jon started to get worried about what could he possibly had done wrong.
"Are you ready for your spar then, lad?" The gruff but kind tone shocked Jon. He expected harsh rebuking for deriving from his given orders.
"Aye, Ser, I am ready for it."
"Good. Lord Robb, enough with your stances, get ready for a spar!" Robb beamed at the order. Rodrick turned to Jon, "Go and have a drink of water, lad. Then come to the spar." Jon nodded and made his way towards the well. He gulped down the ice-cold water and poured a little on his head. It revitalized him. He turned this way and that to pop his joints then strode towards the yard again.
Robb was already there standing ready for him. Seeing Jon he smirked, "Ready to get beaten again, Snow?"
Jon replied with his smirk, "You may get surprised, Stark." He could hear Theon trying to put a bet on the outcome of the spar. Well, if the squid loses money, all the better – thought Jon.
They began to circle each other, both trying to find a gap in the other's defence. Robb with a sword and a buckler, Jon only a sword gripped in both hands. Predictably it was Robb who lost his patience and charged Jon. He nimbly sidestepped the strike and lashed out with his own. Robb caught it on his buckler and made a slash at Jon's midsection. He took a step back and to the side only to lunge at his legs. Robb brought his buckler down to guard but it was a feint, Jon's next attack was towards his unprotected chest. Robb barely brought his sword around to parry the attack. They began to circle again. This time it was Jon who rushed on, with a flurry of swings and slashes he had Robb on the back foot like the previous day. Only the buckler in Robb's arm prolonged the bout. They exchanged blows after blows. Robb with all the strength he could muster, Jon with the speed that belied his age. He evaded most of Robb's attacks rather than meeting them head-on which frustrated him greatly and he started to make mistakes. This was the moment Jon was waiting for, he concentrated harder on Robb's movements, one more mistake will declare the outcome of the bout. And the inevitable happened a couple of moments later. Jon allowed a gap to form which Robb was desperate to take advantage of. He overextended his lunge to put an end to the fight, only for Jon to lock his arm with his right arm while swinging the sword with his left and held it at Robb's neck.
"Yield?" He was breathing hard.
"Aye. I yield!" Robb's breathing too was coming short.
There was a splattering of applauds around the yard. They looked around to find the spectators that thronged the yard are cheering for them both. Jon looked up to see Lord Stark standing there with a smile on his face. He nodded at him once which caused Jon's face to split in a huge smile. Beside him stood Lady Stark scowling down at him. Jon averted his gaze and offered his hand at Robb.
"Good bout, Stark."
"Seven Hells, Jon, what was with that move?"
Jon rubbed his neck, "Just something I thought at the hit of the moment."
Robb barked a loud laugh, "If you continue to pull moves like that out of your arse, I'll have to get a hell lot better, and soon enough."
Jon Smirked, "Aye, give a chance to Greyjoy to win his money back."
They turned to look at Theon thrusting a bag of coins to a guard's hand and storming off the yard. They looked back at each other and bent down laughing.
Quest Complete!
Sword of the North: Part 1
Reward: Sword Skill +50
+1 Str
5 Gold Dragons
40 exp