
A Champion’s World

Jon opened his eyes with a groan. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the residual sleep when he felt something unusual on his forearm. Opening his eyes, he looked closely at his arm. He sprang upward with a fast-beating heart. His eyes bulged out of their sockets when he saw the vambraces from last night still on his forearms. He thought them to be a dream and pinched himself, only to yelp from the pain that caused. He tentatively rubbed his right index finger on the left arm bracer. Suddenly, another greenish screen appeared in front of him, with the same red letterings –

Welcome, Champion!

You have slept in your bed, it restored your Health, Stamina, Mana to their maximum. Whatever ailments you may have suffered are nullified.

Continue to Champion's Character Screen?

Yes / No

Jon couldn't understand what in the Seven Hells is happening. He tried to remove the bracers from his arms, but couldn't budge them. Due to his uncontrolled flailing of arms, his fingers brushed through the word "Yes" and another screen popped up removing the previous one.

Champion's Character Screen

Name: ???????? ?????????(Jon Snow)

Of House(s): ????????? / Stark

Age: 10 years

Description: ???????? ?????????(Jon Snow) is the son of ??????? and ?????? ?????????. Currently, he is known as the bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark or the Bastard of Winterfell.

Lvl: 1

Exp: 0/100

Health: 50/50

Stamina: 50/50

Mana: 50/50

Str: 2 (How strong you are in regards to how hard you can hit, and how well you can block)

End: 2 (Endurance refers to how much damage you can take. Per End point adds 10 Health points)

Per: 2 (Perception is your ability to see, hear, taste or notice unusual things)

Dex: 2 (Dexterity is coordination and the ability to move well whether it is on your feet or how good you are with your hands)

Int: 1 (Knowledge, Wisdom and the ability to think quickly)

Wil: 2 (Willpower affects your overall Stamina and Mana count. How long can you keep going before you tire yourself out. Per Wil point adds 10 Mana and 5 Stamina points respectively)

Cha: -2* (Charisma refers to how charming you are. Also, it affects how others think of you)

Luc: 1 (Your overall Luck)

UAP* (10)

*(UAP – Undistributed Attribute Points)

Title: Bastard of Winterfell

Traits: Wolfblood: Blood of the First Men runs through your veins. You can become a powerful warg, or as the Free Folk beyond the Wall calls it, a Skinchanger. Greenseer ability could also be possible for someone of your bloodline. You are normally resistant to Cold.

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Perks – (1) Champion's Mind: As a Champion chosen by the Gods to avert worldwide disaster, you have been granted the Champion's Mind perk. Which means you will always be in control of your mental state. Outside influences like Battle Lust may affect you for the duration, but you will always be responsible for your actions.

(2) Champion's Body: As a Champion chosen by the Gods to avert worldwide disaster, you have been granted the Champion's Body perk. This means you will heal faster than normal, any negative effect like poisoning, alcohol, or possession will not affect you in long term. You will be automatically restored to your optimum physical self after a good night's rest.

(3) Bastardry: This perk enables you to become closer to the lowborn much quickly as they see you as one of their own but at the cost of derision and disdain from the highborn. Also, while this perk is active, your Cha attribute may suffer a negative effect.

Current Attribute Loss: -4 Cha*

Perk Points (2)

Available Perks:

*Sword Proficiency: As the Title described, you become proficient in wielding a sword. As you continue to practice and grow confident, you will unlock further improvements of this category.

Cost: 1 perk point

*Bow Proficiency: As the Title described, you become proficient using a bow. As you continue to practice and grow confident, you will unlock further improvements of this category.

Cost: 1 perk point

*Centaur: How good are you handling a horse. Are you good enough to be known as a half-horse, half-human? This perk helps your overall handling of horses be it for a leisurely ride, jousting or battle. The horse and human almost become as one.

Cost: 1 perk point

*Warg: You are the blood of the First Men. You can share the mind and body of your chosen companion (s). But beware, if your mental fortitude is low, the beast may take over (Renders Null due to Champion's Mind perk)

Cost: 1 perk point

*(You will earn 2 perk points per 2 levels. As you progress your character, more perks will become available to you. Warning – Higher level perks will cost considerably higher)

** The ? is shown because certain information will be available to you as you progress towards your eligibility, or they can be unlocked by completing quests.

Continue to Skill Screen?

Yes / No

Jon sat there dumbfounded. He couldn't understand what exactly is going on! What is with all these descriptions? Why are there question marks at his name or rather his parents' name? What was he supposed to do with this? Undecided for now, he reached out and touched the "Yes" word again. Like before, another screen popped up in the space of the previous one.

Champion's Skill Screen

Skill: Martial

Sub: Sword (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Bow (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Club (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Strategy (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Leadership (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Horse Riding (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Hunting (Lvl. 1 10/100)

*The more you study or practice a Martial skill, the higher your level will grow and may eventually evolve to more rewarding skillsets

Skill: Social

Sub: Orator (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Singer (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Dancer (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Conversationalist (Lvl. 1 10/100)

*The more you practice a Social skill, the higher level you will achieve and may eventually evolve to more rewarding skillsets

Skill: Scholar

Sub: Language

Old Tongue (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Common Tongue (Lvl. 2 10/100)

Valyrian (Lvl. 1 0/100)


Smithy (Lvl 1 0/100)

Agriculture (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Herbalist (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Alchemy (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Biology (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Bestiary (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Economy (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Politics (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Magica (Lvl. 1 0/100)

*The more you study a Scholar skill, the higher your level will grow, and may even help you in other aspects of your life

Skill: Intrigue

Sub: Sneak (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Pick-Pocket (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Lock-Pick (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Tracking (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Subterfuge (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Blending (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Lying (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Observation (Lvl. 1 0/100)

*The more you practice an Intrigue skill, the higher your level will grow, and may even evolve into much higher rewarding skillsets or become essentials in other aspects of your life

Continue to Inventory Screen?

Yes / No

Again, everything went over Jon's poor head. He didn't understand a single thing of whatever those screens were trying to say to him. He even felt a little bad for himself by the abysmal state of his attributes and skillsets. With a morose sigh, he chose "Yes".

Champion's Inventory Screen

Here Jon almost fell off his bed. The Screen that was now open in front of him showed a miniature version of himself. It was wearing the same clothes he had on. Around his (avatar?!) there were empty slots. Those were empty at this moment but Jon could see obscure imprints in those slots like they are telling what are those slots are to be used for. Like the ones immediately to his left and right side, the one on right had an imprint of a sword, crisscrossed with an axe, also there was a morning star perpendicular to the cross. The left side slot had an imprint of a shield, above it, an image of a bow could be seen. The one around his head had an image of a helm, below that one, there was an image of a locket/necklace in that slot. The one beside his torso had an imprint of armour. The slots beside his hands showed images of gauntlets. Jon thought they would show the vambrace he already had on, but those appear to be his normal attire. He couldn't understand that. There were slots for two rings, a belt/cummerbund, breeches and boots. At the rightmost side of his avatar, there were a bunch of empty slots stacked in rows. The bottom-most row showed one single gold coin beside the words 5 Gold Dragons 10 Silver Stags 30 Copper Stars. That was the same amount of money Jon currently had. Astonished, he sat there thinking what to do now. His mind kept going back to his character screen for some reason. He muttered the word "Character" and what do you know, the said screen appeared.

Jon took a close look at every aspect of the screen. His attributes are quite low for his liking. He thought he needed to get them up, but how to do that. He touched the word "End" experimentally, and the value of it went up 1 point. Delighted, he started to distribute the rest of the 9 AP. He put 1 each to Str, Dex, and Int. From the remaining 6 points, he put 2 to Wil, 2 to Cha and 1 to Luc and 1 to Per. He felt quite happy with his decisions. Next came perks. The Champion's Mind and Body perks were very helpful. But which of the new perks to select? They are all looking very useful. After pondering for a long time, Jon decided to select Sword Proficiency and Bow Proficiency for now. Happy with his choices, he selected "Apply Changes". Now his character screen looked like this –

Champion's Character Screen

Name: ???????? ?????????(Jon Snow)

Of House(s): ????????? / Stark

Age: 10 years

Description: ???????? ?????????(Jon Snow) is the son of ??????? and ?????? ?????????. Currently, he is known as the bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark or the Bastard of Winterfell.

Lvl: 1

Exp: 0/100

Health: 60/60

Stamina: 60/60

Mana: 70/70

Str: 3

End: 3

Per: 3

Dex: 3

Int: 2

Wil: 4

Cha: 0

Luc: 2

UAP (0)

Title: Bastard of Winterfell

Traits: Wolfblood: Blood of the First Men runs through your veins. You can become a powerful warg, or as the Free Folk beyond the Wall calls it, a Skinchanger. Greenseer ability could also be possible for someone of your bloodline. You are normally resistant to Cold.

??????????? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Perks – (1) Champion's Mind

(2) Champion's Body

(3) Bastardry

Current Attribute Loss: -4 Cha*

(4) Sword Proficiency

(5) Bow Proficiency

On his Skill screen, the Sword and Bow skills had also changed status –

Sword (Lvl. 2 40/100)

Bow (Lvl. 2 40/100)

Jon thought, without the perks he was at Level 1 with 10 out of 100 skill efficiency, and he was faring better than Robb. After applying the perks, he just got somewhat better than his previous status, which he was sure that he could have achieved by diligent practice. He could've bought the Warg perk instead of wasting the perk points on Sword and Bow proficiency. He decided that he had to be very careful with his choices. Although what he was doing still eluded him. He felt he needed to be prepared for any outcome from these bizarre happenings.

His musings cut short by a series of knocks on his door. He could hear Robb yelling for him to get up. Jon waved his hand through the screen to try and dispel it somehow. To his enormous relief, the screen dissipated into nothing the moment his hand streaked through it. He took a deep breath and said to himself, "Alright Snow, Let's go and face the world."